Sunshine Cages," A HOLY NIGHTMARE" - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-17-2005, 12:26 AM   #1
Sunshine Cages," A HOLY NIGHTMARE"

"Warning, this will be long", So grab a cold one and settle in. I want to just tell the facts that were sent via e-mail so nothing gets distorted. As soon as I posted on the Terri Somalla thread tonight, I received a E-mail from Bruce pretty much telling me I probably won't get my $995.00 back for these broken cages, So I have nothing to lose in telling this. I told Brandon I was going to wait until the 17th to post,(so I'm a few minutes early) but when I saw Bruce telling everyone,over and over, how honest and moral he is on the Terri thread, I had to jump in a day early. And I would like to note that Brandon at DragonsbyNature has been the go between through most of this, and I would like to commend him for sticking with this issue and trying to resolve it. Brandon, you are the best that us in the herp world could ever ask for in a breeder, honest to a tee, quality dragons, and the manners of a saint..Thank you very much for everything, Brandon.

My post on the Terri Somella thread....
"We do Claim to have high Morals, high Integrity, and honety In Ten years we have had less than 5 issues, and we believe we resolve all of them to the customers satisfaction, or certainly did our best to."

Bruce, How about resolving my issues ? Remember, broken cages, broken promises, misleading info, unprofessional interactions. Remember way back in Nov. when I ordered 3 cages, and to this day I am still trying trying to recoup my $$. I know this is not the thread to start this, so I will start a new thread, and tell a very interesting story about Sunshine cages, Bruce and Sam, and broken cages. Stay tuned....Jean Hubert

Bruces e-mail shortly after this post,

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Feb 16, 2005 9:21:23 PM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Re: Can I please have an update on refund

what commitment did i not honor, that I got broken cages that I spent amost $1000 on, get real...I suggest you go back through the e-mail's and see all your broken promises..I will post this on the Boi, and I will contact Visa and Paypal.You have my money and I have one lopsided cage..seem fair?
On Wednesday, February 16, 2005, at 09:01 PM, wrote:

In a message dated 2/16/2005 9:26:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
*We Also offered you several options I have every E-mail like you do. First you accepted an offer than you changed you mind and said no than you said yes to a different resolution , than you changed your mind again.
We were waiting for Fed Ex. We told you that. Now you want to post on fauna. Well I couldn't care less if you took out an ad in the NY Times. Why don't you look in the mirror. You indicated you wouldn't take that route, , and in my opinion* you didn't honor your word, or*integrity more than once.
You know xxxx(note:edited personal information here)
We had intended to send you your refund this weekend*whether or not Fed Ex Refunded us for the Damage Fed Ex did, not us. We were going to take the hit and wait for Fed ex to get back to us . Yet technically once we ship, any damage is your issue with Fed Ex. and your responsibility to take up with them. So guess what we will give you the shipping information and you put a claim in for Fed Ex. I hope you get paid.
I indicated*I don't respond well to threats, or coercion. Yet you broke your word again. You changed you mind again. Good luck with Fed Ex.
It is Sam's company, and his call if he decides to take a different route. As far as I am concerned your on your own, as you didn't live up to your commitment, Broke your word, and expected us to wave a magic wand to correct an issue we had to wait for a third part to get back to us on. All this xxx deleted,personal...
*If you think*posting**on fauna intimidates me, or will get me to do something that we already said we would do, yet would *take time depending on other parties, you are dealing with the wrong person. Black mail someone else.
Good luck on your cages, we are technically not responsible even though we were going to do our best and honor our commitment if you honored yours. Obviously you didn't.

The 7-10 business days have come and gone, 3rd cage still here, have
dragons in improper caging, What's up ? Jean

rom: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Feb 16, 2005 10:04:51 PM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Re: I gave you my opinion on an update it's up to Sam Jean

I have waited patiently for far longer than most people ever would, so we will bring this out on the table. I doubt I will ever see my money , so I really have nothing to lose. I will file with Visa tomorrow and go from there. Jean
On Wednesday, February 16, 2005, at 09:52 PM, wrote:

In a message dated 2/16/2005 10:16:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
For Starters you were suppose to give us a chance to get with Fed Ex. We don't control their decision making process or time frame.*You also said you wouldn't post on Fauna. Couldn't resist to try to intimidate us. Well like I said it's Sam's call. We tried different options to offer you, and first you said yes than no and on and on.
Now you couldn't resist Fauna, Broken promise. Yet again it is Sam's Call, he runs the company.
As for me, you will have to do better than that to intimidate me. I have no use for people that *break promises, and attempt to intimidate or Blackmail me. You wasted your time, and now my respect for your commitments. As far as I am concerned post all you want. Wear your little fingers off, Yet it is Sam's decisions therefore I will not speak for him. Discretion is the better part of Valor. Yet I have no tolerance for arrogance.
His (note:deleted personal info)
Now, on the next post I will start from the begining when I ordered in Nov/Dec. Just a note: Fed Ex picked up the 2 damaged cages on Feb 1st. It takes 7-10 business days for Fed Ex to resolve issues with damaged shipments as told to me by Sam. And how are you not responsible for broken cages,especially ones that were packed in subpar boxes ? I will post the e-mail explaining the box situation and that they didn't have the proper boxes to ship these cages. Also, Bruce correct me if I am wrong, but Sam did correct you that you (Sunshine cages) were to file the claim,and now you want to threaten it back onto me.Today is the 16th, they were picked up on the 1st.The claim has already been filed, It should be a done deal with Fed Ex by now?? I will post that email exchange...Sit tight, I have 3 months of e-mail exchanges to go through...Also,please note personal, non relavant,(mostly health) info will be deleted from the e-mails I post.
Old 02-17-2005, 12:41 AM   #2
Pictures of the broken cages...Some were taken at delivery, and some were taken 2-1-05, the morning Fed Ex picked up. I still have one lopsided plexiglass cage here, that was suppose to be picked up also, but has not.
Attached Images
Old 02-17-2005, 12:54 AM   #3
more pics of damage..
Attached Images
Old 02-17-2005, 02:34 AM   #4
***To all involved in this, If I am mistaken about any detail, please jump in and correct. I just want to bring out the facts as honestly as possible as they happened...*****

I purchased a couple beautiful dragons from brandon at Dragonsbynature in late Sept. I saw Sunshine Cages running ads on Kingsnake, and saw Brandon was selling them for Sunshine, So I contacted him again about purchasing some cages. I have heard Sam's name around forums and such, and have heard only good things about his other lines of cages/racks. So I ordered the 1st cage on 11/09/04 from Brandon and paypaled $350.00, Then I saw a few weeks later a 10% discount if you ordered before a a certain time. So, I tried to get ahold of Brandon to order a couple more, and the first cage had not arrived yet. Could not get ahold of him right away, so I contacted Matthew at Mystical Dragons and ordered a 2nd, paypaled him $322.50 on 12/5/04. Soon after, Brandon contacted me and I asked if I could order a 3rd cage with the discount, and I ordered that 12/7/04 and paypaled another $322.50, $995.00 Total for 3 cages...

In the meantime my adults were sleeping so I had added 2 dragons from Brandon and put another on hold with Jen at Kakadu, knowing I would need these new cages before my adults awoke to house everyone. I tried to plan my dragon purchases knowing I had cages on order.I do not make a ton of money and I have had this year's purchases planned out for months.I also have ordered a ton of supplies, feeders, gutload, and 2 cages from Precision, and all my dragons over the net and have never had a problem like this.


this was sent Wed. Nov 10th, cannot get the header to show..

Hi Jean,
Good news.* I have been told your cage should be ready end of next week.* Keep you posted next week once I hear back.
Sent by Brandon, 24th Nov, 04
Hey Jean,
How's things going?* Wanted to wish you and your family a happy turkey day!
Not sure if i responded to this email or not, we just got our interent back up and running from our move.. took forever to get evrything moved and setup... just now staring to get back to normal... good news about your cage, it should be ready next week for you.
HIt you back early next week about your cage!

this was sent 29thNov,04
Hey Jean,
Okay, can you please confirm your address for shipping.* I have been told the cage will be ready to ship end of this week.* The builder is just waiting for vents to come in to finish the cage.. apparently there has been a delay on that for some reason.* Let me know when you can and I'll forward that on and let you know when it's shipped.
On Dec. 14th I asked for an update on the 1st cage...*

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:45:03 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: cage order

Hey Brandon, any update on the first cage.. Jean

Hi Jean,
Please, it's no problem at all.* Email anytime it's what I am here for.* I had no idea* you have not received the first cage yet, I am quite surprised to get this email.* I have sent an inquiry into it i will see what's up and get back to you asap.* I totally understand your frustration and the need of the cage.* As soon as I hear something back hopefully tonight I will email you back.
I am sorry for the problems.* Let me find out what the problem is and I'll get back to you.
Hope you had a good xmas!
December 30th, still waiting for the 1st cage to be shipped...
-----Original Message-----

From: jean hubert []
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 9:29 AM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: cage order

Hi Brandon, Really hate to keep bugging ya, but I am really hurting for that 1st cage that I ordered the 2nd week on November. I need to either have a firm ship date or pull the order and go with someone that can ship a vision..I was told 4 weeks and now we are at 6 and no answers. Can you let me know today? Thanks, Jean Hubert
On Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 08:57 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

Hi Jean,
I just sent an email now to inquire for you.* Once I hear back I will let you know.
This was e-mailed 31Dec, 04

Hi Jean,
Okay, I heard back from Sam this afternoon.* Below is what he emailed me.* Please let me know you got this email so you know what is going on and up to date.* Sometimes my emails get crazy and I don't get them... so please just let me know you have received what Sam has said.
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
Hello Brandon, I am working on the problem today.* We appologize for the delay.* Her first cage is comepleted and ready to go out, I am just trying to locate a suitable shipping box as we ran out a couple of weeks ago.* These cages have to be packed in a good box or it will just be broken upon arrival.* I will have her first cage out before the end of the week next week and her other cages out the week after.* I do appologize again, we just ran into a slight snag and the problem is being taken care of as I type this to you.*
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters

Hi Jean,
Thanks for getting back to me quickly and letting me know you got the email.* Yes, I agree with you and I'm very sorry for the delay.* I would feel the same way as you do and I honestly do not have any viable excuses for the delay.* I do not have a problem with you venting, I would be venting too.* I am with you 100% and agree the dragons must come first regardless of the reasons, excuses, or whatever else happens.
The only "defense" I can see is that at the end of the year it's hard to get companies to do things and follow through with orders and supplies they need.* So therefore if it took a lot longer for Sam to get the proper shipping supplies, it may not have been all his fault due to the end of the year and the companies he orders from not having them in stock.* That is *NOT* an excuse mind you, but that is something that I can "understand" though I would not accept either since the cages are weeks late.* It is something that should have been prepared long ago.
Again, I know both Sam and Bruce and they would not do this on purpose, xxxxxxxxxxxxdeleted xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I understand you are not upset with me personally, but I am in part responsible bc I am a reseller and it looks very bad on me.*xxxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.* I have worked very hard to build a good reputation myself and don't want to do anything to tarnish that especially when the reason is out of my control.
If I hear anything at all i will let you know asap.
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 6:11 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: cage status

Brandon, I got your message , thanks...It's seems a business needs boxes to operate correctly..It just gets a little irritating that you are told 4 weeks, and it will now be 7- 8+ weeks, due to not have a box to put it in !!.not very cool..While my animals are sitting in improper caging...sorry, just venting..But I am not happy with this.He should not be taking so many orders if he does have the resources to build and ship these cages in a timely manner..I know this is no fault of yours, but they need to get their **** together, or a bad name will soon follow.....My dragons come 1st in my book, and when I am told a a set time and it is not happening due to a BOX..I sorry but that is sad...Jean
On Friday, December 31, 2004, at 04:22 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:Hi Jean,
Thanks for getting back to me quickly and letting me know you got the email.* Yes, I agree with you and I'm very sorry for the delay.* I would feel the same way as you do and I honestly do not have any viable excuses for the delay.* I do not have a problem with you venting, I would be venting too.* I am with you 100% and agree the dragons must come first regardless of the reasons, excuses, or whatever else happens.
The only "defense" I can see is that at the end of the year it's hard to get companies to do things and follow through with orders and supplies they need.* So therefore if it took a lot longer for Sam to get the proper shipping supplies, it may not have been all his fault due to the end of the year and the companies he orders from not having them in stock.* That is *NOT* an excuse mind you, but that is something that I can "understand" though I would not accept either since the cages are weeks late.* It is something that should have been prepared long ago.
Again, I know both Sam and Bruce and they would not do this on purpose, they are both good guys.*xxxx(deleted personal) xxxxxxx.* Again, this is not an excuse by any means, but from a friend to a friend conversation (me and you) i thought I would let you know that since I know you are very frustrated.
I understand you are not upset with me personally, but I am in part responsible bc I am a reseller and it looks very bad on me.xxxxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* I have worked very hard to build a good reputation myself and don't want to do anything to tarnish that especially when the reason is out of my control.
If I hear anything at all i will let you know asap.

