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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 04-27-2008, 08:06 PM   #1
Great Lakes Reptiles
The Humane Society soled me out!

I found out were a horse was being kept in the most horrible conditions

Old 04-27-2008, 08:08 PM   #2
Great Lakes Reptiles

Old 04-27-2008, 08:10 PM   #3
Great Lakes Reptiles
Animal welfare officials seize horse
Posted 1 day ago
A horse seized by Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) officers is recovering under the care of a veterinarian.

Welland and District Humane Society manager Ted Bettle said he couldn't discuss details of the horse, seized from a farm on Ridge Road early Thursday evening.

"It's an ongoing investigation," he said.

Bettle said it took SPCA officers a few days before they could take the horse into custody, because they had to follow protocol with the owner.

"For the benefit of the horse it was removed (Thursday) evening. And the report this morning is it's doing pretty good," he said Friday. Bettle said he couldn't discuss the condition of the animal when SPCA officers seized it because that information will be included in the investigator's report.

Asked if charges could be laid against the animal's owners, Bettle said, "That's always possible" pending the outcome of an investigation.
Old 04-27-2008, 08:16 PM   #4
Great Lakes Reptiles
Copy and paste

The horse is saved but im the bad guy now!?... there are a few individuals that would really like me to keep my big moth shut including the Welland HS!!! the "Humane Society" were the ones that let it leak to the horse owner that this thread even existed!! and now that they have my identity they'd like to have the Police involved and have me charged. now that "the crap has hit the fan" it seems that i have become the bad guy to a few people as well, including family!!!! So now that the heat is on, some people would just like to stick their heads in the sand and wish everything would just go away. even my own wife is acting a little funny!

The bottom line is I should have never called the humane society! at first they had know intention of removing the horse immediately (red tape I guess) I should have just contacted one of the rescues instead and it would have saved a lot of drama.

PS funny how easily some people forget about the horse and only worry about themselves!

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and now im being harassed by threatening phone calls!
Old 04-27-2008, 08:24 PM   #5
Great Lakes Reptiles
that horse has been stuck in that shack since the end of November and has never been let out!!!
Old 04-28-2008, 01:35 AM   #6
It's sad, but it comes with the territory. Been there done that. I don't know what the heck they would be charging you with? Tresspass? Pftht. You did what needed to be done for the sake of the animal.....people don't see the pictures of what the animal actually looked like, and hear the BS side of the story, and get mad at you. Pictures can be leaked to the media too, they'd probably eat them up.

Calling a rescue wouldn't have done any better than the HS, I don't think....there are almost always legal/red tape issues unless the owner is willing to surrender. Usually a wait of a few days is required.

But yeah, the owner's story is BS, it takes a long time for a horse to get to that stage of skinny. Regardless of what they claim caused the weight loss, it should have been taken care of LONG before reaching that point. If it couldn't be treated, the animal should have been humanely euthanized, IMO.

And there's no way in hell that those tarps and some of that scrap wood and such were just recently put up due to "renovations" can see how weathered and beaten it is.

You did right. Take comfort in that, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Old 04-28-2008, 04:58 AM   #7
Dennis Hultman
It's sad, but it comes with the territory. Been there done that. I don't know what the heck they would be charging you with? Tresspass? Pftht. You did what needed to be done for the sake of the animal.
I read the links and I respectfully disagree with the above part of Cat's post.

It really is horrible the condition of the horse.

I'm curious though Bill, you stated on the thread over there that the horse had been locked in that, whatever it is since December and here you stated November. I'm curious to know how you know that? You entered this property twice and you have made very direct statements that it was never let out.

Your first post stated you discovered the horse four or five days ago. You then were advised to not trespass on the property to go back and get the pictures but to get what you could from off the property. Obviously you went right on their property and entered the structure.
The others in that thread recommending breaking parts of the property to free the horse.

I agree, that horse is in sad shape and to abuse an animal is cruel but when and where do individuals lose their rights?

This post isn't going to win me any points but it's something I feel strongly about so I'm going to go down that road anyway. All of us care about our animals and respect them and is, in part, the reason we are here. We don't like to see abuse. I don't know much about Canadian rights or history so my perspective is American as can be.

Your first post.

Apr 22, 2008
I had my dog out in the country today( im not saying where at this point) he went on to someones property, i followed the place was so disgusting it was like a junkyard but it wasn't it was someones home! a filthy mess im not exaggerating only pics could describe the filth!!!

I came across a shack with a horse in it that looked like it belonged in a threedworld Country it was falling apart, when I say falling apart that's an understatement! there were holes everywhere! the roof was patched with tarps that were torn to sheds, the walls patched with chipboard that the horse was chewing through. it was unreal you had to see it to believe what im telling you

So you entered someones property made a judgment call on the people that lived their based on your visual inspection of their home and decided they were beneath you. You were "out in the country" as you stated. This area wasn't your home. You were a guest to the area. I gather from the thread that it is a poor farming area that you were a visitor in. Anyway, while trespassing on their property you located a shack and found the horse in sad condition.

The horse shouldn't have been in the condition it was. You shouldn't have been on their property. Regardless of what you found, I have a hard time separating those issues.

I don't live in the country but I have relatives that do live in very poor farming areas. Our standards of living are different but they are still entitled to basic rights of their land and home.

That stated, it appears the horse was being neglected. I care for my animals
and don't like to see neglect or abuse.

My opinion would be the same if you were a PETA nut that entered a testing facility to free rats, monkeys and cats. I may not agree with everything that transpires and more humane methods may need to be found but you don't have a right to destroy their property just as you do not have a right to enter this persons land. That goes for your dog too.

You have a right to disagree with someone wearing a fur coat but you don't have a right to throw paint on it.

You have a right to look down your nose at someone living on a poor farm but you have no right to violate their home and property.

Anyone can have the right to ignorantly believe that we should not keep snakes. They can believe if they choose that racks and bins are cruel to keep snakes and rats in. But, if you come on to my property to take pictures of rats in the barn or snakes in the racks or enter my home or property without permission, I should have every right to put you and your dog down.

I guess, I can separate the issues. You have every right to report something you believe is wrong. If I see an animal being severally mistreated, I would do what my conscience dictates. I would also defend my property rights, Cathy's and yours even if you lived in a junkyard.
Old 04-28-2008, 05:26 AM   #8
Dennis Hultman
The barn is just an example. I don't have one.
Old 04-28-2008, 08:47 AM   #9
Dennis, I don't know what the laws are where you are or in Canada but in Michigan you would only be trespassing if the land is clearly posted "No Trespassing". You are allowed access to unposted land and then would be trespassing only if you were told to leave by the owner and refused to leave. It may well be the same in Canada.
Old 04-28-2008, 09:47 AM   #10
Great Lakes Reptiles
That was no farm! its just house on about an acre of land. it was more junkyard then anything else. the neighbors told me the horse has been locked up like that since the end of November beginning on December. and there was not one no trespassing sine, but there is now.

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