Rich Z (WebSlave) - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 06-02-2022, 01:04 PM   #1
Unhappy Rich Z (WebSlave)

Hey, so what did you all do during Memorial Day?

Me? Well, I had a heart attack, took a ride in an ambulance to the hospital emergency room, thrown onto an operating table, had a stent placed in my right coronary artery that was real close to being 100 percent blocked, and then spent the last three days in the intensive care unit.

I was told that a third of the people who had my condition do not survive the trip in the ambulance to the operating table.

I will be back there in 5 to 6 weeks to have another stent placed in my left coronary artery that is 60 percent blocked.

Bet I had a lot more fun than most of you!

Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
Don't ignore chest pain in yourself, see your doctor.
Originally Posted by Insomniac101 View Post
Good advice, and I second the suggestion of seeing your doctor, Rich. They can at least get a baseline EKG, and refer you for an echocardiogram, if necessary.
Originally Posted by bcr229 View Post
This. You can't help Connie if you don't take care of yourself.
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
I am OK. Don't worry about me.

It was just a fleeting pain, likely just from the accumulated stress looking for a way to escape my body. I acknowledged it, then dismissed it.
Famous last words.

So yeah, go ahead and throw those "I told you so" comments at me. I am deserving of them, obviously.

I am home now. But things just don't seem real nor relevant to me for some reason.

I suppose stuff has fallen behind here that I need to do, but you know what? It will just have to wait.
Old 06-02-2022, 01:14 PM   #2
Beyond GenetiX
So sorry to hear that Rich, don't worry about things here.
Old 06-02-2022, 03:05 PM   #3
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
So yeah, go ahead and throw those "I told you so" comments at me. I am deserving of them, obviously.
Yeah well I don't take that advice either so... I won't say it.

I'm just glad you're still on this side of the grass.
Old 06-02-2022, 03:17 PM   #4
I cried when I read your post. Good tears, that you survived. You and Connie are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Did she have her chemo, and how is she?

Thinking of y'all.
Old 06-02-2022, 03:45 PM   #5
So I realize that this isn't going to be a very welcome post and that is OK. I'm sure that every once in a while you probably had to take an Excedrin or three after reading some post of mine through these many past years.

I think you should give some consideration, after talking it over with your doctor, about if and when, to receiving the Covid vaccination. So far, I've had Covid twice, the first time it was much, much worse than the second time. I could not walk from one end of my apartment to the other. And post Covid I developed diabetes, I am convinced it was related to having Covid.

I know how very careful you have been to avoid infection these past few years. But there is no doubt in my mind that you will be exposed some time during your trips to and from the hospital. And I fear that with your present issues, having a bad case of Covid would be difficult. All I'm asking is that you think it over.

Don't be mad just because I brought it up. Please.
Old 06-02-2022, 08:05 PM   #6
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
I suppose stuff has fallen behind here that I need to do, but you know what? It will just have to wait.
Yeah I think you have more important things to worry about, take care of yourself and Connie, we'll keep on chugging.
Old 06-02-2022, 08:33 PM   #7
Absolutely right to let stuff wait that isn't crucial now. There was a wise saying my husband and I were told to take to heart while expecting our triplets. It's short. It's simple. It's SO correct. And sometimes it's hard anyway.

It's this: people before things. If you follow this precept it's pretty hard to go wrong.

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Old 06-03-2022, 08:54 AM   #8
Rich, so sorry to hear this, but happy that you're okay. I was with my mom when she had her heart attack and stent placement. It was really scary to witness, and I can't even begin to imagine going through it.

Over the years, reading your posts, it seems that you and Connie have good diets - seafood, and fresh fruits and vegetables. You've always been active, with the snake and rodent operations, and all the stuff you do on your property. Obviously, there may be other risk factors I have no way of knowing, but it saddens me that this happened to someone who tried to do the right things. My husband and I eat like our parents are out of town for the weekend! Time to make some changes.

I hope you recover quickly, and hope Connie is doing okay.
Old 06-03-2022, 02:12 PM   #9
Connie needed to walk over to the other building today, so I went with her to get outside for a little bit. Yellow flies are still a nuisance, of course. When she went into the building I walked over to the garage to take a look at the mailbox still sitting on the tailgate of Connie's truck. Darn, it is only plastic, but for some reason it feels a lot heavier than it did several days ago.

I walked down to the end of the driveway to see if the garbage had been picked up yet, and while I was down there I cut the strings connected to some stakes that kept the 4x4x8 post I sank into the ground on the day before "almost dying day". Then walked back to the building to fetch Connie so we could walk back to the house.

Damn I felt winded!! In a matter of days I have become a very old and feeble man. I sure do hope this isn't going to be the entire future for me from here on out. I actually felt better and stronger with that coronary artery being almost blocked off.

I have been having some visual artifacts the past few days. Like sections of my vision would just shudder or jump. Seems better today, but not 100%. I am not bothering to proof read what I wrote, so if things just don't read correctly, sorry.

Oh, late Wednesday when Connie's friend Debbie brought us home, Connie made me a steak sandwich. Well, I WAS hungry! After eating I felt exhausted and just laid down on the sofa I have been using for a bed the past month or so. Like a dummy I laid flat on my back and must have zonked out immediately. Until I had a bout of acid reflux go down my windpipe which launched me straight off of the couch coughing me head off. I haven't had something like that happen for years. I was able to clear my windpipe OK, but the stomach acid burned quite a bit. I still have a nagging cough as the damage heals, so my side muscles are hurting from the coughing. Hope I didn't hurt that stent in my heart with all the coughing.

Just seems like one thing after another. Connie has a cough too, and she is waiting to hear back about the x-rays she had taken on Wednesday to see if fluid was building back around her right lung show anything. It doesn't feel the same to her, so we are thinking the first chemo treatment must have irritated her throat lining or something. So we are both having our share of coughing lately. It is not something new, as she has had the coughing almost continually after the chemo.

Darn, maybe making two separate threads wasn't such a smart idea after all...
Old 06-04-2022, 05:34 PM   #10
Hope you and Connie catch a break soon. Keep getting better.

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