Hi Jean,
Really, it's no problem, and thank you I appreciate that.* It's not a headache at all, it's something that needs to be taken care of.* I have expressed my views to both Sam and Bruce, and got a phone call and an email shortly ago about the problem.* I will copy and paste the email I received below for you to read.
Here is that email from Bruce:
Jean is 100% correct. Yet it is not always possible to anticipate, or control every*circumstance*when initiating a*new business. Miss-Calculations, and even just mistakes are made when starting up, no matter how much research, or anticipation is taken into consideration.*
Hade we calculated for the*overwhelming response*of orders , that**appeared*to come, and all*at the same time, we would have needed a Crystal Ball. In addition had we made an initial investment for the quantity of orders we received, and they did not happen, we would be Broke and out of business. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
Nevertheless, it is Sunshinecages responsibility to act quickly, correct the situation at all cost, and prevent it from happening again.
You may have noticed we have not advertised on Kingsnake in over a month.**Any advertisements* indicated 6-7 week deliveries. Not exactly the way to attract customers.
As for the packaging, and shipping mishaps, we addressed them as soon as we realized what*happened,*even though the majority*have been*shipped without incident.
We are now being overly cautious, another learning experience. We have contacted, met, and are*placing orders, for the proper packaging, and protection, yet it doesn't happen in a day.
Regardless we don't want to* go forward carelessly, until we are sure we have this issue resolved.*We again are over paying to speed up the process to get the proper packaging and production.
The key issue is capacity, while maintaining Hand crafted, Hand molded, High Quality*Professional Cages at an incredible price value. Basically*priced at mass produced,*Foreign,**Stamped out*, thinner*quality, with lesser featured cages.*
We are now moving as rapidly as possible to more than double our facility, and 5 X our production*capacity, as well as stocking cages, and materials in significant quantities. Our goal is to accomplish this within the next 4-8 weeks, yet we are shooting for 2-4 Weeks.
Please remember we only started up less than 6 months ago, it is difficult to anticipate all*issues, when you first start up, regardless of the amount of research.
Nevertheless, we feel we are giving*the customer a more modern superior product, with other innovations, and technologies to come.*Yet, in essence, we can not help feeling as if the people that supported us first, and foremost, are being somewhat penalized. Therefore, we are considering ideas, and options to benefit them, above and beyond, for that support, and inconvience. We will give this much thought and hopefully come up with a realistic, equitable, and fair resolution.
Please be aware, we all are or were passionate*Breeders, or Hobby Caring owners. We know and feel the anguish of not giving the proper care to*our Reptiles/Animal.**At the end of the day they are the ones that are inconvienced, and affected the most.*
Having* explained the situation, and the why's or how's issues occur does not help your situation now. We only hope you will bare with us, as we expect to continue to improve, and provide your Reptiles with the best possible housing available. At the same time we are positive we will improve and *provide you with the best possible service available. We hope to not ever over promise in the future, and certainly we have no magic wand to immediately correct the situation. Yet we feel no one would go to expense, time or effort to be proactive to correct it, and prevent future issues as we are doing.
Our sincerest apologies, and promise to correct the situation as soon as possible without sacrificing quality. We are also realist, and we are aggressive attempting to bring you the best product, newest technology, and advancements available at a quality value. In doing so we realize that issues may arise, yet we will always work for the customer, and make sure we address them in a professional manner.

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 10:16 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: cage status

Brandon, I don't hold you liable for any of this..You have an awesome reputation, and I would buy with confidence, anything from you. I am sure you are not making enough off the sale of these cages for the headache. Sorry to bother you, but I am pissed. It is now Jan. and I still have one more red male on hold from Kakadu waiting for caging..Hard to ship to Iowa in Feb..I planned all these cages and my purchases to correspond, and it didn't happen.xxxxxxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On Friday, December 31, 2004, at 07:01 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

Here is a message I got from Sam tonight.* He asked me to relay this message to you:
Brandon, Can you please forward this to Jean for me.
Dear Jean, I sincerely appologize for the delay in your cages and their is no good excuse for it.* We have had a steady supply of boxes up until about 2 and half weeks ago, however the boxes we had access to were not really as sufficient as we would have liked and it showed.* We noticed an influx of cages being delivered damaged or completely destroyed, and the only solution was to bring in a professional corrugated cardboard box designer to get us the proper packaging so we can deliver a superior product that will not be damaged when you recieve it.* I know this is not what you want to hear and you just want your cage, and I dont blame you in the least.* I would feel the same.* I just want you to know I am sincerely sorry about this and being a new company we are learning as fast as we possibly can at a giant price.* I will do everything in my power to get your cages to you in a timely manner and hope they arrive un-damaged.* Again my sincerest appologizes.
Happy Holidays, Be safe and be well.
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters

So now we are into January, still have not recieved the 1st cage I ordered 11/9/04..I try to be a pretty patient person, especially with cages, I am well aware they might take some time and especially with trying to get a new business off the ground, but 2 months!!!...Stay tuned, let me get my little fingers typing ...there is alot more..

Old 02-17-2005, 03:46 AM   #5
Hi Jean,
I was told tonight that your cage will ship Monday!

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 12:49 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: cage status

Hi Brandon, Well, It will be 2 months tomorrow, since I ordered the 1st cage..Can you give me some good news and tell me it was shipped out this week..Jean

Hi Jean,
I understand completely.* I apologize for the delays, it's out of my hands which to be honest I never thought I wold be in this situation or I wouldn't have gotten involved in this.* I have forwarded the email to Sunshine and should hear something back on Monday.* I have already forwarded them the money so unfortunately I don't have the money to refund you tonight.* It will have to come through them.
I will email you on Monday as soon as I hear back from them on this.* I don't know anything about Precision cages but I hope they work out well for you.*

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 10:50 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: cage status

Thanks for getting back to me, Brandon..I have dragons waking up and nowhere to put them, pretty frustrating...If the other 2 cages are going to be this long, I need to request a refund and shop elsewhere. Sorry, but I needed cages yesterday.. Precision told me he can have 2 out to me on 2 weeks. So if you can please have them refund my $$ for the other 2 cages and I will go with precision as I am totally frustrated with Sunshine.. I have moved so many animals around the last couple weeks, it has totally stressed me and the dragons..Please refund to xxxxdeletedxxxxxx via paypal..Thanks, Jean

Hi Jean,
I have your tracking number for the first cage for you:* 372375710000294* Ctack it at
I was told by Sam that your other two cages would go out this Friday.* Is that okay or do you still want me to see about that refund?* Let me know.

10th Jan.05
Hi Jean,
Okay, I just talked with Sam and explained to him it may be too late for the 2nd and 3rd cage.* He expressed to me that he would have them finished tomorrow, and shipped on Wed for you.* Let me know if this is acceptable to you.

Hi Jean,
It's no problem, I am the one who is sorry for your hassles.* It's not the way I do business.* Hopefully the cage will impress you and you will be happy with it.* I checked the tracking number, it's in their system now.* It does normally take a few hours before it processes... and should be good to go now.* I have confirmed with Sam that the two cages shipped on Wednesday is fine.* I will confirm that with you on Wednesday just to make sure.
I will say a prayer for both you and me tonight.* LOL

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 10:21 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: correction

That's cool, brandon..If they are shipped on Wednesday I will take them..Sorry about all the hassle you have had to endure from me. That tracking # you gave me says it is invalid on Fex Ex, maybe not in the system yet??? Jean
On Monday, January 10, 2005, at 04:04 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

Hi Jean,
Okay, I just talked with Sam and explained to him it may be too late for the 2nd and 3rd cage.* He expressed to me that he would have them finished tomorrow, and shipped on Wed for you.* Let me know if this is acceptable to you.

Hey Jean,
Well, who says miracles don't happen!!!!!!!* Let me know how you like the cage!* Here are the other two tracking numbers:

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:51 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: correction

Hi B, It shows the first cage will be here TOMORROW..hehe, Can you send me the other 2 tracking #'s...Thanks for everything, Jean
On Monday, January 10, 2005, at 10:59 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

Hi Jean,
It's no problem, I am the one who is sorry for your hassles.* It's not the way I do business.* Hopefully the cage will impress you and you will be happy with it.* I checked the tracking number, it's in their system now.* It does normally take a few hours before it processes... and should be good to go now.* I have confirmed with Sam that the two cages shipped on Wednesday is fine.* I will confirm that with you on Wednesday just to make sure.
I will say a prayer for both you and me tonight.* LOL

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:31:51 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: correction

Well bad news brandon, the cage arrived just now, broke..This is turning into a nightmare..I will send pics shortly...JeanFrom:

This is not good.* This is not good at all.* I am extremely frustrated as well with this situtation and find myself stuck in a situtation that I will not again.* I am very sorry about your cage, and even more so, your entire experience with this situation.* I feel I have let you down.* I have already forwarded the paypal money to Sunshine Cages back when you sent it, so unfortunately* I don't have it to refund to you tonight or I would.
I have forwarded all of your emails to both Bruce and Sam, and have recommended that you deal directly with Sam in this situtation.* I believe this is important to resolve this issue right away, instead of you emailing me, me emailing Sam, Sam emailing me, me emailing you.* Time is of the essecne and this needs to be resolved right now.* I have asked to be included in the loop to follow this through and make sure it is right, but again since speed is of importance, dealing with Sunshine directly will benefit you.
I have CC'd this email to both Bruce, Sam, and you.* I am very disapointed and I understand your frustration.* Sam has one of the best reputations in the cage industry and I have personally read many emails and posts from satisfied clients of his and I know both Bruce and Sam are good people.*
Again, I am very sorry about everything Jean.* Please keep me updated and we will resolve this for you.

