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Old 11-13-2003, 12:51 PM   #1
Unhappy Please Help Me!!!!!!! :(

I found my veild chameleon in very (dangeresly) bad shape today. I found him on the floor. He is very skinny and dihidrated. I also noticed that his back leg looks weird. I think it's broken. It's just hanging there. I tried moving it and i noticed he can still move his toes and bend his knee a little bit. but he trys to walk on it and he just stumbles. I don't know what to do. I know if i call a vet ,he's just gonna tell me to bring him in. But i'm broke and don't have a job. So im completely lost. I figured i only have a few choices:
1)Put him to sleep (the vet also charges to kill my baby, so it will have to be some other sort of death )
2) give him away (maybe the vet might take him)
I still love him and don't wanna give him up but i don't got any money to pay for surgery. So i need to find a nice enough person to take care of him for me untill i save up enough money to pay them back ,or find a vet that could help him in anyway. I don't don't know what to do.
Should i call the humain society?
Give him up for adoption?
Put him to sleep?
ANY suggestions will be helpful
Old 11-16-2003, 12:26 PM   #2
Your veiled is in serious need of vet attention. Try calling and talking to one. Most vets are compassionate of animals and their owners and can work out a payment plan. If this doesnt pan out, you can run a search for a shelter in your area that accepts reptiles. Maybe somebody there will take pity on you.

Not that anybody wants chastising in your situation, but anytime we take on the responsibility of a pet of any kind, the ability to provide vet care , and a proper environment to protect them from injury and illness needs to be a top priority. If this cannot be supplied, at any time, then you should not have an animal under your care. Most of the time, it should not have been obtained in the first place.

Our financial responsibilities to our animals only begins with the purchase of that $30 dollar baby veiled. The money put into them for the remainder of their lives ends up being many times that initial cost. Proper caging, food/vitamin supplements, and vet care can add up into the hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Please find your chameleon vet help, whatever it takes, you owe it to him. He did not ask for what he has been dealt. Borrow, sell something, put it on credit, do what it takes to fulfill your end of the responsibility you took on. After you take care of his health problems, take a good look at the situation and decide if you should keep him or find him a new home.

I wish you the best of luck.
Old 11-22-2003, 06:20 PM   #3
You may need to look how your caring for your cham. If you are just now noticing he is thin, there is a problem. Chams do not become thin overnight, this sounds as though there is a dehydration and feeding issue. Please really consider this animals care, and check to see he/she is getting what is needed. One of the most common causes of death for chams is dehydration. They require misting at least 3 times a day, and even still it is good to provide with some type of drip system.
Old 11-22-2003, 06:23 PM   #4
forgot to mention, this also may be a case of MBD, metabolic bone disease. Do you have UVA and UVB lighting? Are you providing calcium dusted live feeders 2-3 times a week at least? This too could be a cause.

First I would try warm showering to attempt to rehydrate the cham.
Old 11-22-2003, 11:59 PM   #5
I was left wandering if there was a cage being used at all, since he was found on the floor in this surprising condition.

I suspect this chameleon has already met his demise. Though I hope not from a rock.

For anybody thinking of buying a chameleon, or has just obtained one, check out the following links. There is alot of info that will help prepare you.

Chameleons are very environment specific, and even the easiest to keep aren't at all easy. Researching your chameleon is a must in order to be successful with them. And deciding to purchase one should not be taken lightly.
Old 12-21-2003, 11:45 PM   #6
Mark and Aimee
I found my veild chameleon in very (dangeresly) bad shape today. I found him on the floor. He is very skinny and dihidrated. I also noticed that his back leg looks weird. I think it's broken. It's just hanging there.
I'm at a total loss here... One day your Veiled Chameleon (one of the hardiest cham species) shows up on the floor, very skinny, dehydrated, and with a possible broken leg.

This happened overnight? He was healthy the previous day?

I don't want to sound like a jerk... But this sounds like an honest case of neglect. "I didn't know" is a poor excuse... The information is all over the internet.

I'm sure this Chameleon is dead by now - and it's probably best that way.

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