Weight Loss Program... - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 01-25-2006, 10:16 PM   #1
Southwick Herps
Weight Loss Program...

I decided I wanted to go out for highschool wrestling next winter... And, well Im not where I want to be..
I want to try and take the 171lb class. Problem is, Im 213. I know I can lose the weight.. I only need to lose 5lbs a month until wrestling starts, which should be no problemo if I can stick to my diet/excersize routine.
Thing is, I wanted to use Xyience NOX CG3, and was wondering if anyone could give me any information about this..
Pros/cons.. Does it help? Should I use it?
Thanks all,
Old 02-02-2006, 05:05 PM   #2
michael..i dont know about Xyience..but i know about something called Tahitian Noni Juice..its AWESOME..it helps with everything from headaches..to cancer..to more energy..etc. and it helps with weightloss also...check out my website....www.tni.com/ranajamil..hope it works out for you....its a fruit found in tahiti..also..there is a conference call every monday at 6:50 pm..my time..i live in LA,california..its 25 minutes long..and these people are professionals with 100% accurate information..the number is...347-534-1701 guest code 8822#....if you have any further questions..feel free to email me at ladyserpent7@aol.com or contact me (818)243-5225...hope it works out for you...my name is Rana Jamil
Old 02-02-2006, 05:40 PM   #3
Mister Internet

Try to ignore all the fad diet and weight-loss pills... they may or may not be effective, but they ARE mostly targeted towards people that are severely overweight or older/slower metabolisms. You're still quite young, so I wouldn't worry too much about supplements... if you just watch your diet (yes, eating less calories than you burn is still the ONLY way to lose weight) and exercise consistently, the weight will come off. IMO, messing with supplements at your age is probably counterproductive... you should be using this as an opportunity to build lifelong workout and eating habits instead.

And feel free to automatically ignore anyone who immediately pimps their MLM website as well... that's just tacky.
Old 02-02-2006, 05:50 PM   #4
give me a break tom... that wasnt the point..first of all...second of all...its not a fad...and it isnt designed for only older people or whatever youre talking about....its an all natural juice made from a fruit...and it helps make a person healthier...so before you stomp all over what youre ignorant about...i suggest you do your own research...and by the way michael..you dont have to go to my website..just go to the main one...tni.com...oh and when you study it yourself..you can comment
Old 02-02-2006, 05:51 PM   #5
oh and when you study it yourself..you can comment [/quote]

that was meant for tom
Old 02-03-2006, 12:14 AM   #6
Mike, I agree with Tom in so far as burning more calories than you consume is still the only way to lose pounds (darn it!) A good supplement or multivitamin can help keep you healthy during that process, though. The product you are asking about I thought was to target the body into converting that flab into muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so that is something you may want to think about.

As far as the Noni juice, I know folks who love the stuff, although they don't claim to cure anything with it, they just drink it because it's "cool" I think. I'm fairly certain it won't hurt you though, heck it may even taste good! It is hard to find things that are good for you that actually taste good, so that would be a plus!

I don't think Rana was trying to "pimp" her website so much as she believes in this product and is excited to share it. I've done the same thing myself...y'know with those pesky snakes and such!

Thanks for the link, Rana, now I'll have to try that stuff!
Old 02-03-2006, 01:17 AM   #7
youre welcome...yah..i really do love this product..i have trouble sleeping at night and i have no energy in the day because of it..and when i took this juice i saw that it really helped..and i dont believe in ANYTHING like that..so it was a real shock to me...also, i dont like to take or use anything without doing a whole lotta research and ive been doing so, and ive even been to seminars and they teach you ALL the science behind the fruit...the word noni actually means gift of god....at the seminar they were giving experiences and this one experience almost brought me to tears....there was this one lady that had cancer, and before she was on the chemo, she took noni juice..but she took a lot of it..like 4 oz. a day...anyway..she went back to her doctor after a week and half..(and btw. chemo doesnt only make you lose hair..it damages everything) so her doctor was like.."you know, i have to ask you..ive been looking at your nails and theyre looking healthy, and your hair is not falling out and it should because youre on chemo..and shes like..well im taking noni juice..and the doctor got really exited about that because his wife had cancer..so he started doing all these studies about it...that experience is what made me a believer...as for mike..i think it could help him because it gives you more energy and balances your system out..and that helps with metabolism control...so thats why i suggested it. oh, and it tastes like a bitter, dry wine..its nothing like ive ever tasted..to be honest i didnt like the taste much..but because it helped me out, i didnt care..i just take it like a shot, and it doesnt grose me out.
Old 02-03-2006, 01:50 AM   #8
Well, shoot! Another thing that's good for you and tastes like...Well you know. Figures!

You're a bad girl, Rana. Now I'm going to have to read your website link- Like I don't have enough to do!
Old 02-03-2006, 02:31 AM   #9
hey, im just trying to do my job...saving the world,,,one person at a time...haha...i was reading your profile...your a vet. assistant....i already admire you..thats what i was going to do..i love working with animals...its my ultimate passion...i got offered a job at a pet hospital once, but i had to turn it down because it was going to take way too much of my time and i wouldnt have time for more important things first..like my volunteer work..which comes first in my life...but im happy now because i still get to work with animals....and you wont believe how!!!! they have noni juice for pets now..horses, dogs, and cats....its the most awesome thing...one of my friends..her dog had a tumor..and she made him drink some noni..and when he went to the vet..he was as healthy as a puppy..and my other friend..her dog had i think it was a kidney problem, or a depression problem...anyway...her dad drinks noni..and she used to secretly take his noni juice and pour some for her dog,,and one day, they were walking him and the dads like.....Daisys looking really energetic today..she keeps on wanting to play and jump around...mind you she an older dog...and then the daughter confessed to her dad that she was sneaking his noni to the dog..isnt that hilarious...one more thing..i was thinking about when you said you know people that take it...make sure theyre taking the real thing..cuz there is what we call "phony nonis" out there in supermarkets and wholefood stores...but they dont really work..the only have 10% noni juice in them..and some of them dont even have that..its just a powder formula..and the reason it doesnt work when its a powder formula is because the enzyme has to live to work..the protein..and it doesnt live when its processed like that..so just make sure and ask them where they bought it from..
Old 02-03-2006, 02:32 AM   #10
vet tech..not assistant

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