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:58 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: correction

I don't think I want to accept delivery of the other 2 cages..I really am not impressed with the construction, and I am not fussy..But my precision cages are far superior to these . The uvb will not even stay anchored..see the picture of it hanging , it won't stay attached.there are cracks on the floor as well...Seem pretty poorly constructed to not withstand shipping..I need cages, so let me know what to do..I am so pissed my hands are shaking as I type...Jean
On Wednesday, January 12, 2005, at 11:15 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

Hello Jean, I am Sam Craver, the owner of Cage Crafters and the manufacturer of Sunshine Cages.* First and foremost I want to appologize for your first cage taking so long to be shipped out.* I know Brandon had told you of our box situation and I am still waiting for our new shipping boxes to arrive to me and I was trying to hold out on shipping your cages until they came in because I was afraid of this problem arrising.* I know none of this is of your concern in the least, but I felt* should explain anyway.*
Now, I am very very sorry your first cage came in damaged and you will be refunded your money for the cages, but I have no way to stop a shipment that is already in transit.* You can however refuse the shipment when it arrives tomorrow and they will be shipped back to me.*I dont expect you to ship back*the cage you already recieved.* I know its damaged, I saw the pictures.* But it is not damaged beyond use, but you will be refunded for that one also.* If you want I can give you some help on making a few simple repairs to the cage to make more visually appealing.* That is up to you.* I am going to ask you to bare with me for a couple of days on your refund if you can.* I am waiting on money to clear my account so I will have the funds to send you.* We are a new and small company and resources are limited for us.* I understand your anger and stress and do not want to make you anymore angry or upset then you already are and will resolve the problem asap.*
Shipping cages is a fairly new experience for me and I am working out the kinks in our system as we come to them, 90% of the cages shipped have arrived in perfect condition with no problems, the other 10% have been delivered like yours, and that 10% kills me.* When starting a business from the ground floor, having to refund anything can bury the business in the blink of an eye.* This is my only source of income and I work very hard at what I do.* I read in an email you had sent to Brandon that you were not happy with the craftsmanship of the cages at all.* I was very sorry to hear that said.* Its the first and only time I have heard that from a customer and boy it hurts.* So I will again appologize, I am truly sorry you do not like my work, and any complaints with the product, besides it being damaged in shipping would be apprecieted so I can possibly correct the issues.
I am also going to appologize to you for your dragons being stressed due to this unfortunate incident.* If your like me when it comes to your animals, I know you want the best for them and I know this situation could not have helped anything.
I'm very sorry about*this entire experience and I will have your refund in a couple of days.* Please feel free to call and ream me a new one if it will make you feel any better. Sometimes venting helps.* Here are both of my phone numbers and call anytime 609-624-0808 house********* 609-602-2564 cell.
Again, my deepest appologies and I will get that refund to you as soon as this money clears my account.
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters

In a message dated 1/13/2005 10:37:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Most important I hope you are on the road to good health.
Secondly, it is rare to come across a class person such as yourself. Salt of the earth, and class like very few people have.
We can not undue what has been done, yet by your actions you have given us the time to correct and improve.
Therefore,*we feel obligated to offer you the best We can do.
>First of all we are now breeding 50% Reds, including Chris Allen's Scar, His son Lucifer and other Real Reds. The least we can do is GIVE you, for FREE, pick of the litter of any Red Clutch when they are ready (approximately late April, we hope).
> Secondly, once we feel confident that we have the kinks, and set backs worked out, we will also give you a FREE Bearded Dragon Cage. Bearded Dragon Cages are new, and not posted.
42" X 24" 15", 6- 3" vents, Two (2) incandescent fixtures, one on each end for flexibility or even a compact fluorescent for more light, &*a Double 24" fluorescent fixture in the middle
>Thirdly, as Sam may have mentioned , don't refuse the other two cages. Hopefully they will arrive in tact, if not you may still be able to use them. This will not affect any economic reimbursement.
We know this is no consolation, it is our attempt to at least show good faith, and address the situation proactively.
In addition should you ever see a Dragon, or want any cages from us in the future we will give you special consideration.
Sam, is in charge of cages, and these are all his suggestions, even offering a Beardie. He is the decision maker, yet when economics come into play there is agreement.
This correspondence is to let you know we are on the same page.
We appreciate your consideration of us, and hope to rectify the situation in the best possible manner.

* I am very aware you are starting a new business, that is why I ordered
from you thru Brandon and Matthew. I have heard of your craftsmanship
thru word of mouth, and knew I would get a quality cage. But, I was
very disappointed today, maybe because it was broke,* but my
precisions, in my view, are superior built cages. This cage I received
today has no resale value and looks like ****. Maybe I will change my
mind if I see one that is in one piece. I work very hard also and saved
like mad to buy these cages and expected a nicely built, timely
delivered cage. I know everyone involved has had a rough few
months..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. And I know
you all have had things going on too.. I think Brandon can vouch for me
that I have been pretty patient and understanding But today, when I
had to cancel a dragon on hold from Jen at Kakadu because I still don't
have 1 working cage after 2 months, I lost it..I have dragons
scratching in tubs to get up, and I don't have a cage to put them in..I
will accept delivery on the other 2 cages, hopefully they will be in
one piece and we will go from there.Starting up a business is hard
work, and I respect you all for trying. This will stay between us, you
do not need any bad press at this critical start-up time.I did inform
Jen at Kakadu as to why I had to cancel my beautiful orange male I had
on hold. Life is too short to hold any grudges, so I won't. Brandon you
ROCK, Sam, pay me when you can, and Bruce xxxxxdeletedxxxxx...Jean

On Thursday, January 13, 2005, at 08:03* PM,
wrote:From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:53:55 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: correction

Brandon, Please have Sunshine stop the other 2 cages in transit if they can and turn them around, I do not want them and I don't want to take delivery and open them and they are broken also..then what? I would like a refund tonight so I can go out and purchase Aquariums to put my stressed dragons in..Let me know about this worthless, broken cage I have.. I hope they do not expect me to pay for it or try to ship it back..Please have them refund thru paypal to ..Jean

Understanding Jen at Kakadu refunded my deposit...lost a beautiful male because of no housing...
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:13:48 PM US/Central
To: "Jen G." <>
Subject: Re: Interest in site and dragons

No problem with the fee, I really wanted that male, but I hope you will work with me again, maybe in the spring/summer, I will watch your site and kingsnake, you have some awesome dragons..Thanks again, Jean

On Thursday, January 13, 2005, at 04:42 PM, Jen G. wrote:
Date: Sat Jan 15, 2005 4:11:46 PM US/Central
To: jean hubert <>
Subject: Re: Cages-Sunshinecages
Attachments: There are 4 attachments

Hi Jean, Their was no message along with your pictures, but I am guessing that the cages came in damaged today?* And if its at all possible for you to email me your phone number that would be a big help.* I am filing a claim withrom: jean hubert <>
Date: Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:01:17 PM US/Central
Subject: Re: Cages-Sunshinecages
Attachments: There are 4 attachments

Hi Guys, I just received the 2 cages, much better..The UVB in one is hanging and the screws are on the cage floor and the plexiglass is cut long on one, but these are much nicer than the first..Could I make a couple suggestions..See attached pics of my Precisions..A door handle would be nice, and the UVB mounted more in the center of the cage would improve the range..I am happy with these 2 thou.xxxxxdeletedxxxxx. I will take you up on your offer for a dragon cage and a pick of clutch red male.As I canceled with Jen at Kakadu. I need a red male to complete my group..This is just a hobby that I enjoy very much,and with not getting around as much as I used too, it is very fulfilling to work with dragons. I hope to just sell local and the better ones online and just keep it a hobby that pays for bugs,greens, and lights..Please keep the money for the broken cage and we will square up with a pick of the clutch male and a dragon cage..Does that sound fair? Let me know , Jeanfedex and need your phone number for the paper work.*
Let me know how the cages came in and we will go from there.* I should have money cleared by Tuesday to send you a refund.* And any pics of the damage to the cages would be a big help also.*
I saw you added pics of your precision cage.* Lovell makes a nice cage, I have seen them in person.* His cages are alot like BARR cages, made of 1/8
*thick polystyrene.* I am learning from my mistakes and will have the best plastic cage on the market as soon as I work out the bugs.* The one thing that keep me going is my passion for what I do.* I always tell people, I would be happy with a reptile room filled with professional looking cages, even if I didnt own a reptile.* I am truely sorry for your bad experience with our cages and I hope you will like the free cage we send you.* But I am not sending it until my shipping cartons arrive haha.* Man oh man.....* I have a headache so I can only imagine how fumed you are.* Again I am sorry and will make it up to you.* Just let me know if both of the cages that came in today are wreaked and drop me some pics of the damage also if you can, so I can include them in my fedex claim.
Sorry again,
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters

Just shooting you a pic of one crack I found on further inspection..might help with future packing jobs...Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:51:45 PM US/Central
Subject: Fwd: Cages-Sunshinecages
Attachments: There are 4 attachments

Sam/Bruce..I am resending the e-mails I sent Earlier today..I cage has a crack on the side and the other the UVB is off and screws on cage bottom, plexiglass is cut long also..

The first cage was busted up bad, the next 2 were better, then on closer in spection, I found cracks in one,inferior UVB lights that buzzed, and the other shifted, the plexiglass does not line up..I should of just stuck to my instincts and refused the other two, but I had dragons everywhere waking up, and the offer of refund on 1st cage/ free pick of clutch dragon/cage sounded good. I thought the second 2 cages were very fixable at first..but there's more..Remember Bruce told me not to refuse the other 2 cages when I was doubting. later they will try to say I was told to refuse.need to make coffee, standby..
Old 02-17-2005, 03:56 AM   #6
Well I might as well post this nasty e-mail I just received while my coffee brewsrom:

In a message dated 2/16/2005 10:59:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I have waited patiently for far longer than most people ever would, so
we will bring this out on the table. I doubt I will ever see my money ,
so I really have nothing to lose. I will file with Visa tomorrow and go
from there. Jean
On Wednesday, February 16, 2005, at 09:52* PM,

Sent at 3:04 am 2-17-05 by Sunshine Cages..cannot get header to post

*File with the*US Government to make a determination. The fact that Sam and his family*are going through a very difficult time, due to their son's unfortunate incident*and you couldn't care less*is an*example of the lack of character you have exhibited throughout this whole process.
You continue to go from one threat to another. You change your agreements, from moment to moment.*The shame of it all ,is all you had to do was have some empathy for Human beings, and not be so self centered, or*self righteous, as well as stop your immature threats.
They, intimidate no one, and the issue would have been resolved by the weekend, if not sooner. Now file with Visa. They may or may not credit*your account, until they investigate, and then it will surely be reversed. Yet you won't know for months now, as we will*oppose it every step of the way, with facts, not emotional threats.**
The lack of sympathy for others peoples illness, or severe medical accident is amazing, unfortunate, and self centered.
I feel sorry for you and your self pitying attitude. If you had any common sense you would stop with your worthless threats, which you have to know, have no impact or validity, and at least approach Sam. He is the Salt of the earth, and you may have resolved the issue . Now file with
Old 02-17-2005, 05:26 AM   #7

16jan05...header won't post...

