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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 02-06-2015, 07:18 PM   #1
Angry Comcast

Come home, check my online Comcast bill from the email alert they sent, it has nearly doubled. Call Comcast and get this snotty kid who asked if I thought I had a forever low price contract, told me I had to pay the double price for three months, company policy, before I could choose a different plan.

In a rare occurrence, I actually told him what I thought of him. Hung up, called back, get a different person, asked to cancel my Comcast account.
Young lady apologizes, fixes my account immediately and gives me a year more at the lower price I was paying.

I feel like I have to be on top of my game to negotiate with Comcast, sort of like at one of those bazaars where you buy goats and chickens and the sellers spend all their time trying to charge as much as possible in an extremely vocal manner. When did this happen? They've always had promotions that lasted only so long, but all this other snotty stuff?

All's well that ends well, and hopefully I will not have to visit the Comcast Bazaar for another year.
Old 02-06-2015, 08:51 PM   #2
yeah cable companies are brutal. I like how they advertise a low price for 2 years but when you call and get the same package you currently have with their competitor it cost just as much as you were already paying. We all love TV but its a rip off. what are you going to do.
Old 02-07-2015, 12:05 AM   #3
Originally Posted by chrisis697 View Post
yeah cable companies are brutal. I like how they advertise a low price for 2 years but when you call and get the same package you currently have with their competitor it cost just as much as you were already paying. We all love TV but its a rip off. what are you going to do.
Four years ago I cancelled my CATV and have been without cable or DISH ever since. I haven't missed it. Netflix is about $10 per month if I want to watch a movie, I get my news on the internet, and no one in the household is interested in watching live sporting events.
Old 02-07-2015, 07:27 AM   #4
Originally Posted by bcr229 View Post
Four years ago I cancelled my CATV and have been without cable or DISH ever since. I haven't missed it. Netflix is about $10 per month if I want to watch a movie, I get my news on the internet, and no one in the household is interested in watching live sporting events.
I did similar, but Comcast is my internet provider.
Old 02-07-2015, 08:27 AM   #5
Casey Hulse
I heard the other day on a radio talk show, that Comcast is the most despised company in this country. They are supposed to be working on P.R.
Old 02-07-2015, 10:58 AM   #6
They just recently changed a customer's name to A--hole Brown, and another one to SuperB--ch Bauer...

Yeah they have EXCELLENT customer service...NOT!
Old 02-07-2015, 12:00 PM   #7
Might want to be careful, if you call in to complain about Comcast's ineptitude - they might retaliate.

After complaining about his Comcast service, Conal O'Rourke claims the cable giant contacted his boss and got him fired.

by Chris Matyszczyk
October 17, 2014 9:41 AM PDT

Comcast is now being sued by an unhappy customer who claims the company got him fired.

Last week, I wrote about the story of Conal O'Rourke. After a year of being dissatisfied with his Comcast service and persistently complaining to the company, O'Rourke was fired by his employer, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, which provides consultancy services to Comcast.

O'Rourke claims Comcast discovered where he worked by performing a Google search and contacted his bosses, who then launched an ethics investigation against him. After that, he was fired.

Comcast apologized for the poor service, but claimed the company had nothing to do with his firing. Now it may have to prove that in court. For O'Rourke's lawyers, the Dhillon Law Group, yesterday filed suit.
Old 02-07-2015, 03:38 PM   #8
Hey Lucille,
I had a very similar experience with Time Warner, now rated among the lowest for their poor customer service. I asked why my bill was suddenly so high and he said, well your one year agreement is up. I said in light of customer loyalty,(been there at least 10 years), how about some consideration for another good yearly rate? His response was feel free to shop around as we are very competitive. I was a bit floored and did end up shopping around. After switching, I now get all of these please switch back to us letters. I'm not sure if you are old school or not but it seems for the last 20 years or so that customer service isn't as big of a deal and some can't even give you change properly without entering the amount you gave them into the cash register. Total is 10.57, you give them 15.07 and they look like a deer in your head lights instead of just giving you 4.50 if you know what I mean lol.
Old 02-08-2015, 02:54 PM   #9
With all due respect most of these offers are pretty clear that they are only temporary.

You sign up for a year at the bargain price and you are stuck for another year at the regular high price.

I'm not saying that is what happened to any of you but if you do fall for it you only have yourself to blame. You have to read the fine print for cancellation fees as well.

I don't have any cable or satellite TV service but it seems these are terrible when it comes to customer service. All my services (internet and cell phone and land line phone) are no frills and I keep getting calls to switch to lower priced plans that promise more service but they always require a multi year agreement and the low price is only for an introductory period. I can cancel any of mine at any time with no penalty.

I realize that not everyone's situation is the same as mine. My BIL for example lives on his cell phone and his business depends on it. He couldn't survive with my no frills plan. That's why he is held captive by his provider which happens to be the same as mine. One advantage he gets is 4g service and when we are sitting side by side he can surf the web and do pretty much anything he wants while I can't get a stupid 3g signal. I pay about 150 bucks a month less than he does though.

I've also found that calling and threatening to cancel doesn't always get you as far as it used to. Most companies know the trick and the threat so they figure go ahead and leave. They'll just get you back in a year or so when your new provider pulls the same crap and you threaten to quit them. The last 2 or 3 times I had to call and cancel something they just said OK and closed it out.
Old 02-08-2015, 04:04 PM   #10
Steve, in my VERY first post I addressed the issue of timed promotions, and clearly that was not my issue.
And apparently the first employee's info that I was stuck for three months was not true, because when I called back, I was told I would receive the price I had been paying, for another year.

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