Beware: Chuck Kimmel, Critterkeeper & Critical Bill - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-08-2004, 03:06 PM   #1
Beware: Chuck Kimmel, Critterkeeper & Critical Bill

This post is a heads up to anyone considering doing any business with someone named Chuck Kimmel. His Reptibid ID is Critterkeeper and his Reptiforum ID is Critical Bill. First of all, I think that you should be leary of anyone that has to have a different ID for the Forum so that people won't know who they are on Reptibid when they start talking stupid. He just joined the forum a month ago. I have not seen any scams pulled by him, that is not what this is about. He is Personality Challenged! I think everyone should know that he is obnoxious, vulgar, vile, pathetic, repugnant and extremely degrading to women. Ladies we must all stick together against someone so pathetic! Please read all of his posts to know who you would be dealing with.

My first run in with Critical Bill was 2 weeks ago when he posted about an auction where he was the winning bidder but the seller claimed that the item was stolen. Here is the auction description: #1095899685

3 TOED BOXIES BREEDING PAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This auction closed at $45.00. So now Critical Bill makes a post on Reptibid:

Hello All,

Just a warning regarding a dead beat seller.

I placed a bid on Reptibid for a breeding pair of 3 toed box turtles. The sellers alias is Turtlefreak, email address is, full name is Janice Phelps.

So, I had a high bid placed for over a week and requested pictures of the turt's as she stated she would provide to anyone who asked. No response to numerous requests. I won the auction and immediately contacted the reptibid administrator to state that I did not believe this seller was going to contact me. I did not hear back from the admin but I did get a response from the seller and I have included her excuse below in quotes.

"Hi Chuck some thing very sad happend today.Last night someone broke in to my backyard and stole almost everything including your boxies i had over $2,500 worth reptiles stole the only thing that was'nt stole was my personal pets inside I am truely sorry,but without a doubt I will most likely hav them in the futer and will reserve a pair for you for free"
Yeah OK! How do you break into someones back yard and take wild caught animals? And, why in the world would you keep the turtles in your backyard when you know that they are possibly going to be shipped out shortly and technically are spoken for in a binding contract? I checked the Q&A for the listing and sure enough, another member had solicited her to purchase the animals outside of the auction arena. So I emailed her to say that I would like to see some proof in the form of a police report that this theft actually occured. The seller never filed a police report and never responded back. PRETTY STRANGE? I know I would have reported $2,500.00 worth of animals being stolen in a heartbeat!

Here is the solicitation in the Q&A in quotes by the other reptibid member. Read it and tell me what you think happened.
"Question about this item from (buyer): Ben90
Post on: Wed Sep 22, 03:36 PM

I will buy the pair of three toed box turtles from you! I live only about a half an hour from St. Louis and can pick up the turtles without them have to get shipped in the mail. I have a 4x4 foot fenced in area in my back yard to put them in or I can combind that with my other 4x4 that already has a trio three toed box turtles. I'm positive I can take good care of them and their hatchlings. I will not resell them for a higher price! I just like box turtles a lot and I have plenty of experience fron my 15 other box turtles. Please call before auction ends and as soon as posible! (618)233-8426 or 593-9378 or

Thanks, Ben
A member of the St. Louis Herp Society!!!"

I love the part where he states he is experienced. In what? Screwing the high bidder out of an auction? Circumventing the auction bidding process? Contributing to the decline of honest sellers and bidders of Reptibid? Disruption?

I reported this to the admin of Reptibid as fraud. I truly believe this constitutes fraud if the seller cannot provide sufficient proof that a theft of the animals occured. Please read Reptibids SELLER policy that I attached below in quotes.
"Once a bid has been placed for your item, you are being placed in a binding contract with the potential buyer of the product, if that bid shall be the highest bid. Once the auction is over, if over reserve price, you are obligated to sell to the potential buyer which is the highest bidder in your auction."