Hey Jean,
Appreciate the email and the comments... xxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxx
This email is just between me and you.* Again, you know my stance on everything and how bad I feel, but I wanted to let you know that it was important to me that Sunshine stepped up and took care of this situation the way they did.* Believe me i know you would rather of just had the 3 cages a month ago in good shape and done with it... but having said that, I think Sunshine responded pretty well and stepped up to try and make things as good as they could get after this complete disaster.*
I didn't want to speak for sunshine, but I wanted to let you know friend to friend that I was going to fight for you with Sunshine if it came to that.* I expected them to handle the situation at this point about the way they did, but i didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong.* Bruce and Sam are two very good people... honest, integrity, and above all in my opinion i think it upsets them and hurts their feelings when things don't work out.* I know bc I am the same way.* This is supposed to be a fun hobby and not another headache.
It's not an excuse, good qualities don't make up for your hardship, but I am glad they did what they could to make it right.* I also wanted to let you know that it's pretty obvious to me that I have got myself into a situation that I was not prepared for, nor am I willing to continue.* I am going to stop selling the cages and remove them from our website, but I didn't want to do that until everything was resolved.
How did the other two cages come in?* Are they any better?* Just let me know when you get a chance.* I'd like to know how it all turns out to make sure it's all been taken care of.
Thanks Jean.
*From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:10:57 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: Cages-Sunshinecages
Attachments: There are 3 attachments

Hi Sam, I resent the e-mails, I am happier with these 2 , but they are not perfect. 1 has a crack on the side. the other is just cosmetic, the UVB is off and screws on cage bottom, and the plexiglass is cut long..My phone # is xxxxxdeletexx..I called my electrician brother, and he is going to come pick all 3 up and try to get them in working order, so I can house waking dragons soon...attaching another pic of crack/plexi/Uvb from today's cages...Jean*

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:27:59 AM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: Cages
Attachments: There are 4 attachments

B, I was going to suggest to you not to sell these cages until the bugs get worked out..I know they are good people..I have heard about Sam before, but these cages are junk right now. xxxxxxdeletedxxxx. My electrician brother is coming to pick all 3 cages up to and try to get them all in some kind of working order. the other 2 arrived yesterday, 1 has a crack and the other is just cosmetic, the UVB is broke off and screws are on cage bottom, plexiglass is cut long..I should of just went with precision this time..but, I think at some point Sam will have an excellent product. So, out of 3 cages , I have one that can be fixed to be in excellent condition. The other 2 have cracks..I have settled down some over this, **** happen and live goes on, and I try to be as understanding as possible..but I hope to recover some $$ as I will never recover the cost if I ever sell these. You should see "little man" I got from you..growing like a weed, he is catching his sister..she is at 210g., he is 150g. and turning red/orange like his dad. If he doesn't fill out he will not be a breeder, just my "little man" Thanks for all your help b, Jean (pics attached of yesterdays cages and the little man.)

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 10:28:00 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: Cages-Sunshinecages

Good Morning, My brother just come to pick up the cages to try to get them in working order for me today. I have one cage that will be in excellent condition after the uvb is remounted and the plexi is recut. The one from yesterday's delivery has one crack on the side, but is totally usable, and you know the first is pretty much a total loss. After paying $995.00 , i think i am pretty calm, huh? I ordered clear handles today from check them out ..nice under handles, hinges,latches..they would look outstanding on these cages.My brother is going to remount the Uvb more in the center, and when I save enough I am going to upgrade to a more durable fixture, like the pic I sent of my precisions. Hope all is well, and i will talk to you soon about the dragon cage, I will be your first test customer, if you so desire, and give my honest opinions. Bruce, I would like to purchase a red also when you have cluches ready. you have offered me pick of the clutch on one(free) as you said, I would like an unrelated 2nd if i can. (1.1 unrelated). Would that be OK.? Let me know, as I will put a deposit down if needed.I have wanted some Chris Allen bloodlines since before he stopped breeding. Hope all is well, Will talk soon...Jean
On Sunday, January 16, 2005, at 09:31 AM, wrote:
I agree with Jean on the Handle, and centering the uvb. Also the Fluorescent appear to need a stronger bolt or screw to hold them on.
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:11:46 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: cages
Attachments: There are 4 attachments

I love my precisions, but I am open to change..As soon as I get these back from my brother, I will let you know about the ease of the downward doors.Handles are a must thou, for me anyway. And I would upgrade to a better UVB. The price you are charging demands this, one positioned in the middle projected downward, as on the precisions.Also I like these clear Plexi hinges and handles, they are way more appealing to look at than white hinges. Jean

In a message dated 1/15/2005 1:57:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
*From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:52:54 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: cages

And one more thing, If you are going to get reimbursed thru Fedex, A little cash my way would really help, to pay my brother ,handles,latches I ordered today, UVB upgrade,and to help defray the value these cages now hold not the $995 I paid.. Just a thought..Jean
On Sunday, January 16, 2005, at 10:40 AM, wrote:

Hi Jean, Bruce just forwarded a couple of emails to me that were from you.* For some reason, I got picture emails with no notes and he got note emails with no pics, so I was confused.* I am glad the other 2 cages came in in better condition then the first.* Althou I am unsure why that acrylic is sticking out on one end, because both were fit perfectly flush with the end walls of the cage when I built them.* If you need any help with any repairs please let me know and I can send patch panels, or hardware or what ever you need to fix the problems.**
And any other changes in our cages that you would reccommend would be appreicieted.* Constructive critisism is something I take to heart, as I want to put the very BEST cage out to the public.* The door handles are a great idea and will add to our cage line.* I had seen them months ago and thought I should try them out, but never did.* Also, on your cage from Lovell, i noticed his doors are hinged from the side to open out rather then down, do you like that set up better then a fold down door? is it easier to get into the cage that way?* Also, do you like having 2 smaller doors rather then 1 large door?* Sorry for all of the questions, but like I said, other peoples opinions will help me achive the goal I am trying to reach.* Thanks for all of your patience and critisism, and I sincerely appologize for your bad experience.
Stay safe, and get well.*
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters
That is more than fair. We will also offer any additional cages at a reduction, as well as any Dragons at a reduction besides the free cage, and Dragon.
In addition when you are breeding and selling we will link you to our site, if you have a web site or address you would like us to use for your dragons. We are only linking one other Dragon Breeder to our site.

..Please keep the money for the broken cage and
we will square up with a pick of the clutch male and a dragon
cage..Does that sound fair? Let me know , Jean
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 16, 2005 11:52:54 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: cages

And one more thing, If you are going to get reimbursed thru Fedex, A little cash my way would really help, to pay my brother ,handles,latches I ordered today, UVB upgrade,and to help defray the value these cages now hold not the $995 I paid.. Just a thought..Jean
On Sunday, January 16, 2005, at 10:40 AM, wrote:

Hi Jean, Bruce just forwarded a couple of emails to me that were from you.* For some reason, I got picture emails with no notes and he got note emails with no pics, so I was confused.* I am glad the other 2 cages came in in better condition then the first.* Althou I am unsure why that acrylic is sticking out on one end, because both were fit perfectly flush with the end walls of the cage when I built them.* If you need any help with any repairs please let me know and I can send patch panels, or hardware or what ever you need to fix the problems.**
And any other changes in our cages that you would reccommend would be appreicieted.* Constructive critisism is something I take to heart, as I want to put the very BEST cage out to the public.* The door handles are a great idea and will add to our cage line.* I had seen them months ago and thought I should try them out, but never did.* Also, on your cage from Lovell, i noticed his doors are hinged from the side to open out rather then down, do you like that set up better then a fold down door? is it easier to get into the cage that way?* Also, do you like having 2 smaller doors rather then 1 large door?* Sorry for all of the questions, but like I said, other peoples opinions will help me achive the goal I am trying to reach.* Thanks for all of your patience and critisism, and I sincerely appologize for your bad experience.
Stay safe, and get well.*
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:06:44 AM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: cages

B, I had my brother come pick these cages up yesterday, he is an electrician, to try to repair them on my $$, after spending $995.00 for them and have decided it is not worth fixing. I e-mailed Sam/Bruce last night and I have asked to send these cages back for a refund.Just to keep you in the loop...Jean

rom: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:20:59 AM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: cages

Thanks for the email, I did get it. I agree with you it's not worth the
extra cost.


From: jean hubert <>
Date: Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:08:28 AM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: cages

B, I hope you can go to bat to me one more time..I have dragons everywhere, trying to house them..I want to send these cages back, and need a refund ASAP, I have talked to Precision and they will rush cages to me. These cages need a lot done, even the $6.00 UVB need to be replaced because they hum like mad, these cages don't even have handles..I have not got an answer yet from Sam/Bruce..But I have no use for these, when I can order complete cages ......Jean

If fedex will pay anything, I would surely pay for your work on the cages.* I'm not going to hold my breath though, they have never paid a claim yet.*

In a message dated 1/17/2005 11:47:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
We realize the situation, and we are very upset with it. We also understand how it is negatively affecting you. We have offered several options, and also realize that you would rather have just had what your ordered, yet we are not sure how to immediately rectify the situation. Obviously it is not what we wanted for you.
Please let us know what realistic solution you may have in mind. We are willing to attempt almost anything to correct the situation. Our sincerest apologizes.

Bruce/Sam, this Is a picture of my world today, Yes, I agree no one
needs any more stress right now...But, I still don't have cages for my
GET MY DRAGONS OUT OF BRUMATION because i don't have 1 proper cage to
put them in, still. My brother looked at them and said he can try , but
they need a lot of work..And they still will look flawed. I paid for
NEW cages..And I got cracked,broken plexiglass, subpar UVB fixtures
that hum loudly,etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc..What would you do or think if
you were me..the customer??..My big concern is my dragons..I am trying
to be nice, but it is hard..These cages are not worth, even close, to
what I paid now. My brother is not a cage builder, and I am sure they
will look like it when he is done..So, I am not sure what to do..If I
pack them good and send them back you all have a chance at fixing them
correctly and reselling them..That was my thought anyway. All I ever*
wanted is 3 NEW cages to put my dragons in..that is all, very simple,
but that is not what I got. Jean


In a message dated 1/18/2005 8:45:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I am leaving with my son for College. We will give you a refund, yet don't buy other cages if you can use the ones we shipped temporarily.
I will talk to Sam about the refund, and hope we can do it today, yet I believe we are able to have it in*a week. We have put all our cash into construction, and materials, therefore it may take us a bit, and some scrambling.
In addition we still plan to honor our offer of a Dragon, and Free Quality Condition cage to you.
My deepest apologies, and regrets*for the inconvience. We hope to be able to satisfy you in the future.
Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.*

Bruce, Can you send me boxes so I can repack these and send them back?
I would like a refund , and order precisions TODAY. I know I will be
happy from the get-go with them. I need to act today, so I maybe, will
have cages by Feb/Mar. I will go out today and spend more money and buy
temp housing for my breeders, or keep your cages until I get my new
precisions and send these back to you .But, I do not have the cash to
order more cages , so I need a refund. How do that sound? Let's please
final a decision today, because this whole ordeal is giving me a
On Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 02:05* AM,

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Tue Jan 18, 2005 7:56:53 PM US/Central
Subject: Re: Relax, don't stress, do what is convient for you. Your the customer!

Bruce, No thanks, According to my brother, will cost me the at least the other 50% to fix, and they still will look like my brother fixed them..hehe...I just want to order precisions ASAP.They will be complete and I already know they work for me.. He is waiting for payment, and said he will rush cages..If you want these returned, send me 3 boxes and I will ship them back after I receive my new cages. Jean
On Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 07:20 PM, wrote:

In a message dated 1/18/2005 9:30:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
If you are willing to keep these cages, we will give you a 50% discount on each of them, yet still offer you a free Dragon Value $250+ and a Free Cage $275+.
Let me know.
Your decision, no pressure.

