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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-17-2012, 01:49 PM   #41
I personally see nothing to prove she received the amount of dead crickets and beetles she claimed. Just going by her reaction to all this, I personally am inclined to believe she is overreacting. Just so we're not arguing over more semantics instead of substance, let me clarify that this is just MY personal opinion. If others are inclined to agree, let them feel free to say so.
Old 02-17-2012, 02:27 PM   #42
I agree that the post was a bit dramatic, but she was trying to make her point of view.

I had some of these end up in my dubia colonies and I would kill them every chance I had( I didn't know what they were). I probably would have screamed opening a box full, expecting crickets.
I have a phobia of centipedes. It is irrational since I have no problems with almost every bug, only centipedes. If I ordered crickets and got centipede stowaways, I would flip my lid.

The dermastid larvae, I would probably welcome them now since I know a little more about them. I like the idea of some "help" cleaning the colonies.

Now I know where to order if I want some of these guys

And now people know where to not order if they have a problem with them.
Old 02-17-2012, 02:27 PM   #43
I respect your (your, as in everyone here) right to have an opinion but I disagree with it. I feel that such a high number of beetles does indicate that the company has a cleanliness problem. That is the conclusion I came to and I still feel the same way. My opinion is based on the research I did on the beetles once I found out what they were. I still think my conclusion is a logical one but I respect your right to disagree with me. This species of beetle eats dead animals, therefor, if there are as many of them as there are crickets in a facility, you can logically assume a company isn't cleaning out the bins as often as they should be. You may disagree with that, and that's okay. We reached different conclusions. The people reading the thread will each come to their own conclusions.

I call the beetles flesh eating beetles because many of the sites I came across called them that and I didn't want to misspell their scientific name while typing quickly. It was easier to type "flesh eating". I didn't call them that to make them sound more scary, I assumed it was the common name most people knew them by. They are in the same family as carpet beetles, so just as some say "carpet beetle" to describe certain species, some say "flesh eating beetle" to describe others. Why they are called "flesh eating" and not "protein eating", "carcass eating", anyone's guess. I just went by what I kept seeing them referred to as. I saw them called "hide beetles" a couple of times as well.

The reason I say they are a pest species and it is wrong for a supplier to haphazardly ship them out is because they can get loose and eat many things in your house, like leather coats/furniture, wool, valuable paintings that were painted on skins, antiques of certain kinds like taxidermy items, fur coats, etc.... the list goes on and on. They could cause a person incredible financial losses. So to those who would blow this issue off and belittle someone who thinks it is a big deal, what would you say if they were shipped to someone who didn't know what they were and they got loose and destroyed a national treasure or a prized family heirloom? If the person affected got royally upset about it, would you treat them like they were overreacting? It's all a matter of perspective. What to you may be not a big deal could be devastating to someone else.

I did a decent estimation of the cricket numbers, similar to your block method. It isn't that hard to count out a hundred and then make scoops that look about the same amount. What I received was about a third of my order, and most of those were dead. Crickets aren't cheap when you order three thousand, so yeah, it's a bit annoying to not get what you paid for. I realize some of the crickets may have been eaten by the larvae but it was shipped overnight, I doubt they ate two thousand crickets. Then again, I could be wrong about that, they do eat carcasses pretty quickly, so maybe they did eat that many in one night.

I realize some of you think I overreacted and you have the right to think anything you want. I don't feel that I did. I have antiques and valuables in my house that these pests can eat and I am very angry that they were shipped to me. I feel a supplier should be more careful than Flukers was. I feel that they did not take the issue seriously enough and that further angered me. Your reaction may not have been what mine was, some of you may have even wanted to get so many beetles so you could start a colony of flesh eaters because you like to clean skeletons for displays. That's okay, we can disagree about whether these beetles are good or bad to have around the house, but please try to see someone Else's perspective and not think yours is the only one with merit. Someone with an antique leather couch worth about ten grand might not feel the same way you do and what you see as an overreaction may not be one if you look at it from that perspective.

BTW, I posted about this at two sites, here and arachnoboards. Obviously some of the people responding in this thread are the same people posting in the other thread. If you want to insinuate that I am running all over the net trashing Fluker, go right ahead. Most likely though, your efforts will just make people wonder why you have a chip on your shoulder and why you care. Perhaps you're just in need of a target to vent your hostilities on. I have no idea, but knock yourself out.
Old 02-17-2012, 02:58 PM   #44
Perhaps people will. Perhaps people will assume you're an unreasonable person bent on destroying a company because you're order wasn't full of rainbows and lollipops. Perhaps people will think Fluker has Keebler elves working in their facility. I can insinuate and speculate all day long. I made my point, as as you said, people will take from it what they will. The way you, to me, flew off the handle after their polite offers at compensation, I will personally take your post with a grain of salt.

