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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 12-31-2006, 03:59 PM   #1

As some of you know my name is Rozann, some do call me Rose and that is ok.
I have a lot of kids, it is hard to say at any one time how many I have as I do take in kids as well as my own and love them all. My family always come first.
I also love animals. I have many various snakes and reptiles, we have a yellow lab here (which I gave to one of my daughters) and I have 2 pugs, Bruiser and Contessa. I also have 2 cockatiels, one nanday and a beautiful umbrella cockatoo named Casper, many fish and an outdoor (for the most part) cat named Sammy. All my critters have names, but it would take forever to name all the reptiles.
In real life I am rather a recluse. I have a few select that I actually call a "friend". Friend is a particular word that is associated with a lot, including respect,which I believe must be earned rather then just given, so I do not use that word loosely.
I am not much of a drinker at all nor do I really party (not that I didn't in my youth, lol) I am not into rap but almost all other music I can find something I like in, some more then others. I am also a movie buff.
I am divorced and rather like living on my own. I do not feel the need to "find" someone to share my life with, I like me and am comfortable with that.
I am sure there are many other things about me I have left out. Hopefully this forum will take off and we can all get to know eachother
Old 06-25-2007, 09:10 PM   #2
Originally Posted by Stardust

...and rather like living on my own. I do not feel the need to "find" someone to share my life with, I like me and am comfortable with that.
LOL We'll get along just fine. Been in that boat for a while myself. Time to take care of ME for a while.

What's with the minuscule pic? I had to look through my binoculars backwards (like a microscope) just to make out that you were smiling.
Old 06-26-2007, 10:04 AM   #3
You know I thought about that small pic, lol. I am not much into showing me either but here goes.

Me about a month ago:

And a couple of years ago when I got some of my older kids together, I am the older one

In a couple of weeks the cherry fest is coming as so are all the kids. I have a new camera and maybe we can get more of us in there then this one. There are a few that won't be able to make it at the same times the others will be here but I am hoping to get a few more in there.

My kids are constantly telling me I need to "find" someone. Ahhh to be able to still think one can just go out there and just "find" someone.
I counter that when a special someone actually knocks on my door then cool, lol. The odds are stacked in my favor on this one
Is it really so hard to understand that a person can be happy on his/her own?
Old 06-26-2007, 06:10 PM   #4
Yeah, I show me when people ask, or the post warrants it, but I'm not the most photogenic person in the world. I think the government probably has more pictures of me than My own family has. Plus I change a lot. Get bored seeing the same thing in the mirror.

Man, you got trees AND grass. I'm so jealous. LOL Been trying to save up and make the move to Oregon because I miss trees/forest badly. And to be closer to my own family of course. (you'd think that family would be the main reason huh.... But you ain't met my family. ) I'll get there one day though. Been desert bound for 25 yrs now! I'm practically mummified from the dry climate.

Speaking of family, that's quite the clan you have there. And you said these are just the older ones? LOL My Grandma, (who happen to raise me mostly, had 9 sons, and 4 daughters.) Plus Me and 2 sisters for many years. So, I come from a large clan myself.

Oh yeah, I'm Rick.
Old 06-26-2007, 08:08 PM   #5
Here I thought today was going to be my lucky day. I have someone who is south without snowy, cold, frigid winters jealous of what I am usually jealous of 3/4 out of the year and was going to down load a pic of water! So few months of the great north showing its very good side. It is not to be however, as I tried to upload a pic to photobucket (from new camera) it took forever and now I can't even get in there to see anything.
Oh well, we have lots water too! Went swimming today and it was wonderful. (Hoping the imagination kicks in here and you can just see the cool blue clean refreshing water).
I am looking for a second house more south to get away from the winters some (except holidays, must have snow).

Best of all now that my parents sold everything in Fl I only have an aunt and uncle so I have the whole south to look in. I would say my family is not unlike the Addam's family with the exception that the Addam's family is more normal then mine ever could be.
Old 06-26-2007, 08:29 PM   #6
Yeah, the "winters" is why I chose Oregon over further north, or even NE. Cold, but not severely so. I work out doors, so it's something I need to consider. And yeah, water too. Gotta love nice clear lakes. Can't wait...

Crater Lake in Oregon

You'd think the south would be warmer in the winter, but I got a story. Jan 1985, at Ft. Jacson, SC, I got frost bite during M16 qualifications in basic training. Wasn't real bad, but sure hurt like hell. I eagle eyed the shoot too.

Good luck with the photos. Photobucket seems to be down right now. Wonder if all their links blink out too?
Old 06-26-2007, 08:50 PM   #7
Actually I think Oregon is much nicer then Washington. I went up the coast and it was great! I didn't see the view of that picture but it was good none the less.

I have never gotten frost bitten, hear it hurts like hell but then again I fully believe in down parkas, boots several socks, gloves, scarves and hats! Would be rather hard to shoot a gun/rifle with mittens on though.

I have shot guns before but none were mine. I have a bb gun, yep that's it. I am damn good with a bow and arrow though.
Old 06-27-2007, 01:16 AM   #8
You were right, photoshop was down. I have two of the same pic in there or had it until I deleted it.
hmm, never known them to go down before.
Old 06-27-2007, 06:08 PM   #9
I think the west coast is a great scenic drive. Once you're out of LA that is. LOL I love that coast line. Driven it many times.

You're right, frostbite does hurt. I had only a mild case, and it hurt plenty when the blood started circulating again. Skin peeled off my finger like 3 times before it was all healed.

Never shot a bow in my life. LOL I was raised around guns, so that's what I know. My dad was a Marine, so I learned young about shooting and gun safety. One of the few things I can actually say I'm pretty decent at.

So where abouts you live now? J/C
Old 06-27-2007, 06:39 PM   #10
I live in Michigan around the Traverse City area. There is a term here used~A view of the bay less in pay~ Very true. Coming back north was a stark diffence for me then the ten years I spent in Colorado and CO was great green after New Mexico before that.

One of my girls is considering the Marines very seriously. She has had some college and now has passed all the tests with flying colors and I believe tested an 84 on her test, I believe that is a good score. Her recruiter is giving her job options open to her but she is going to see what other branches have to offer her as well. She does like the Marines and the logo "The few and the proud" and she can be, if she choses a candidate for officers school. I am very proud of her though somewhat hesitant of her going in but she is determined this is the path she wants to take

Along with the bow I also like knives and swords and have a small collection. Yeah well I have never been accused of being "normal" or "ordinary" lol. I don't think I would like that stigma anyway.
For the sake of nomalcy I will say I also collect music boxes .

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