Bruce, that sound's good..I will get these 3 cages back from my
brother..start waking up my dragons, and order precisions..please
refund via paypal to xxxxxxxxxxx..If you want these back
after my precisions arrive, I will repack them and send them to you..I
do still want to* purchase an additional dragon from you also, in
additional to the one you have offered..Talk soon..Jean
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:46:42 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: Relax, don't stress, do what is convient for you. Your the customer!
.I think you will have an excellent product, once you have the bugs worked out, we need a cage builder that can deliver an outstanding product with lighting fast turn time..That is the key. If you follow the BOI at all, all the bitching over cages if usually turn around time. If you can corner that market with a quality product , fast turn time, you will do excellent. Also look at your shipping fee, I can order a 48" for 50 some dollar for shipping from precision. I was really questioning that, when I ordered from you. I will have no problem ordering my future cages from you if them goals are met. xxxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxxxOn Wednesday, January 19, 2005, at 04:16 AM, wrote:

In a message dated 1/18/2005 8:53:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Bruce, No thanks, According to my brother, will cost me the at least
the other 50% to fix, and they still will look like my brother fixed
them..hehe...I just want to order precisions ASAP.They will be complete
and I already know they work for me.. He is waiting for payment, and
said he will rush cages..If you want these returned, send me 3 boxes
and I will ship them back after I receive my new cages. Jean
On Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 07:20* PM,

I said keep them for your convince . I just thought if they could be fixed easily and cheaply it would work for both of us. We will refund you the money, yet don't spend money on temporary cages.
Wait until you see some of the offspring, and the new cages with the proper packing?
Feel better. Obviously we want to get this behind us, and make the improvements/adjustments needed ASAP. Too much too soon for us. Yet we are confident we will be on the right track. xxxxdeletedxxxxx. LOLFrom: jean hubert <>

Date: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:17:27 PM US/Central
Subject: return of cages/refund

Sam/Bruce..When I got home from work just now, there was a Fex Ex pick-up slip on my door to pick up a damaged package, Its says to leave it outside tomorrow..Do you know what this is about? I am trying to work full-time and am still sick, with a central line in, if you want these shipped back ,you will need to give me some time.I will need help getting them boxed ,as the boxes they came in are in pieces...And I do not have the cages, they are at my brother's..Please let me know ASAP what is up with this situation...Jean

Jean, I dont know why Fedex was there to pick up anything, I did not even file the claim yet.* I would just ignore it.* I think we are all still up in the air about whats going on with the cages anyway, right?*
I got your email last night, and if your looking for compensation for the extra work and money you are putting into the cages, just let me know how much I owe you and I will send it to you.* I think it would be much easier on the both of us if we did it that way, rather then ship the cages again.* Let me know what you think.
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:43:15 AM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Re: cages

B, UPDATE--should of ordered precisions from the get-go..lesson learned..This morning , we have agreed on a refund, but they don't have the cash right now, maybe next week.. So, I am getting these cracked, broken cages back from my brother, using them so I can wake my brumating breeders. I have offered to send these cages back after i get my precision's. They still are giving me a pick of the clutch, and a dragon cage..which I think is fair, for all the hassle. Jean

In a message dated 1/17/2005 9:13:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Keep the cages. Use them as you see fit. We will work with you in any manner you feel comfortable and deem fair. Should you want a full refund, we will do that, and still give you a Free cage, and Free pick of the litter of any clutch of Reds (Scar, Lucifer, Flame, Siren, etc). There is no sense in shipping them back.
First you may be able to use them, until you decide how you will proceed.
Two it is too much hardship on you to ship back.
Three if shipped back, they will surely be destroyed in transit.
Fourth and most important, you don't need any additional stress in your life right now, your health comes first!
Unless Fed Ex is Picking them up to refund us for the Damage, which Sam May be aware of, I don't see the purpose of shipping them back*by Fed ex.
Relax as much as you can, and use the cages to help you out while you decide what you want to do. If you have any questions you may call me Tuesday, Tomorrow on my cell at 215-801-5353.
Again. Not to worry. This experience is no longer about Money, it is about reducing any stress, or anxiety on you, and helping you house your animals until you can replace the cages.* I am attaching pictures of just some of the Reds were are Breeding, and we believe they will be some of the best in the market. We have 25 people already on a waiting list.
This has not been a good experience >>Murphy's Law. It is up to us to make it right, and for you & us*to make it as easy on you as possible.
Just focus on your health, and family. We take responsibility for the cage mishap.

In a message dated 1/18/2005 9:30:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
If you are willing to keep these cages, we will give you a 50% discount on each of them, yet still offer you a free Dragon Value $250+ and a Free Cage $275+.
Let me know.
Your decision, no pressure.

Bruce, that sound's good..I will get these 3 cages back from my
brother..start waking up my dragons, and order precisions..please
refund via paypal to xxdeletedxxxx..If you want thesxxxxxe back
after my precisions arrive, I will repack them and send them to you..I
do still want to* purchase an additional dragon from you also, in
additional to the one you have offered..Talk soon..Jean
I said keep them for your convince . I just thought if they could be fixed easily and cheaply it would work for both of us. We will refund you the money, yet don't spend money on temporary cages.
Wait until you see some of the offspring, and the new cages with the proper packing?
Feel better. Obviously we want to get this behind us, and make the improvements/adjustments needed ASAP. Too much too soon for us. Yet we are confident we will be on the right track. The weather is slowing our construction and production down. The weather is also freezing the plate in my neck, and the bolts, the Defibulator in my chest, and the screws, and wires in my foot. I think I will be the first real bionic man. How do you oil stuff in your body. LOL

Jean I hope things work out okay with that... xxxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxx* Don't let the cages stress you out anymore than they have... i know Bruce already mentioned it, but that's the important thing right now.
Thanks for the info and update on the cages.. I have been following and discussing things with Bruce and Sam.* I got your email the night you asked about getting back to you that day and I talked to Bruce and saw that he had emailed you, so I didn't pursue it until you guys had a chance to work it out.* I knew he was in the process of talking with Sam and coming up with a soution.* I just wanted to let you know that I was involved with making sure that happened and didn't forget about making this right for you.
Thanks for the pix... i def see what you are talking about.* Dragon looks fantastic... now if we can ever get him setup in a good cage!!!!!!!* I'm glad that dragon worked out well for you... i was pretty sure he would catch up and all.. but you never know.* I'm glad he went to you.
Please let me know the final result.. i know things have been going back and forth... but just let me know when you receive your refund so I know I can step inside and let you and Bruce work out compensation.* That's not something I should be involved with I just want to make sure you're happy with the end result.
Thanks Jean,
bFrom: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:23:32 AM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: cages

Yea, Bruce let me know about that. I think that's decent and as good as a
fix right now as possible i guess. As I asked before, just please let me
know when you get the refund so I know it's all taken care of. I want to
make absolutely sure this is fixed. I know Bruce doesn't have the cash
right now to refund you or he would.. he's not trying to delay getting you
the money. If you haven't gotten your refund by the end of next week let me
know so I can do what I can.

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:28:56 AM US/Central
Subject: One more thing

Bruce, I had 2nd Fed Ex pick-up notice on my door when I got home from work again last night. Second attempt to pick-up damaged package..Just an FYI...Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:28:37 AM US/Central
Subject: Fwd: One more thing

Bruce, Fed Ex just called to pick up the damaged cage..I did not answer..What to do? Jean

***This is when the whole situation changed..I think Bruce told me to keep the cages without consulting with Sam,who was filing a claim when I said I would try to get my brother to fix them? collect double money??And the slips showed on my door,they acted like they did not know why and to ignore them...

In a message dated 1/19/2005 8:24:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
We can't help yet to be confused and disappointed.
1-We realized that the first cage was not delivered the way it was supposed to and you asked us to stop the shipment of the next two.
2-We asked you to refuse the cages as we couldn't stop them. Yet you accepted them, and told us you would keep them. At that point we offered to overcompensate you with a Free cage, and a Dragon.
3- Then you wrote saying you changed your mind and didn't want them. I just spoke to Sam and he put in a claim to Fed Ex. They Wanted to pick them up. In which case we may or may not have collected on a claim. As I was out yesterday,*I hadn't realized Fed Ex Was picking them up due to our claim of damage. I thought they were just shipping them back as you didn't want them? At that point we felt obligated to still attempt to make good on your inconvience.
4-Now, your last two E-mails say it would cost too much to fix ( which for you may be more of an inconvience than a real $ cost from the pictures we saw), and you don't want the cages.
5-Today you sent 2 E-mails saying Fed Ex wanted to pick up Damaged cages for a claim. Yes, if Fed Ex came to pick up the cages to rectify their damages to the cages you should give them to them, not avoid Fed Ex. We will be losing over $1,000. If they settle on the claim we can all come out better off. I had no idea Fed Ex was coming to pick up the cages to satisfy the Claim, especially since I told you I was away yesterday.
I have to say I feel confused*by your not refusing the cages when we first asked you to. I am also confused with you, than saying you would keep them, than not keeping them, than not giving them to Fed Ex for a Claim.
Anyone would *have to look at this and wonder what the heck is going on, and although we were doing everything possible to make good, it just doesn't appear you reciprocated that approach. We don't understand why. This is a lot of money for you, as well as us, and if Fed Ex makes Good we all could out better , even if we are all inconvienced.
Please explain, and Please give the cages to fed ex*they may take them*without boxes just a label? Any Effort is appreciated.*We both need the money.
I know you are disappointed, yet after the all*good faith we attempted to show, it is difficult to understand your actions, without some questioning to you consideration of our difficulties, and financial situation.
At this point we need to get the cages back to Fed Ex_all of them ASAP, and we need to reconsider our position.
xxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .
This situation needs to be mutually corrected, in a fair and considerate manner. Neither of us needs the stress. Maybe I just misunderstood what went on, yet it appears to be confusing, and not consistent. It put me in a situation that is confusing, no matter what*we* attempted to resolve it. The switching back and forth has also put us in a real financial bind. I am sure that wasn't your intention, yet the inconsistencies are now having a negative impact on everything we attempted to do to correct the situation for both of us.
We now need to*get the cages**for Fed Ex, and get back to us. I am sure you must agree that if they reimburse us, we all will be in a better situation.
Our intentions were always with your best interest in mind, and to correct a mistake. I believe we acted with integrity, honesty, and with your interest in mind*at all times. I am now very confused as we are in an unenviable situation no mater what we do.

Bruce, Fed Ex just called to pick up the damaged cage..I did not
answer..What to do? Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:51:07 AM US/Central
Subject: Re: One more thing

Bruce, I was trying to help you guys out, I had my brother look at them, and they will be too costly and not worth the money to hard is that to understand ?You shipped broken cages. You told me to use these cages, now you say to give them to fed ex? You said you could not stop the 2nd shipment from fed ex. You told me to ignore Fed ex. You are sadly mistaken , bruce. Maybe we will let the BOI take a look at the situation.. After nov, dec, and part of jan I still don't have cages for my dragons, bruce... Jean
On Wednesday, January 19, 2005, at 09:27 AM, wrote:

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:52:16 AM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Re: One more thing

B, I think this is going to get ugly, and I sure don't want it

On Wednesday, January 19, 2005, at 09:27* AM,

I don't respond to Threats very well. I brought up several issues which concerned us, and confused me. I don't* Respond to BOI, nor do I appreciate the gossip, and pettiness that people put on there. I might as well watch Jerry Springer.
Worst of all, after all our conversations to rectify the situation in a positive, proactive, friendly manner, I do not take it lightly that If legitimate questions are asked you become agitated, and believe that BOI is a way to resolve the issue, nor use it as a Threat. That is a disappointment, and is not a way to motivate us to resolve any request.
At this point we wish you to return the cages to Fed Ex, as they requested for damage inspection. Hopefully they will refund the money, and there is no monetary issue. I am not sure why that request results in anger, and threats. As for your immediate situation, that is a detail that we have been and will continue to work with you.
Customer Comments (Testimonials?)

