Updates to the infraction system - FaunaClassifieds
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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 03-15-2009, 11:16 PM   #1
Post Updates to the infraction system

The "rules" used to be posted prominently in the TOS, but can currently be found in the thread entitled Rules for Posting on the BOI <-- REQUIRED READING!! (updated 12/21/07) , which can be found at
The infraction system (including warnings) is one of the ways we make sure the rules are followed. I will include the list of infractions, with their description, so the information is easily found (*I removed Warning system abuse for this post, as that system has been eliminated).
**PLEASE NOTE** - This is the old list, and it is included in this thread because of the descriptions.
Actual or implied threats to another member
Threats in public are an indication of someone who just is not welcome on my site. Although this warning will be used as needed, more often then not, a severe case of threats will simply result in the person making the threats being fined and suspended immediately.

Maliciously destructive off topic posting
[i]New warning added on 12/21/07. I'm about as tired of the rampantly destructive derailing of threads by malicious off topic posting as anyone else here. I've been trying to figure out a good black and white definition to help the mods to enforce a rule to end this sort of nonsense, but such a definition has not been forthcoming. So, I am using a definition that is as best I can come up with, and leave it to the mods to interpret where, when, and against whom it is best applied.

Antagonism Towards Moderators
Moderators are here to moderate. That means they may ask you to calm down or tone it down. Turning your sights on them just makes a bad situation even worse, so please don't make their (and mine) job harder.

Racist / Prejudicial Remarks
Pretty self explanatory. No one really likes to see this sort of thing and this site is no exception. This is another warning event that that you need to take heed of. Generally a second offense will mean a suspension.

This is a publicly accessible message board, so please post accordingly. Note that if you say something like "You sh!thead!!", then look for the profanity notice in your emailbox. Sometimes it is the thought that counts in situations like this. I know this seems like a pretty lightweight penalty, but quite honestly, this is an adult oriented website so I am de-emphasizing such usage here.

Overly abusive towards another member
Especially within the BOI, things will oftentimes get overheated in a discussion. Although it is permissible to let your true feelings show with your emotions in high gear, there has to be some limits if you happen to go ballistic and your posting reflects this unstable state of mind. Civility is NOT required, but but refraining from becoming a complete and totally flaming jackass is.

Posting BOI topics in other forums
Please keep all BOI type threads and posts ONLY within the BOI. That makes it much easier for someone to find the information you may be trying to report.

Failure to post FULL NAME in BOI
FULL NAMES are required for each post you make on the BOI. Failure to comply with this rule will subject your post to the probabilty of being deleted.

Failure to provide SUBJECT name in topic line
The topic line needs to tell a reader what the topic is about. Stuff like "PLEASE READ THIS!" had better have a real good reason for me not to delete it.

Anonymous third party quotation
Saying something like "my buddy says you are a thief" is a third party quotation. There is no ownership to the accusation being made. Not allowed here. Let you buddy come in here and say it, otherwise it needs to remain unsaid.

Inappropriate advertising or spamming
Someone may get carried away with their promotional zeal for their business and begin posting advertising within discussion forums or posting the same identical ad in many different forums. Sorry, this is just a bit abusive of the readership here, and is strongly discouraged.
Old 03-20-2010, 03:00 AM   #2
In order to address some increasing problems, and lack of compliance with the rules, some changes have been made to the infraction system. I'll be posting the new list below, but I want to point out a couple of key items which might not be readily noticed.
- The warning option has been eliminated from all but the most minor infractions.
- The point value of several infractions has been increased. We are serious about our efforts to remedy these problems; and, if people can't comply, they will be removed more quickly.
- The duration of the points has, in many cases, been doubled. Waiting til they expire, only to continue causing problems will be much more difficult.