"Old 08-22-2004, 04:14 PM
Turtlekid Turtlekid is offline
Registered User

Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 2
Exclamation I can help
Don't worry I bought a baby florida snapper at a reptile convention today
22/08/04.The guy told me to feed him retimin or pellet's he said try breaking the sticks into tiny pieces,let them A-just to their new habitat or encloser whitch could take anywere from 2 days-3 weeks or sometimes they change thier diet completly when their encloser is changed.Pls if you do not see any
changes e-mail I am very experienced with reptiles i'm only 12 and taking speacial herpatology classes if any one can help you it's not dout me
i hav currently worked with copperheads,all sort's of snakes,turtles,lizards,amphibian's and even some email is

P.S try experiment with different water tempatures:CAUTION do not change water tempatures to rapidly.try changing it only once a month or so.changing too frequently could make them sick or even lead to death
Last edited by Turtlekid : 08-22-2004 at 04:21 PM. "

Well well well, 12 years old and on track to be the dullest star in the sky.

I expect this seller to be banned and I will formally request his/her personal user information so that I may contact an attorney to pursue a lawsuit for his/her breaking of a legal binding contract and fraud.

I wont have to look far, my wife works for a criminal attorney. Perhaps, due to his/her age, this person may not get more than a slap on the wrist. But, I will certainly make sure that his or her parents are held responsible and are tied up in court with the expense of defending themselves and wasting thier time as they have mine.

And JAN, if your reading, you best speak with your parents and an attorney or produce a police report. You think I am joking, I am not. I have the time, money, and resources to keep you in court for a very long time. And, because I will file the lawsuit here in PA, you will required to travel and appear in Pennsylvania's Monroe County court house. But fear not, we have some nice hotels in the area for about $150.00 per night. Do the math, I am sure your calculations will add up to a whole bunch of slaps from your parents.

To the folks here, I may seem a bit intense but if you dont mind being scammed and lied to that is your choice. Personally, its happened to me before due to my trusting and understanding ways. But, the buck stops here on this one and its time to create an example. This is a child who stands to be corrected and held responsible before it happens to you or on a grander scale at some later time.

Thank You,

Chuck Kimmel

P.S. I enclosed my reptibid auction ID so the "flunky children" who intend to commit fraud on REPTIBID can steer clear of me and ban me from bidding on thier auctions.
(End of Post)

What I personally cannot stand is a tough talker with very little or nothing to back it up. I was with this guy until the last couple of paragraphs really got stupid. Remember, this is all over a $45.00 deal. This is a civil matter, not criminal. He thinks that he can tie up a $45.00, out of state, civil lawsuit against a minor for a very long time. Yeah right! More than likely, the lawsuit needs to be filed in the sellers state of Missouri, remember Tim Bowles and Matt Lerer? He would be the one doing the traveling.

So here was my reply that I posted right after his complaint, so the same address still applies:


I can't remember the last time that I rolled my eyes and groaned from such a stupid complaint. You are down right pathetic. Are you mentally ill? Please go to your doctor and get some Prozac. Get off the caffeine. Go to rehab, fix whatever your problem is! And you called someone else stupid? You must live in a fantasy world. All of your tough talking stupidity will get you nowhere.

Reality: You have not been ripped off! No money was exchanged. The most that can happen is that Reptibid can ban the seller. Please contact that attorney over a minor, so that he can LAUGH you out of his office! He won't be traveling anywhere. Get a life and quit fretting over a "deal" for $45.00 that NEVER took place.

If you were looking forward to those turtles so bad, go to a pet shop and get yourself another one.


J. Melissa McQuaid (End of Post)

So yes, I was a little insulting, but not at all worthy of his reply. Remember, your true character does not show up until you are put under pressure, and you will see that Chuck Kimmel has very little. Warning: I will have to greatly edit this to even print this here, but the original is still on Reptiforum so that it can be viewed in it's entirety.

You dont like what I posted, dont read it.

But dont make it personal by calling me names you fat f****** c***! I didnt attack your character or say youre a lonely skanky t*** with nothing else better to do than browse posts to add your two cents did I? Nah, that wouldnt be nice.

So go stick a 12 inch d**** up that big fat a** of yours and your eyes will roll to the heavens! As far as your groaning, I would bet that sound would come from the d**** knowing where it had to go.

Cheers! (End of Post)

So I immediately reported this post to the moderator, expecting that he would be dealt with as soon as possible. Well, apparently they do not monitor their posts anymore so this guy, Chuck Kimmel has continued to expel his vile outbursts on many posts, and not just at me. He also listed another post giving the full name and address of this minor, still posted.

Sometime later, he responded to this same thread, so it would be the same address as above, claiming to be more civil, but you will see that even when he says that he is being civil, he still acts like a low life.

"Now if I may I will respond to your reply with civility and perhaps you may be come out a bit more educated and less opinionated. My reply to yours in qoutes.

