Dubbya a bush or Not a bush, that is the question - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 11-08-2005, 01:33 PM   #1
Dubbya a bush or Not a bush, that is the question

Okay I have recently noticed that a lot more people are realising that our president may not be the brightest bulb in the box. I have been afraid of what would happen to our country ever since he was elected the first time. What I would like to know is everyones opinion on how they think he has been as a president. Also how you think he got elected for a second term. Was it set up, because I personally don't know anyone who voted for him. To be fair though that adds up to about twenty people, not really enough to make or break an election.
Old 11-08-2005, 02:47 PM   #2
I would have voted for Bush but I forgot to go, hehe. I didn't want to vote for Kerry because I thought he just wanted to be president for the celebrity status. So, not sure if Bush is the best things for this country, but it was kind of a toss up as to which one would have been worse...
Old 11-08-2005, 03:07 PM   #3
Yup, it was definitly a case of the lesser stupidity. Thanks for the reply.
Old 11-08-2005, 03:12 PM   #4
I and alot of people i know voted against bush as well. I think something was done to get bush elected the 2nd time.

This whole war started over 911 and bin laden, that wound up getting iraq tied into it. Now there is no end in sight and it's costing thousands of people's lives. Still not one gram of any kind of WMD has been recovered and osama is still not captured.....
Old 11-08-2005, 04:23 PM   #5
Yup, I agree with trying to get Saddam out of power, but that is not why we were told we were going to war. Don't get me started on the whole Bin Laden thing. We can catch a guy who has hundreds of look a likes, hiding in a hole in the ground, but we can't catch a six foot guy on dialisis. Go figure. Let me just say this on the war though, I may not agree with the reasoning, but the troops and their families have my full support. They are the ones who are dying fighting for us.
Old 11-08-2005, 08:50 PM   #6
Brain Trust Manifesto

The fact that Bush is not the shiniest light on the tree is the worst kept secret around.
But, you must realize that he merely represents a "brain trust", that really does all the heavy lifting for him. This "club" of conservatives got their beginnings in the Reagan era, and believes that the US must use military might toward the end of protecting US interestests abroad, and expanding the American empire. The ultimate goal is world domination, and the snuffing of all competition.

Q:Guess why they never had any exit strategy in Iraq?

THEY DETERMINED THAT IRAQ WAS A STRATEGIC LOCATION FROM WHICH TO STAGE MIDDLE EAST OPERATIONS. It had nothing to do with "The Evil Saddam". There are lots of regiemes in the world at least as bad as his, but you never even hear about them. They had made up their minds we were going to invade Iraq years before 9/11. Then it was just a case of selling it to the American people. Problem was, there were no facts to support thier case, so they lied. Through their teeth. Now they are going to find out the American people are not as stupid as they thought.

Here's a link to the manifesto, drafted in 1997. Notice the signatures at the bottom.
It says nothing about feeding the starving, respect and tolerance for your fellow man, leading the World to a more peaceful existence through strong leadership. Nope. None of that. Just about how to rule the world.

Project for the New American Century
Old 11-08-2005, 10:03 PM   #7
I hope the American people aren't stupid.
I have less confidence in them being less apathetic though.

I didn't think we had ANY real choice in the last election. There was really no one to choose from.

If a George Dubya supporter doesn't chime in here soon I'll be very surprised. I'm not one. I think his "length of service" has been disastrous and we won't know just how pernicious until he's out. Frankly, I think we have legitimate reasons to be afraid.

Do you know how large our debt to China and India is? It's scary. What do you think China, and even India, might like to do with that kind of leverage?

Every great civilisation, every great power falls down, fails and dies. The USA will too in time.
Old 11-09-2005, 05:29 PM   #8
Well, how does one say this accurately?
Rush Limbaugh for example is someone who is in the "if it has an R next to the name then it's automatically right" crowd. I do NOT agree with that in any way. However, I did vote Bush. I see MANY faults with our President. I can tell you why that is too, cause he's human and has human advisers. It's funny to me that so many are quick to call Bush dumb when he went to an extremely prestigeous school and has higher scores than Kerry... well, whatever, that's not important in any case at all...
One thing I have to say is this, as much as I am hating how non existant our borders are and the lack of concern Bush shows to that I have to say, thus far, since 9/11 and the soon thereafter anthrax scares, we have not seen a single thing happen on American soil. I know that using WMD's as his only reason for Iraq was dangerous, but get real, WHY ON EARTH would ANYONE in their right mind go to war against another nation without credible reason? Really, that's an EXTREMELY stupid thing to do to say the least... Some may say that it's about oil or cronyism (spelling?) but give me a break . I'm sorry, but that is extremely lofty. North Korea, Iraq, etc. would do such a thing. Those leaders are trully psychotic. They are opressive and they are bent on domination. We are not like that. America is not Communistic. We do not impose our ways on other nations. Up until we were attacked, we were not going to war. They pre empted this. Not only that, but those other nations have shown in what they do to their own citizens that they are the ruthless ones. We here in America are free, they aren't. Our President is certainly not perfect but for heaven's sake, he is not the anti Christ.
Old 11-09-2005, 05:31 PM   #9
lol, just want to add this...
I in no way said any of that with anger. That's the annoying thing with the internet, you can't tell what someone's tone of voice is. That's why I put that smile in my post because I am not trying to sound mad or anything, I just wanted to say my opinion.
Old 11-09-2005, 06:39 PM   #10
A topic like this presents a lot of temptation to make angry posts. Politics, religion and what?

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