List updated, 8/9/2016
Title.................................................. ........Points.............................Expires
Ad bumping abuse in classifieds..........................1............ ..................365 Day(s)
Anonymous third party quotation........................1................ ...............365 Day(s)
BOI relevant post made outside of the BOI...........1...............................365 Day(s)
Inappropriate advertising or spamming................1......................... ......365 Day(s)
Indirect advertisement..................................... ..1...............................365 Day(s)
Missing, invalid or false FULL NAME in Classified Ad post..1......................365 Day(s)
Missing, invalid or false LOCATION in Classified Ad post...1......................365 Day(s)
Missing or false FULL NAME in BOI post.........................1.................... ..365 Day(s)
Photo evidence in BOI has not been provided via the file attachment function..1...365 Day(s)
Quoting uncensored profanity from another party...1...............................365 Day(s)
Subject name is absent in BOI topic line................1............................. .365 Day(s)
Borderline abusive post.......................................2...... ........................365 Day(s)
Tag word abuse............................................. .....2..............................365 Day(s)
Disruptive off topic posting...................................4....... ......................365 Day(s)
Disruptive posting in classified ad ..........................4....................... ......365 Day(s)
Inflammatory post.............................................. 4..............................365 Day(s)
Profanity......................................... ..................4............................... 365 Day(s)
Actual or implied threats.....................................6..... ..........................12 Month(s)
Personal attack on another member......................6..................... ..........12 Month(s)
Posting ads for a banned member.........................6.................. .............12 Month(s)
Racist/Prejudicial Remarks...................................6....... .......................12 Month(s)
Antagonism towards moderators...........................9............ ..................24 Month(s)
Immediate 3 day ban.........................................12.... ..........................7 Day(s)
Immediate 1 month ban.....................................18........ ......................2 Month(s)
Immediate 1 year ban ........................................24........ .....................14 Month(s)
Immediate PERMANENT ban................................36

The automatic bans are still in place, but the tolerances have been reduced a bit (partially due to the adding of the one year ban to the roster, partly due to the number of people just flat out ignoring their infractions and temporary bans). The 3 day still kicks in at 12 pts, the 30 day now hits at 18 pts, the one year ban at 24 pts, and the permanent ban at 36 pts. Basically, the point being made is that if a person comes back from a ban & continues to create issues, that person will be bumped to a longer ban more quickly. In other words, if you can't follow the rules, we don't want you here.
Old 03-20-2010, 03:16 AM   #3
R. Eventide
No argument here.
Old 03-20-2010, 03:41 AM   #4
Also, please bear in mind that I am still tweaking these values, and changes are likely. The infractions will get more weight to them, and the penalties for activities detrimental to this site will become easier to be slapped with. Quite frankly, I am just getting really fed up with the personal bitch slapping I am seeing between members here over opinions and really petty issues. Even on the BOI. Labelling someone as a "bad guy" and making an opinion about their business practices is one thing, but flat out calling someone a "scumbag", "asshole", "jackass", or the like just is not conducive to a professional and mature atmosphere. So I want that to STOP.

The goal here is to gradually pull this site into shape, and allow people who want to change their posting MO the chance to do so before being banned. The purpose is not to ban members, it's to coerce them to change so this site can shake the nasty reputation it has gotten over the years from the nasty mannerisms that some have been inflicting on others. That WILL end here. PERMANENT bans will be used as necessary to make that happen.

I have had people complain that they haven't gotten enough warning before being given an infraction..... Well, infractions ARE warnings. They are the shots across your bow that your actions are not appropriate, nor are they welcome here. The shots are to get your attention that a shot is imminent, targeting below your water line to sink you out of here. Infractions are NOT the penalties, the BANS are. The infractions are warning you that something is amiss with the way you are acting here, so if you want to remain, then a change in your mannerisms in posting needs to change.

Yes, I know that some of the sharp tongued devils here are witty and entertaining with their backhand slaps at others, but that is not what this site, and specifically the BOI, are here for. The BOI will be of absolutely no use to anyone if it has no credibility and is not taken seriously as incentive for people to endeavor to do GOOD business.

So I'm asking for everyone's help with this. Not only in how you personally interface with others here, but to keep a sharp eye out and report those posts made by others they are being destructive to the goals mentioned above. Quite likely, if posts are not reported, then then will very likely never be seen by someone who can and will do something about them.

So please, help US to help YOU make this site better for everyone EXCEPT the bonafide bad guys.
Old 03-21-2010, 03:27 PM   #5
Southern Wolf
please clairfy

BOI relevant post made outside of the BOI.2................ 365 Day(s)
Old 03-21-2010, 03:37 PM   #6
Clay Davenport
Those are posts that belong on the BOI that are made elsewhere on the site.
For instance discussing a specific transaction where the seller is named and such.
Saying something general like I once got scammed on a deal for a carpet python wouldn't qualify, but saying I got scammed when I sent Joe at XYZ Reptiles $500 for a carpet python and he sent an empty box belongs on the BOI.
Old 03-21-2010, 09:21 PM   #7
Southern Wolf
so because someone doesnt want to take it to the BOI they are gonna get penilized for it?