As for "I don't think they took the issue seriously enough..." can you explain what they should have done, besides offer to send you more free crickets or a full refund, to satisfy you? Should they have flown you up to their facility to see it personally? Should they have a live video feed in all their cricket enclosures showing the cleanliness? Perhaps some emails daily with their cleaning schedules and a third party witness attesting to the validity of their claims?

I think they did plenty to address your complaints, and you remained unreasonable and irate.
Old 02-17-2012, 02:58 PM   #45
Old 02-17-2012, 03:10 PM   #46
I think you had a valid problem with your order and a legitimate claim to start an Info thread regarding your concerns with the dermestid beetles. The escalation of this to a Bad Guy thread is what most people are disagreeing with, mostly because Flukers tried to correct the order and when that did not work, offered you a full refund to settle the issue.

Of course, you are free to create any type of post, info or bad guy thread that you wish, but your judgement between the two will be discussed. It just appears that you were freaked out by the bugs and are indignant that the company didn't consider it a problem that they employed the use of cleaner beetles, as do many who raise large colonies of feeders. This doesn't invalidate the problem with your order; however, Flukers responded in an appropriate manner, IMO.
Old 02-17-2012, 03:14 PM   #47
Originally Posted by TattooLost View Post
I love how people bother to come post here, and then when a majority don't agree with them, suddenly everyone is a "clique" or shun outsiders. Maybe your opinion just isn't held by the majority of humans.
I know what you mean TattooLost. I definitely am in no clique just a member who call's it as I see it. I know if I mess up and say, I'm sorry, let me fix this and you talk down to me, I'm going to do the same thing. Refund and tell you to look elsewhere. I wouldn't create a boi thread over it either. I would post experience with a company if someone asked though
Old 02-17-2012, 03:21 PM   #48
Originally Posted by JColt View Post
I know what you mean TattooLost. I definitely am in no clique just a member who call's it as I see it. I know if I mess up and say, I'm sorry, let me fix this and you talk down to me, I'm going to do the same thing. Refund and tell you to look elsewhere. I wouldn't create a boi thread over it either. I would post experience with a company if someone asked though
Yup. I probably wouldn't have hardly bothered with this thread if it wasn't so dramatic and over the top. Even the thread title. I don't see anything in the whole transaction that calls for "AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE." Maybe if she'd accepted the free second shipment and it was as bad or worse than the first? But no, she instead emailed back with threats and accusations. Very unreasonable and over dramatic in my opinion.
Old 02-17-2012, 03:25 PM   #49
Spyral i agree. The problem was legitemate, however the way it was handle was unproffesional! I personaly believe if one is to expect proffesionalism from someone else or from a company one should also act this way. Flukers "as is noted in your first post" acted proffesionaly. They offered new crickets and fallowed by offering a FULL refund and that is true proffessionalism, it is dissapointing the way you recieved them but all efforts wher made to resolve the problem. Belittling a company after thier proffesional action to resolve the problem is unproffesional on your part, and further pushing the issue makes it worse.
Old 02-17-2012, 05:03 PM   #50
Originally Posted by Alexandrina View Post
I rarely post on Fauna. Is there a clique here I am supposed to tippy toe around? I am getting a really strange vibe. Someone needs to clue me in to what's really going on here. I feel like I bumped a bees nest or something.
I rarely post on Fauna either (in fact this may be my first post); people disagreeing with you isn't "bumping a bees' nest."
I use to work in a pet store and I liked having those "pests" around: they caused absolutely no trouble, stayed in the cricket bin (and if you have a proper container to hold your crickets, they're even easier to contain than the hoppers themselves :P), and ate off the dead crickets.
Personally, I don't see a problem with your shipment. None of those crickets look dead at all and there's no way to see how large that container is an how many crickets it is actually holding. I'm not saying you're lying about the quantity, but the picture isn't proving anything to me (though as you've mentioned you have nothing to prove to Fauna).
To top it off, their responses to your e-mails, imo, have been satisfactory. They've offered to replace your shipment and, when you continued on about your flesh-eating monsters, suggested maybe you find another supplier if you're unsatisfied with them.

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