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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 06-17-2002, 11:40 PM   #11

You are a very bad guy. &nbsp;<img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wow.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'> &nbsp;I wouldn't buy a snake from you if it was free. Shame on you. As a dealer, how dare you be honest and upfront with your customers? Don't you know that the customer is never right?

*LOL* Just giving you a hard time, bud. I commend your efforts and actions. Now just get into selling arboreals and maybe we can do business.
Old 06-18-2002, 12:38 AM   #12

Unfortunately, this is a situation where everyone loses. The couple lose their $150, your reputation takes a good jolt, and most importantly, a little snake is dead. I think that you were clear enough about the animal, so do not owe them a refund. At the same time, dont lose the lesson here-do not sell any animals that you cannot absolutely vouch for. Remember, just a few months ago Bill Cagle pulled something similar and really got blasted for it.

Best of luck in the future,

Gino (Beniquez) From Da Bronx
Old 06-18-2002, 08:53 AM   #13
I agree with Gino. First of all I don't think you owe them anything but condolensces on losing their rainbow boa, if indeed that is what happened.
Second, I believe the best way to build a reputable business is to only sell animals that you've quarantined, observed feeding regularly, and that have no outward signs of parasites/illness. That way you can offer a 24/48 hour guarantee and really cover your butt. Sometimes plain old honesty isn't enough. Just as you've stated that you told them everything you knew about the boa, (and I DO believe you), we are only hearing one side of the story. They could just as easily come to this forum and state that they were promised that the snake was healthy, feeding, and guaranteed for any given amount of time. Again, I don't think you owe them anything. Good luck in the future!

Paul Snyder
Old 06-18-2002, 09:34 AM   #14
Rob @ RK Reptiles

Of course your not a bad guy, and of course you DO NOT OWE them anything. &nbsp;You were up front and todl them everything and that there was no guarantee, they knew and accepted that. &nbsp;They even stated they knew it when they talked to you on the phone. &nbsp;Well thats the end of that. &nbsp;One thing I would suggest in the future, is make sure you send a recepit with every animal sold, and make sure if this ever happens again to make in LARGE BOLD LETTER "NO GUARANTEE" Don't sweat it.
Old 06-18-2002, 10:39 AM   #15
Darin Chappell
It is reading about situations such as this one that makes me want to write up a standard guarantee that has two boxes to check: "Seven day live and healthy guarantee" or "As is, no guarantee." &nbsp;Then I'll check the one appropriate for the animal I'm selling, have the customer sign the paper, and then keep a copy for my records. &nbsp;It makes you feel a bit like a used car salesman, I suppose, but it may very well have come to that point for me.

You didn't do anything wrong as you've described it. &nbsp;It was generous of you to even offer what little amount you were getting out of the deal.
Old 06-18-2002, 11:13 AM   #16
Donnie Smith
I do something similar to what Darren said on every animal that I sell, but I am one of those wierd guys that has no hope of ever making money from breeding and selling snakes. ;-) &nbsp;I also make them sign a statement that says if thy ever feel that they are unable to care for the snake that they will sell it back to me and not to anyone else. &nbsp;That way I know that none of my animals never end up at a rescue.

That is all in the name of CYA. :-)

-Your Sick Uncle Morti.
Old 06-18-2002, 11:32 AM   #17
Rob Hill/Geckos Anonymous
The way I see it, you don't owe them a refund. &nbsp;They accepted the terms of sale without question or complaint upon purchase of the animal. &nbsp;And they also waited until Monday to contact you when the snake supposedly died the same day they bought it. &nbsp;If it was ME, you better believe I would be calling, guarantee or not. &nbsp;

BUT, I personally would not have sold that animal without having it in my care for at the very least a week or two so I can offer it a meal or two and get a good feel of how it will do. &nbsp;As you said, that animal's past was questionable. &nbsp;

Just my opinion, though. &nbsp;Good luck with the biz!
Old 06-18-2002, 11:48 AM   #18
We had kind of a similar situation arise this past fall at the Columbia, SC show we attended. &nbsp;A woman purchased a hatchling leopard gecko for her son, and my wife (Connie) did the usual lecture about how to transport the animal in a vehicle, etc., etc. &nbsp;Well a couple of hours later, this woman comes back with a dead leopard gecko in the deli cup. &nbsp;Connie handled it initially as I was jawing with someone else, but she passed it on to me with the look in her eye that said 'NO WAY!' &nbsp;But I heard the woman out when she told me the story. &nbsp;She was claiming that her son was in the back seat looking at the gecko and swears he never took it out of the container. &nbsp;Around this time I'm thinking, heck the kid certainly killed the gecko, but what the heck, it's no big deal to give her another one. &nbsp;And then she blew it. &nbsp;She pushed the wrong button when she said "I think maybe you all are just selling some bad animals."

I just looked her in the eye and said "Lady, you know as well as I do that your son killed this gecko. &nbsp;And if you think I'm going to pay you for having him kill it, or give you another one for him to kill as well, you're just plain crazy." &nbsp;I think 'buttholes' is the term she muttered when she walked away from my tables. &nbsp;Connie and I still laugh about her to this day.

Sometimes you have to just know you are in the right, and say to hell with it. &nbsp;If the saying "the customer is always right" means that I am supposed to bend over at will for each and every one, then I just am not having any, thank you very much.
Old 06-18-2002, 03:40 PM   #19
Dianne Johnson
I think you did everything you could in regards for this particular sale. &nbsp;You gave them all the background information and they still decided to buy the animal based on its appearance with what seems to me to be little regard for its history. &nbsp;They were looking for a deal and got one. &nbsp;It was up to them to take the responsibility once they purchased the animal. &nbsp;I also have serious doubts that it died 'on the way home'. &nbsp;I'm a pessimist so sue me.

All of that said, for the future I would suggest that you not sell any animal that you have not personally witnessed feeding and that you have had in your possession for less than one month. &nbsp;Most immediate problems will show themselves in the first month though certainly not all potential problems will. &nbsp;A month's time will give you some idea of the animal's condition and allow you some insulation from surprise deaths such as this. &nbsp;If you don't want to keep an animal for observation before sale, then I would definately suggest printing up a sales receipt that states 'no guarantees' and that you keep a copy in addition to the copy the customer gets.

Just my .02 cents. <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>
Old 06-18-2002, 05:32 PM   #20
Giantkeeper Reptiles

IMO, you did properly by representing the animal the way you did. However, this is usually what happens when you "Consign" an animal. Morally you should not have sold that snake without proper quarantine. This is to protect you, the customer, and the animal.

Chris McAra
Giantkeeper Reptiles
Giantkeeper Reptiles

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