Seems like a strong arm tactic to me. I can understand the rules in place for the BOI but dictating where somone can make a post (aside from the obvious... lizards in the lizards section ect).

What if someone was asking questions about cornsnakes (in the cornsnake section) and I told them to go to VMSHerp and recounted my experiences with them. Technically I am now in violation because by naming VMS it is a BOI topic ... a good guy topic... but a BOI topic non the less.

My main gripe is why FORCE folks to post on the BOI? By having this rule in place you have basically censored the members here. Maybe they want to discuss a transaction but doesnt feel it needs to be on the BOI?

For the most part... Im playing devils advocate here.... but in the same breath... Im really not. This one really concerns me. I've been here since '08 and only got dinged once for saying something that is said on CBS during prime time.... go figure. I try my best to play by the rules but this may be going overboard.
Old 03-21-2010, 09:57 PM   #8
This isn't anything new, Kevin - BOI topics are restricted to the BOI. There used to be an infraction for it, but it got dropped during a period when Rich tried cutting back on them a while back. FWIW, I don't think anybody has ever been given grief for posting something positive about a seller in a discussion forum....but, if a discussion thread started turning into a "good guy" thread, I would certainly step in and advise the posters that the love fest needed to be transferred to the BOI.
The reason the infraction got brought back is that a few people were making (negative) BOI type posts in the discussion forums; and, in at least one instance, the post was removed by the OP after the subject threatened them with action. Now, you might see nothing wrong with that, but the BOI is here for a reason...just like the classifieds. We don't let people advertise the discussion forum, and we don't allow inquiries/discussions about specific businesses there either. The BOI has requirements that don't apply to the discussion forums - like the full name rule - and there is one key fact about the BOI that makes it the place to put these complaints: posts cannot be edited by the membership...and are not edited by the moderation team (we will, in the case of certain rule violations REMOVE posts, but that is a different story)
Old 03-21-2010, 10:21 PM   #9
Southern Wolf
I agree the BOI is here for a reason... just like the classifieds.

I was just after some classification because that one rule had me thinking twice bout the purpose. Please bear in mind that while I may be just some Jo Schmo over here... I do run a herp fourm that has been around going on 5 years now. Its not no where as big as FC, but we are not a start up either. I was just trying to search out the logic behind the rule. Thus help me understand it and keep me out of trouble.

Thanks to those that tried to educate me.

Now back to your regularily scheduled show
Old 03-22-2010, 12:15 AM   #10
I think Harald explained it sufficiently. But I'll put in a couple of cents here myself.

Certain restrictions are in place in the BOI to try to keep "evidence" of what someone says engraved in stone and can't be edited or deleted afterwards after someone gets themselves in hot water and wanting to retrospectively change their story. There is also the requirement that anyone posting such "evidence" on the BOI must take ownership of their words to try to restrict anonymous postings that can often turn out to be completely baseless if someone doesn't have to worry about being held accountable for what they claim. These protections are not in place in the rest of this site, and quite certainly a lot of people would not be pleased if I had to make those changes in order to cover BOI-type postings done all over the rest of this site. There is also the issue of the problem of valuable information about people and businesses, when scattered all over the site instead of being contained within the BOI, possibly being of no value at all to someone trying to seek out such information if it is not where they would expect to find it.

Plus, to be perfectly honest, the BOI is a bit rougher territory then most of the rest of this site, and I just don't want that "roughness" permeating every other forum here. Because then the topic matter that provides the seeds to those sprouts have been spread far and wide, and I would prefer it to be contained and isolated as much as possible.

As for an infraction "penalizing" anyone, I think you don't understand what the infraction system is designed to do. Infractions are warnings that if activities that the rules are designed to try to inhibit continue by a member receiving the infractions, then they will actually receive the penalty of being banned by ignoring the warnings. The infraction notices aren't the penalty, the ban is.....

I hope that clarifies things a bit..

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