For Sale Snow and Tiger snow females- FREE SHIPPING ON BEARDED DRAGONS! - Page 2 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 07-12-2010, 07:51 PM   #11
Snow # 2 girl is on hold
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Old 07-14-2010, 01:28 PM   #12
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Old 07-16-2010, 04:05 PM   #13
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Old 07-16-2010, 05:13 PM   #14
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Old 07-27-2010, 03:36 PM   #15
bumppp for white dragon!
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Old 08-01-2010, 02:57 PM   #16
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Old 08-04-2010, 06:50 PM   #17
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Old 08-12-2010, 12:22 PM   #18
Hey Johnathan,

Love the female hypo leather I got from you. She is growing like crazy and eating like a pig. The snow's are beautiful. Who is the dam? Is it Stella?

Old 08-12-2010, 01:12 PM   #19
Glad she is going well! No its not stella, it is a marketed lucistic.
My crazy snow hypo leather line is almost ready to sell though, they will be ready in about a week.
The whitest ones I have seen yet.
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Old 08-12-2010, 02:36 PM   #20
I may have to take you up on one of those. Are you still interested in some more babies from the same parents?

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