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Old 08-21-2014, 09:03 AM   #21
And it looks like I somehow missed one, because I just found #25 perched on a fish tank on the other side of the room. No idea how he managed to get loose, but the 24 I put away yesterday are all accounted for.
Old 08-21-2014, 09:18 AM   #22
Reptile Frenzy
Haha already have a little escape artist!
Old 08-21-2014, 09:39 AM   #23
Yeah, I still can't figure how it happened. Glad I came down to check on them this morning. Now to figure out where to put him.
Old 08-21-2014, 09:50 AM   #24
Reptile Frenzy
Yeah you were at capacity with the 24 right? Time to bust out the tupperware container!
Old 08-21-2014, 10:54 AM   #25
Originally Posted by Reptile Frenzy View Post
Yeah you were at capacity with the 24 right? Time to bust out the tupperware container!
Yep. Right now he's in a screen cage that I usually use for geckos until I can figure something else out. Hopefully I will be able to free up some space soon and get him into an appropriate tub.
Old 08-21-2014, 11:32 PM   #26
And as soon as you do that, #26 will show up... ;-)
Old 08-22-2014, 07:27 AM   #27
Originally Posted by Snakesitter View Post
And as soon as you do that, #26 will show up... ;-)
Haha. Well, I guess there are worse things.
Old 08-23-2014, 09:48 AM   #28
Originally Posted by Snakesitter View Post
And as soon as you do that, #26 will show up... ;-)
You jinxed me, Cliff. Look who I found hanging out on top of a gecko cage this morning. All other babies are accounted for, which makes this one #26. It had also just finished shedding, so I took the opportunity for some updated pics. I really love how the pattern is lightening up. Some of these guys are going to be really golden, like their father.
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Old 08-25-2014, 05:33 PM   #29
And today almost stepped on #27 who was on the floor with a dust bunny stuck to his head.
Old 08-26-2014, 01:58 AM   #30
Awww welcome #26! :-)

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