"Reality: You have not been ripped off! No money was exchanged."

Yes I was ripped off. Money does not have to be exchanged. His placing of the auction listing and my winning bid constitutes a legal binding contract. I guess, like him, you feel the same way about the user agreement you electronically sign when you register to sell or buy on reptibid. That's a reality darling not fantasy.

"The most that can happen is that Reptibid can ban the seller."

And provide me with his user information so I can pursue the matter legally outside of reptibid. Again, read the user agreement when you sign up to buy or sell on reptibid.

" Please contact that attorney over a minor, so that he can LAUGH you out of his office!"

Actually I already did and he didnt laugh at all over the notion that I had the potential to lose future profits from the sale. This was a breeding pair and the female was supposedly gravid. I am not after a child, I am after the animals that I won and stood to make a profit from down the road. I doubt anything would happen to him at 12. But unless he lives by himself, his parents or legal gaurdians could be held responsible for his indiscretions.

Again, educate yourself on the law and read the user agreement you sign when joining reptibid.

"He won't be traveling anywhere."

Youre his mother? Or an authority of the court system? Why dont we leave that up to a judge to decide.

"Get a life and quit fretting over a "deal" for $45.00 that NEVER took place."

The deal did take place and on reptbid. Why should I fret? I am not the one who commited fraud. Are you related somehow and scared?

And the deal was $90.00 incl. shipping costs. But again you miss the point that this is not money, its about a deadbeat. One that appears as educated as you are on the legal aspects of auctions.

"If you were looking forward to those turtles so bad, go to a pet shop and get yourself another one."

Actually it was two animals, not one. A breeding pair, not a single animal. A male and a gravid female. You get this dont ya? You don't have A D D do you? These animals cannot be purchased at retail in a pet store, at least not in my area. And if that is what I wanted I would have gone that route instead of wasting my time on a pathetic auction site like reptikid.

Are you from IDAHO? I DA HO

Chuck Kimmel
(End of Post)

Hey Chuck, since when can you sue for Shipping costs that you never paid? Still just a $45.00 deal.

Another example of his vulgarity, this was a new persons post to him:

Junior Member

Joined: Oct 2003
Critical Bill must have a lot of free time on his hands. He seems to troll these forums. If you want to see what he is all about go to member services and read some of his abusive posts. Chuck you have posted more than once that you think very little of Reptibid. If you dislike it so much then please go away. (End of Post)

And of course Critical Bill"s response back:

Awe....poor boaman, did I offend you? Tough s*** buddy. I put my name on my posts. Your the f***** troll.

This guy Boaman, this was his first post, that hardly makes him a troll. Next, someone made a post about Reptibid's poor customer service and asked the question "I wonder if using profanity on one of these forums would get their attention?" This is only my second response about Critical Bill.


Joined: Oct 2003

Originally Posted by herppatrol
i wonder what exactly one has to do to get their attention? i wondering if using profanity on one of these forums would get their attention

Nope, Critical Bill has already tried that!

They used to have a moderator on this forum that was quick to respond to improper and or profane posts. Apparently they do not have anyone anymore. I reported Critical Bill over 10 days ago about his vulgar and vile posts and they still have not done anything about him.

COME ON Reptibid, it is time to take out the trash! Get rid of Critical Bill (Chuck Kimmel), we DO NOT need SCUM like him on here.

I am sure that Chuck will respond to this in his own repugnant way, thereby proving my point.


J. Melissa McQuaid

(End of Post)

And Chuck Kimmel's response:

critical bill
Junior Member

Joined: Sep 2004
You left out the "bag" in your scum comment. Thats what I would be sure to use if I met up with your fat stankin a**. Two of them, extra thick, just to be sure. Plus a brown paper one for over your head. Maybe I could drape a flag over face and do it for the glory? I am a patriot ya know! But I doubt I would ever be screaming I want Bush I want Bush in your company.

How was that for ya? Oooops I think I hear the pitter patter of moderator feet!

You ever here of dyanmic IP? Thats why I could give two s**** less about you or the flunky kid moderator.

And just in case the fat in your a** has spread to your brain darling, there is always the simple solution of selecting to ignore my threads. If you would have done that from the start you wouldnt be my number one fat a** to pick on.