Hello Jean, Hope you are well.
Bruce just forwarded me your email conversations and I am a little confused also.* If you would have did what we told you to do in the first place*, refuse the second order of cages, we would not be in this situation now.* The first cage came in damaged, I understand that and you will be fully compensated for that.* The other 2 cages were to be refused by you so they would come directly back to us.* You ignored that and accepted the cages.* The pictures you emailed me of the second shippment of cages showed 1 cage had a small crack in one of the corners, easily fixable with just pvc cement, and the second cage, the light fixture had fell off of the ceiling due to the fasteners coming out, about 2 minutes to re-screw them in.* At this point you emailed Bruce and Me, saying the cages came in much better and they were easily fixable and you were going to keep them.* I then emailed you back stating "if you need any help or any materials to make the repairs just to let me know and I would do what ever I could to help you with that."* And I also told you I was filing a claim with fedex on the damaged cage.* I called fedex about the claim and they sent me the appropriet forms.* During that time Fedex come to your place to pick up the damaged cage (cage #1)* I told you, I had not gotten the paperwork into fedex yet for the claim so wait until I get the forms in.* I got the forms in and fedex has been to your place to pick the cage up 2 times and you failed to get the cage to them, why I do not know.* THEN Fedex CALLS you to tell you they are coming to pick it up and you dont answer the call because you see it is them calling?* Why?* Why would you not want to speak to them?* The sooner the claim gets in the sooner we can rectify the first damaged*cage.* And somewhere in between all of that mess, you emailed Bruce stating the repairs to the cages were going to be to costly.* How can that be, one has a very small crack which can be easily fixed with plain clear pvc cement which costs about $2 and the other cage only needed to have the 2 screws put back into the light fixture.* And I saw somewhere you were going to upgrade the flourescent fixtures to bigger ones...* What you upgrade on the cages is totally up to you, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the cages you ordered, we offer the upgrades to those same fixtures at a very minimal cost, you ordered cages with the standard equipment, but I even offered to pay for*your upgrades*as well.* And we also offered you a FREE Bearded Dragon Cage and Bruce offered you FREE first pick of the litter from his Scar breedings to over compensate for your trouble.* And somewhere in these emails you said we shipped you a broken cage, which is totally not true in any sense.* Fedex damaged the cage and that is why a claim was put in.* And I remember you emailing me saying that if fedex pays the claim you should be compensated even more for your trouble.** And I agreed to that to.*
What more can we do here Jean, we have bent over backwards to help correct the situation and you keep changing your mind in every direction.* And then you expected us to refund your money, you USE the cages while you ordered cages from someone else, and when they came in you send us back USED cages?*
Talk about being taken advantage of.*
We are willing to work with you however we possibly can.* But the first thing that has to happen is you getting the cages back to fedex.* When and if the claims are filled, we will reimburse you for the cages from that claim.* If the claim is not filled we will get a refund to you asap.* You know we are a new cage comapany and are very limited on funds.* We are out the time, materials and shipping costs of the cages we shipped you and we gave you a discount on top of all of that.*
I saw in your email that you are threating takeing this to the BOI.* And I am going to say this, if that will make you feel any better about the situation, please do so.* The BOI is nothing but a place where people go and whine.* Credibility from the BOI just doesnt hold up.* We work hard to put out a nice cage at a nice price and have always been ontop of customer service, and I think we went way beyond that for you.* And it wasnt to keep our name of the BOI, it was to comfort your situation the best we could.*
Have a nice day, and be well.* Please get the cages back to fedex because I am now filing claims on all of them.
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:49:55 PM US/Central
Subject: Re: cage situation

this is direct quote from you:>Thirdly, as Sam may have mentioned , don't refuse the other two cages. Hopefully they will arrive in tact, if not you may still be able to use them. This will not affect any economic reimbursement.

I said keep them for your convince . I just thought if they could be fixed easily and cheaply it would work for both of us. We will refund you the money, yet don't spend money on temporary cages.
Do you want more quotes form both of you...Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:58:53 PM US/Central
Subject: more

Keep the cages. Use them as you see fit. We will work with you in any manner you feel comfortable and deem fair. Should you want a full refund, we will do that, and still give you a Free cage, and Free pick of the litter of any clutch of Reds (Scar, Lucifer, Flame, Siren, etc). There is no sense in shipping them back.
First you may be able to use them, until you decide how you will proceed.
Two it is too much hardship on you to ship back.
Three if shipped back, they will surely be destroyed in transit.
Fourth and most important, you don't need any additional stress in your life right now, your health comes first!
Unless Fed Ex is Picking them up to refund us for the Damage, which Sam May be aware of, I don't see the purpose of shipping them back*by Fed ex.
am leaving with my son for College. We will give you a refund, yet don't buy other cages if you can use the ones we shipped temporarily.
I will talk to Sam about the refund, and hope we can do it today, yet I believe we are able to have it in*a week. We have put all our cash into construction, and materials, therefore it may take us a bit, and some scrambling.
In addition we still plan to honor our offer of a Dragon, and Free Quality Condition cage to you.
My deepest apologies, and regrets*for the inconvience. We hope to be able to satisfy you in the future.
Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.*
I said keep them for your convince . I just thought if they could be fixed easily and cheaply it would work for both of us. We will refund you the money, yet don't spend money on temporary cages.
Wait until you see some of the offspring, and the new cages with the proper packing?
want more? Jean

From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:18:46 AM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: what to do

Hey Jean,

I have not had a chance to talk to Bruce today about the situation... I got
your emails late last night but didn't want to respond until I know
something good or bad. I am quite confused as well about what is going
on... there seems to be a lot of miscommunication and i"m not sure i've
gotten all the emails and what is up and what is not up.

I am going to email bruce/sam right now and see what I can find out and get
this resolved for you. Personally, I would hold off on posting on the BOI
for the simple fact if you make them mad, it will make it harder to get a
response from them. However, if that's something you feel you need to do,
then i'm not by any means encouraging you not too... but I would wait a day
and see what I can find out before this takes a turn for the worse. Right
now I have to believe there is a lot of communication problems.

I'm going to email bruce right now... let me see what I can find out.. I
will email you this afternoon as soon as I hear something back good or bad.

Pray for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:06 AM
To: Brandon Nature
Subject: what to do

B, Do you a heads up on what they intend to do, I am composing this
drama for the BOI and my Credit card company, if they do not respond
today. I see you have been to the board, should I post this experience?
I do not want to cause any hardship, it is not in my nature, but this
whole deal went wrong. I tried to be nice, and they have twisted the
story every day to suit them. I am shocked by their behavior. Can you
give me some guidence, because I trust you...Jean
From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:25:20 AM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: what to do

No problem.. i am emailing them right now.. lets see what they say.
email you as soon as i know.

-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:22 AM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: what to do

B, Sounds good..Thank You...Jean -- If you want all the e-mail
exchanges so you can take a third party look-see, I will forward you
them all ..Again, Thanks...
On Thursday, January 20, 2005, at 08:18 AM, Brandon - Dragons by
Nature wrote:

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:22:12 PM US/Central
Subject: refund

Bruce/Sam, Am I reading the e-mail's I have received correctly ? Let me know if I have misinterpeted them..I really felt threatened this morning, Bruce..I don't know why you would say those things..I thought we were working together on this? I asked for a refund, you said OK, I told you I would ship these back, you said no,don't go but temp housing. I asked about fed ex, Sam said to ignore them. So, why now are you like this? Would you like me to resend those e-mails so you can review them together and get on the same page..All I ask is that you refund my money, I asked you to send me 3 boxes and I will repack these and return them..I need to order NEW cages Now..

.Please let us know what realistic solution you may have in mind. We are willing to attempt almost anything to correct the situation. Our sincerest apologizes.
*Bruce, that sound's good..I will get these 3 cages back from my brother..start waking up my dragons, and order precisions..please refund via paypal to you want these back after my precisions arrive, I will repack them and send them to you..I do still want to purchase an additional dragon from you also, in additional to the one you have offered..Talk soon..Jean

Keep the cages. Use them as you see fit. We will work with you in any manner you feel comfortable and deem fair. Should you want a full refund, we will do that, and still give you a Free cage, and Free pick of the litter of any clutch of Reds (Scar, Lucifer, Flame, Siren, etc). There is no sense in shipping them back.
First you may be able to use them, until you decide how you will proceed.
Two it is too much hardship on you to ship back.
Three if shipped back, they will surely be destroyed in transit.
Fourth and most important, you don't need any additional stress in your life right now, your health comes first!
Unless Fed Ex is Picking them up to refund us for the Damage, which Sam May be aware of, I don't see the purpose of shipping them back*by Fed ex.
Relax as much as you can, and use the cages to help you out while you decide what you want to do. If you have any questions you may call me Tuesday, Tomorrow on my cell at 215-801-5353.
Again. Not to worry. This experience is no longer about Money, it is about reducing any stress, or anxiety on you, and helping you house your animals until you can replace the cages.* I am attaching pictures of just some of the Reds were are Breeding, and we believe they will be some of the best in the market. We have 25 people already on a waiting list.
This has not been a good experience >>Murphy's Law. It is up to us to make it right, and for you & us*to make it as easy on you as possible.
Just focus on your health, and family. We take responsibility for the cage mishap.
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:05:41 PM US/Central
Subject: Fwd: cage situation

You told me bruce, not to refuse the 2nd order, remember? you never once told me fed ex was coming to pick these up. I emailed you guys and asked YOU if they were picking these up, I needed more time to get them back from my brother and packed properly. read thru the e-mails , its all there...The cages are broke and I have asked for a refund, very simple, bruce told me to keep the cages, and offered me a dragon, and a bearded dragon cage for the hassle, remember? I told you I would ship these back , if so desired, you bruce told me to keep them, and not to buy temp caging. I even asked you to ship me 3 boxes if you wanted these back after I receive my new cages, remember.. I, nor my brother are cage builders and I ordered new cages, these are broke, very simple .Bruce told me to use the cages, Sam..I think you need to talk to each other..Because I have the e-mails..please read them carefully... Please refund my money...and I will order cages and when they come I will set up a date to return these cages to you. That is all I ask. I expected new cages along time ago, and that is all I want, Is new, non cracked,functioning properly cages for my dragons..YOU offered the dragon, and the Bearded dragon cage for my hassle, and let me tell you this has not been a hassle it has been a holy nightmare...What am I to put my waking dragons in bruce while I wait for caging, now you want me to go out and but temp housing after you told me to keep there cages and use them? I don't get it, or am I missing something? Jean

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:20:27 AM US/Central
Subject: cage situation

Hello Jean, Hope you are well.
Bruce just forwarded me your email conversations and I am a little confused also.* If you would have did what we told you to do in the first place*, refuse the second order of cages, we would not be in this situation now.* The first cage came in damaged, I understand that and you will be fully compensated for that.* The other 2 cages were to be refused by you so they would come directly back to us.* You ignored that and accepted the cages.* The pictures you emailed me of the second shippment of cages showed 1 cage had a small crack in one of the corners, easily fixable with just pvc cement, and the second cage, the light fixture had fell off of the ceiling due to the fasteners coming out, about 2 minutes to re-screw them in.* At this point you emailed Bruce and Me, saying the cages came in much better and they were easily fixable and you were going to keep them.* I then emailed you back stating "if you need any help or any materials to make the repairs just to let me know and I would do what ever I could to help you with that."* And I also told you I was filing a claim with fedex on the damaged cage.* I called fedex about the claim and they sent me the appropriet forms.* During that time Fedex come to your place to pick up the damaged cage (cage #1)* I told you, I had not gotten the paperwork into fedex yet for the claim so wait until I get the forms in.* I got the forms in and fedex has been to your place to pick the cage up 2 times and you failed to get the cage to them, why I do not know.* THEN Fedex CALLS you to tell you they are coming to pick it up and you dont answer the call because you see it is them calling?* Why?* Why would you not want to speak to them?* The sooner the claim gets in the sooner we can rectify the first damaged*cage.* And somewhere in between all of that mess, you emailed Bruce stating the repairs to the cages were going to be to costly.* How can that be, one has a very small crack which can be easily fixed with plain clear pvc cement which costs about $2 and the other cage only needed to have the 2 screws put back into the light fixture.* And I saw somewhere you were going to upgrade the flourescent fixtures to bigger ones...* What you upgrade on the cages is totally up to you, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the cages you ordered, we offer the upgrades to those same fixtures at a very minimal cost, you ordered cages with the standard equipment, but I even offered to pay for*your upgrades*as well.* And we also offered you a FREE Bearded Dragon Cage and Bruce offered you FREE first pick of the litter from his Scar breedings to over compensate for your trouble.* And somewhere in these emails you said we shipped you a broken cage, which is totally not true in any sense.* Fedex damaged the cage and that is why a claim was put in.* And I remember you emailing me saying that if fedex pays the claim you should be compensated even more for your trouble.** And I agreed to that to.*
What more can we do here Jean, we have bent over backwards to help correct the situation and you keep changing your mind in every direction.* And then you expected us to refund your money, you USE the cages while you ordered cages from someone else, and when they came in you send us back USED cages?*
Talk about being taken advantage of.*
We are willing to work with you however we possibly can.* But the first thing that has to happen is you getting the cages back to fedex.* When and if the claims are filled, we will reimburse you for the cages from that claim.* If the claim is not filled we will get a refund to you asap.* You know we are a new cage comapany and are very limited on funds.* We are out the time, materials and shipping costs of the cages we shipped you and we gave you a discount on top of all of that.*
I saw in your email that you are threating takeing this to the BOI.* And I am going to say this, if that will make you feel any better about the situation, please do so.* The BOI is nothing but a place where people go and whine.* Credibility from the BOI just doesnt hold up.* We work hard to put out a nice cage at a nice price and have always been ontop of customer service, and I think we went way beyond that for you.* And it wasnt to keep our name of the BOI, it was to comfort your situation the best we could.*
Have a nice day, and be well.* Please get the cages back to fedex because I am now filing claims on all of them.
Sam Craver
Cage Crafters

From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:24:21 PM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: what to do

Hi Jean,

Okay, I just got off the phone with Bruce and he's quite confused over the
situation... but we have resolved the issue. All you need to do is call
FedEx and have them come pick up the cages and that way get the claim filed
so Sunshine can get their money back so they can refund you. It's a done

Let me know if you can get that done today so I can let Bruce know. Also,
if you have a phone number where Bruce can give you a call and go over
things on the phone please let me know.

Let's make sure this happens right away so we can get your money back asap.

Thanks Jean,
rom: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:47:12 PM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: let's resolve this situation by tomorrow

All, Let's resolve this by tomorrow, because it is making me ill..If I do not hear from both of you, so we all are on the same page, by tomorrow, I will sadly turn this over to my credit card company to resolve. I hate to see it come to this, but I cannot take this day after day. I think there was a lot of misunderstanding, and by the sound of the e-mails from both of you, you are not communicating well with each other. We are all adult and I hope we can come to some understanding. I am off work tomorrow, so i will be watching for an e-mail so we can resolve this sad situation. Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:57:12 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: what to do
Attachments: There is 1 attachment

B, I don't have cages for all my dragons..I will have to go out and buy housing..I just got out of the hospital and don't have to extra cash. Everyone is up...How long is it going to take for a refund..another month? Also I have a central line in and cannot lift anything, so I will need to get someone over to help me..These are my problems with this...Jean
Old 02-17-2005, 05:32 AM   #8
She ordered her cages in SEPT. That was four months ago. She received some damaged cages. The seller should refund her or replace the cages and THEY (seller) should have to deal with the Fed Ex claim.

I for one want to thank you Jean for sharing your story. How a business (and I use that term lightly for Sunshine Cages) reacts to a problem is a big indicator of their morality and their integrity.
Old 02-17-2005, 06:04 AM   #9
From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:41:35 PM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: what to do

Hey Jean,

Yea... I understand... it has been a bad experience for everyone. I don't
know if it will help or not, but for like $8 at Home Depot you can buy these
large gray tubs that work pretty well for quarantine.. it's not the best
setup.. but you can use them and buy the clamp lamps for like $7 to shine
down... def not an ideal setup but if it helps any i've done that before for
a few weeks... if they told you to just hand them off to fed ex I would
hand them off or use the package material they came in.. but I would call
FedEx asap and tell them to come get them or at least schedule a time...
maybe they can pick the cages out of your house since your arm is disabled
or something.

You are welcome Jean, it's not a problem that is what I am here for. It's
aggravating that everyone is upset about it.. but at least you will get your
money back and Sunshine will get their cages back and you two can part ways.

Bruce is a good guy I know him well... I don't understand why or how they
would lie to you... and why it would be in their interest to do so.. but if
that's what you feel they did then I would be quite upset too. I hope you
know that I have been 100% honest with you and wouldn't lie to you about
anything. I am guilty in part too bc I sold the cages to you, but I have
done what I can and have been honest and that's all I can do.

I really regret this all around. Please let me know when you find out
anything from FedEx and I will tell Bruce the cages will be returned.


-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:22 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: what to do

I will borrow some money to buy temp housing, and call fed ex when I
have it. I would disassociate with them as this whole experience will
be posted as soon as I receive a refund between you and me..I thank you
for all your hard work on this matter, Brandon But they lied, and I am
totally unhappy with this whole scene.. Do these need to be boxed? Or
just hand them off to Fed Ex as is? I was told in one e-mail just to
hand them off??? Jean
On Thursday, January 20, 2005, at 02:14 PM, Brandon - Dragons by
Nature wrote:

I understand Jean, but I don't know what else we can expect from
unfortunately. I suggest you call Bruce and talk to him on the phone
work something out. If that's not a good situation for you then I can
suggest that you get the cages back to Sunshine as fast as possible so
can get you the refund. I don't know what else I can do. I don't
know how
long the claim will take and I don't know if they can refund you
before that
claim comes in... but I do know that we can't expect them to refund
you any
money before they have the cages back in their possession... so that
be the first step i think.

Let me know,

From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:46:04 PM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: schedule pick-up

To All as well:

Jean, I have explained everything as of this email to Bruce and Bruce I have
informed you as of the decision Jean has agreed to return the cages. I
think this is a fair settlement between the two parties.

If you both agree, we can setup a three way call between Jean, Bruce and
myself to discuss this in detail. I don't want any hard feelings and I
would hope nobody else does either.


-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:38 PM
Cc: Brandon Nature
Subject: schedule pick-up

All, Could you schedule a pick-up for tomorrow Friday 1-21-05. It need
to happen before noon, as I have a Doctors appt. at 1.00 pm. I am
borrowing money to buy temp housing, they are coming now to pick me up
and help me get it home. The boxes the cages come in are in pieces, so
do I just have them take them as is. Very disappointing situation that
I want done by tomorrow. How long do you anticipate me getting a
refund, so I can pass this along to precision... Thank you, Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:01:37 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: schedule pick-up

just schedule a pick-up for tomorrow b4 noon, please explain to fed ex I cannot lift due to the central line.They will need to come in and take them out of my house for me.. They will go unboxed as the boxes they come in are in pieces, unless you have a suggestion.. Off to buy more cages...let me know ....Jean
On Thursday, January 20, 2005, at 02:46 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

To All as well:

Jean, I have explained everything as of this email to Bruce and Bruce I have
informed you as of the decision Jean has agreed to return the cages. I
think this is a fair settlement between the two parties.

If you both agree, we can setup a three way call between Jean, Bruce and
myself to discuss this in detail. I don't want any hard feelings and I
would hope nobody else does either.


From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:06:28 PM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: schedule pick-up

Bruce said that you have to call and schedule with FedEx since you accepted
the package and they are in your possession. If I hear different I'll let
you know but that's what was explaind to me.

In a message dated 1/20/2005 3:42:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I have no difficulty talking to Jean, and we always look to do the best we are able to end with a win-win. Mistakes happens, yet we do our best to rectify them.
Once again, Sam is in charge of the cages, and knows the proper procedures. He is in charge, and has the final word.

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:13:30 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: what to do

b, I don't hold you responsible for any of this nightmare, you are one of the most honest people I have meet ..I am very disappointed on how this was handled, and will post my experience after the refund. I have spent alot of money and felt I have been misled and flat out lied too. and it will show in my honest assessment of this company.. ...e-mails don't lie... Later, dude..gotta get housing together..Let me know on the fed ex deal..Don't they need an account # for pick-up, So I just thought it would be easier for them to schedule it...If they need my address it is: xxxxdeletedxxxx
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:14:44 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: schedule pick-up

do I need an account # to ship under..I don't want to flip the bill for this too..hehe ..Jean

Hello Ms. Hubert, Unfortuantly scheduling a pick up is not how it works.* The claims have been filed and Fedex will contact you if/when they need to inspect*or pick up the cages.* I just called fedex to see what the next step is and they told me it will take 7-10 days after they recieve the claim forms, which I sent, to determine what they will do.* They also told me, that sometimes they dont need to inspect the damaged goods and just settle the claim, but I wont know until after they recieve the claim forms in the mail.* If fedex does contact you in anyway, please just follow their instructions, so we can get this whole mess cleaned up as fast as possible.* I have been a wreak since all of this has happened and so has Bruce, so I am sure you have also.* I have NEVER had this much trouble with an order EVER.* So this is all new to me.*
I want to appologize for the inconvience to you and the trouble and stress it has put on you.* I am hoping to get everthing resolved in a timely manner so we can all go about our normal business.
If fedex contacts you, please let me know so we are on the same page.* If fedex contacts me, I will let you know.*
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.* I know its been a pain in the backside, for all of us.
Sam Craver

-------------- Original message --------------

> All, I am emptying the cages as we speak, I went and bought 40g.
> breeders. I am just documenting the damage with my friends camera,
> better than my junky palm, I hope. I have found another crack that I
> missed already, If you want pics of all the damage, prior to Fed Ex
> pick up, let me know...The cages will be sitting by my door shortly.
> Jean
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:24:37 PM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: acct #

I just called fed ex, need an acct #, my ride is waiting to help me buy/carry temp caging..please provide...Thanks, Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 3:35:53 PM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: acct #

Sam obviously scheduled a pick-up earlier this week, as I have the tags..So, I do not want to have your acct. info, no more problems needed..Pick up info:

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:58:46 PM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: cages are ready for pick up

All, I am emptying the cages as we speak, I went and bought 40g. breeders. I am just documenting the damage with my friends camera, better than my junky palm, I hope. I have found another crack that I missed already, If you want pics of all the damage, prior to Fed Ex pick up, let me know...The cages will be sitting by my door shortly. Jean
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:33:26 PM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: cages are ready for pick up

way too much lack of communication between them two..I just spent hundreds for temp cages...what a mess !!! Jean

Bruce said that you have to call and schedule with FedEx since you accepted
the package and they are in your possession. If I hear different I'll let
you know but that's what was explaind to me.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:53:55 PM US/Central
To: jean hubert <>
Subject: Re: cages are ready for pick up

Hello Ms. Hubert, Unfortuantly scheduling a pick up is not how it works.* The claims have been filed and Fedex will contact you if/when they need to inspect*or pick up the cages.* I just called fedex to see what the next step is and they told me it will take 7-10 days after they recieve the claim forms, which I sent, to determine what they will do.* They also told me, that sometimes they dont need to inspect the damaged goods and just settle the claim, but I wont know until after they recieve the claim forms in the mail.* If fedex does contact you in anyway, please just follow their instructions, so we can get this whole mess cleaned up as fast as possible.* I have been a wreak since all of this has happened and so has Bruce, so I am sure you have also.* I have NEVER had this much trouble with an order EVER.* So this is all new to me.*

I'm sure they are there to pick up the cages.* Did they leave a return day or anything?
Or is their a number for you to call?