Now go clean the house like a good women should and stop wasting our time with your pathectic reports of abuse. (End of Post)

Why doesn't he just stop writing? Please, anyone considering doing any business with this person has a right to know this persons true character. Read all of his posts. What is really funny is that Critterkeeper now has his own unpaid auction. He is now a Deadbeat Bidder himself, what he claims to be fighting so hard against.

Also, does anyone know if anything legally can be done about his original complaint with the minor. I do not belive that it would be worth pursuing. He claims that he can get more value because the turtle was supposedly pregant. Well, you all know how well a preganancy can go. Are the eggs even any good if she is pregnant? How can you even put a value on it. I believe that even if there was a slim chance that this was valued a few hundred dollars, it would not be worth the trouble. Also add the minor factor, worth nothing.

Thanks for hearing me out!

J. Melissa McQuaid
Old 10-08-2004, 04:20 PM   #2
David Scarboro

Melissa, I see your point, but... You did jump in and call him names (I believe stupid and mentally ill were a couple) Maybe more than a "little insulting". I am not condoning his actions. Next time just read the post, shake your head, smile and move on. JMHO
David Scarboro
Dahlonega, Ga.

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"
Old 10-08-2004, 06:11 PM   #3

I can't say because I am not an attorney, but a 12 year old cannot enter into a binding contract. Also the parents most likely could not be held responsible unless you could prove willful negligence on their part.
Old 10-08-2004, 06:13 PM   #4

The name is Gene Mulleneaux
Old 10-08-2004, 07:02 PM   #5
He certainly has a way with words, eh?

Chris Marston
Old 10-08-2004, 07:30 PM   #6

You know what is particularly sad about this kid's posts? Did you notice both his spelling and grammar? I realize that he is 12 and all, but that was atrocious! What is going on in our public schools these days?
Old 10-08-2004, 11:59 PM   #7
critical bill
Re: Why?

Ther ya go! I didnt want to insult her but I am not going to allow her to insult me and just walk away smiling about it.

She was the cause. Anyone can clearly see that my post was in response to hers.

Than she goes and posts what is written in the forums to the Q&A's of my auctions.

Hows that for a mature 40 year old woman? Not very.

Critical Bill
Chuck Kimmel

Originally posted by David Scarboro
Melissa, I see your point, but... You did jump in and call him names (I believe stupid and mentally ill were a couple) Maybe more than a "little insulting". I am not condoning his actions. Next time just read the post, shake your head, smile and move on. JMHO
David Scarboro
Dahlonega, Ga.

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything"
Old 10-09-2004, 12:29 PM   #8
How Many Names Do You Have?


Just how many names do you have? Here you say that you are Chalupe Reynolds from New Jersey, but on Reptibid you are Chuck Kimmel from a Northern Pennsylania Farm.

Will the real Critical Bill please stand up?

I call it educating Chuck, educating, as to the type of person that you really are. After seeing the real you, they can then decide if they want to deal with you or not.

Try and talk your filth on here and see how long you last.
Old 10-09-2004, 01:12 PM   #9
critical bill
Re: How Many Names Do You Have?

I see I must explain myself to the grumpy old heffer lady once again.

Chalupe Reynolds is my step brother who was staying with me for a week on his vacation and his personal information was stored in Win XP's pre filled form helper. I never bothered to check but I thank you for bringing that to my attention. I will immediately change the registration info. to reflect my correct name. I know old people can get confused easily.

There is one chuck kimmel and that is me. I am certain more than one person here has a different seller NICKNAME than the one they use to post on forums. Not everyone, but I am sure a few.

I have no need to curse you any further. I responded to you the way you responded to me and I am sure more than a few here can clearly see your doing your best to drag this on. For me to pursue this any further wont change your handicap. As you grow older your mind will only deteriorate further.

Now if you dont mind, do you think we all can use this board's section for the purpose it was desgined for and not for your personal vendetta?

I am sure everyone would appreciate it.

Chuck Kimmel

Originally posted by JMelissaMc

Just how many names do you have? Here you say that you are Chalupe Reynolds from New Jersey, but on Reptibid you are Chuck Kimmel from a Northern Pennsylania Farm.

Will the real Critical Bill please stand up?

I call it educating Chuck, educating, as to the type of person that you really are. After seeing the real you, they can then decide if they want to deal with you or not.

Try and talk your filth on here and see how long you last.
Old 01-11-2006, 10:45 PM   #10
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