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi, Had a Fed Ex notice on my door this evening, when I got home..It
> says we tried to pick up call tags..Any clue what this is about? Jean
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:26:32 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Re: Fed Ex Notice

Sam, Its says pick-up" call tags" with no return date, if that means the cages, I will not be home Wed. for them to pick-up either, I work until evening..I will try to call Fed Ex , Wed am b4 work and see, I will be home Thursday and will try to arrange for then, if that is what that means...Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:58:13 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: Fed Ex Notice

Good morning Sam, I just got off the phone with Fed EX, I talked to the local guys, Yes they want to come pick them up..But it only says on the paperwork, they are picking up 2 cages..He said for you to call and say they need to pick up 3 cages, he said they will come tomorrow when I am off. If you take care of the paperwork and show 3 cages need to picked up this am. they will pick up tomorrow.. Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Thu Jan 27, 2005 7:41:57 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: Fed Ex Notice

Just got off the phone again with the local Fed Ex.. They have not got the paperwork yet to pick-up 3 cages, only 2...He said he will call tomorrow am again, hopefully the paperwork will be there. Are we all in agreement that all 3 cages are to be picked up, and that you have corrected the paperwork ? Just wondering as I did not hear back from my e-mail yesterday.. Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:12:35 AM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: cage situation

Hi Brandon, Have you stopped selling the cages? I see Matthew from Mystical has taken them off his website also..I am hoping for a refund soon, xxxxdeletedxxxxx.I do want to post this experience on the BOI, but I don't want to involve you or your business .But I think people will see you were the one to resolve this matter honestly. I have been talking to the local Fex Ex guys every day, and as soon as Sam gets the paperwork to them for the 3rd cage, they will pick-up.I still have a central line in, so I will have to have someone come over to pick the cages up and take them out, as Fed Ex won't come in. They told me it would only take a day or so. But it has been longer that that already. I sure don't want this to turn into the Fire and Ice thread. It has got to affect her business !! I am still so steamed about this and the way it was handled by them. Take Care , B..and I hope to get a Goblin baby from you when they are ready..Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Tue Feb 1, 2005 7:47:06 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Re: Fed Ex Notice

Sam, Fed Ex called this am and said they have to pick up the first 2 cages this am, they can only hold the paperwork until today. They still have not received the paperwork yet on the 3rd cage, so I am letting these 2 go today. And will have them come for the other when they get the paperwork. I hope I can get a refund soon, as I have adults in temp 40 gallon breeders and have cages built and ready to ship as soon as I can get this refund. Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Tue Feb 1, 2005 9:14:06 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: Fed Ex Notice

First 2 cages were just picked up, 2-1-05 at 9:10 am..Jean

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Feb 2, 2005 10:27:13 PM US/Central
To: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Subject: Re: cage situation

B, I just want my money back too, I am hoping Sam is a stand up guy and will just refund me in a timely manner, and take back this third cage. If that happens, I am not going to post, I am too tired to have a long, mud slinging battle there that will surely hurt them and their business. I only like to read them started by others, better than soaps. I wish him or their new business any harm. I know it is tough to be self-employed and try a get a new start up company going. But I have spend a a lot of time, told a lot of conflicting info, and money on this matter and 3 months later I still don't have cages. I hope he comes through soon, he does not e-mail me back either very often and it is making me a little nervous. and I see his site is down... Jean
On Wednesday, February 2, 2005, at 07:29 PM, Brandon - Dragons by Nature wrote:

Hey Jean,

Sorry took so long to get back to you. Our heater went out which cause a
lot of problems at night for the reptiles... been swamped with that and
work! Thanks for the other emails and keeping me in the loop. I have
emailed sam a few times but have not heard back from him... Yes, I have
stopped selling the cages. I have a good relationship with Bruce and will
keep that relationship, but having said that I am done selling the cages and
working with sam. I understand about the BOI.. if you feel that's something
you need to do, then it's something you should def do. I appreciate you
worrying about dragging us into it.. but if you are going to the BOI then we
should be included for accuracy. I am not concerned about it... what I
want is for your money to be 100% refunded and then I will be as satisifed
as i'll get with this fiasco. never again i can tell you that. Let me know
once you receive your money.. and i hope you're feeling better health wise
real soon!

From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Feb 6, 2005 10:51:15 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Can I please have an update on refund

All, Can I please have an update on this situation, Fed ex picked up the 2 cages on 2-1-05 and I got no response from neither of you. It says on the Fed ex website, that claims are taken care of in 5-7 days. The 3rd cage is still here, and I have not heard a thing from anyone about this. My patience is really starting to wear thin after 3 months of dealing with this. Jean

From: "Brandon - Dragons by Nature" <>
Date: Wed Feb 2, 2005 10:38:53 PM US/Central
To: "'jean hubert'" <>
Subject: RE: cage situation

Yea, I don't blame you... i wouldn't want a fight either as long as you get
the money... i do agree though however this whole situation has been handled
very unprofessionally... sam's site is up... i think you were looking at i registered that domain for him and was going to build
him a website.. he decided to go elsewhere for his website design so
therefore i deleted his hosting with my account <grin> So therefore until
his new web guy gets that domain transfered to other name servers that site
will be down. here is a link to his regular page: i wouldn't be nervous, sam is a
stand up guy he'll get it done. he's not responding back to me either and
it's been 4 days so i wouldn't be too concerned about that as far as him
ignoring you. i think he's just got alot on his plate and xxxxxdeletedxxxxxxxxxx


-----Original Message-----
From: jean hubert []
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 11:27 PM
To: Brandon - Dragons by Nature
Subject: Re: cage situation

B, I just want my money back too, I am hoping Sam is a stand up guy and
will just refund me in a timely manner, and take back this third cage.
If that happens, I am not going to post, I am too tired to have a long,
mud slinging battle there that will surely hurt them and their
business. I only like to read them started by others, better than
soaps. I wish him or their new business any harm. I know it is tough to
be self-employed and try a get a new start up company going. But I have
spend a a lot of time, told a lot of conflicting info, and money on
this matter and 3 months later I still don't have cages. I hope he
comes through soon, he does not e-mail me back either very often and it
is making me a little nervous. and I see his site is down... Jean

I've been notified from fedex, they are working on the claim.*It said expect*resolution in 7-10 business days. *That is all I know.* As soon as I know more, believe me, You'll be the first to know.* I am not sure why they havent picked up the 3rd cage, but I will get on them about that.
Sorry for the inconvience.
Sam Craver

-------------- Original message --------------

> All, Can I please have an update on this situation, Fed ex picked up
> the 2 cages on 2-1-05 and I got no response from neither of you. It
> says on the Fed ex website, that claims are taken care of in 5-7 days.
> The 3rd cage is still here, and I have not heard a thing from anyone
> about this. My patience is really starting to wear thin after 3 months
> of dealing with this. Jean
>From: jean hubert <>
Date: Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:27:42 AM US/Central
To: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: Can I please have an update on refund

B, still no refund,still have the 3rd cage here..The 16th will be 11 business days. On the 17th I will be posting this damaging senerio on the BOI,If I still don't have this cage gone and a refund. Hope you can make it..Jean

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sun Feb 6, 2005 10:55:37 AM US/Central
To: jean hubert <>
Subject: Re: Can I please have an update on refund

I've been notified from fedex, they are working on the claim.*It said expect*resolution in 7-10 business days. *That is all I know.* As soon as I know more, believe me, You'll be the first to know.* I am not sure why they havent picked up the 3rd cage, but I will get on them about that.
Sorry for the inconvience.
Sam Craver
From: jean hubert <>
Date: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:31:42 AM US/Central
Cc: Brandon Nature <>
Subject: Fwd: Can I please have an update on refund

The 7-10 business days have come and gone, 3rd cage still here, have dragons in improper caging, What's up ? Jean

In a message dated 2/16/2005 9:26:44 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
*We Also offered you several options I have every E-mail like you do. First you accepted an offer than you changed you mind and said no than you said yes to a different resolution , than you changed your mind again.
We were waiting for Fed Ex. We told you that. Now you want to post on fauna. Well I couldn't care less if you took out an ad in the NY Times. Why don't you look in the mirror. You indicated you wouldn't take that route, , and in my opinion* you didn't honor your word, or*integrity more than once.
You know where we were today. In xxxxxxxdeletedxxxx.*Of all people I would think you would understand *health comes first.
We had intended to send you your refund this weekend*whether or not Fed Ex Refunded us for the Damage Fed Ex did, not us. We were going to take the hit and wait for Fed ex to get back to us . Yet technically once we ship, any damage is your issue with Fed Ex. and your responsibility to take up with them. So guess what we will give you the shipping information and you put a claim in for Fed Ex. I hope you get paid.
I indicated*I don't respond well to threats, or coercion. Yet you broke your word again. You changed you mind again. Good luck with Fed Ex.
It is Sam's company, and his call if he decides to take a different route. As far as I am concerned your on your own, as you didn't live up to your commitment, Broke your word, and expected us to wave a magic wand to correct an issue we had to wait for a third part to get back to us on. All this while Sam is devastated by the injury to his son.*
*If you think*posting**on fauna intimidates me, or will get me to do something that we already said we would do, yet would *take time depending on other parties, you are dealing with the wrong person. Black mail someone else.
Good luck on your cages, we are technically not responsible even though we were going to do our best and honor our commitment if you honored yours. Obviously you didn't.

The 7-10 business days have come and gone, 3rd cage still here, have
dragons in improper caging, What's up ? Jean

In a message dated 2/16/2005 10:16:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
For Starters you were suppose to give us a chance to get with Fed Ex. We don't control their decision making process or time frame.*You also said you wouldn't post on Fauna. Couldn't resist to try to intimidate us. Well like I said it's Sam's call. We tried different options to offer you, and first you said yes than no and on and on.
Now you couldn't resist Fauna, Broken promise. Yet again it is Sam's Call, he runs the company.
As for me, you will have to do better than that to intimidate me. I have no use for people that *break promises, and attempt to intimidate or Blackmail me. You wasted your time, and now my respect for your commitments. As far as I am concerned post all you want. Wear your little fingers off, Yet it is Sam's decisions therefore I will not speak for him. Discretion is the better part of Valor. Yet I have no tolerance for arrogance.
xxxxxdeletedxxxxxx, and you pull this garbage.

what commitment did i not honor, that I got broken cages that I spent
amost $1000 on, get real...I suggest you go back through the e-mail's
and see all your broken promises..I will post this on the Boi, and I
will contact Visa and Paypal.You have my money and I have one lopsided
cage..seem fair?
Old 02-17-2005, 06:11 AM   #10
This is the last e-mail from charming Mr, Bruce...I will never see my $1000 from them, but I am filing with Visa tomorrow.If I don't get a refund, at least I got this out and off my mind everyday..Feels gooooood !!! So, all together I have spend $995.00 plus a few hundred for temp housing and lights. And I still need to order cages..

In a message dated 2/16/2005 10:59:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I have waited patiently for far longer than most people ever would, so
we will bring this out on the table. I doubt I will ever see my money ,
so I really have nothing to lose. I will file with Visa tomorrow and go
from there. Jean
On Wednesday, February 16, 2005, at 09:52* PM,

*File with the*US Government to make a determination. The fact that Sam and his family*are going through a very difficult time, due to their son's unfortunate incident*and you couldn't care less*is an*example of the lack of character you have exhibited throughout this whole process.
You continue to go from one threat to another. You change your agreements, from moment to moment.*The shame of it all ,is all you had to do was have some empathy for Human beings, and not be so self centered, or*self righteous, as well as stop your immature threats.
They, intimidate no one, and the issue would have been resolved by the weekend, if not sooner. Now file with Visa. They may or may not credit*your account, until they investigate, and then it will surely be reversed. Yet you won't know for months now, as we will*oppose it every step of the way, with facts, not emotional threats.**
The lack of sympathy for others peoples illness, or severe medical accident is amazing, unfortunate, and self centered.
I feel sorry for you and your self pitying attitude. If you had any common sense you would stop with your worthless threats, which you have to know, have no impact or validity, and at least approach Sam. He is the Salt of the earth, and you may have resolved the issue . Now file with

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