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Old 04-30-2005, 04:03 PM   #1
Tere Salazar
Platinum Dragons and JnS Dragons & Cages

As many of you know, last Saturday (4/23) Mitch Triana of Platinum Dragons had promised to return Apollo, the dragon in the doctored pictures on the "Problem with Platinum Dragons" thread, to me, Apollo's original owner. After I posted last Sunday that I did NOT support Mitch, I realized that I probably should have waited to post until after Apollo had been safely returned to me. Hindsight is 20/20!

On Sunday, I began scouring all the classifieds, as well as Reptibid, looking for any dragon that remotely resembled Apollo. I came across an auction on Reptibid that not only resembled Apollo, it WAS Apollo. Here is the link:

I noted that the user name was Mayg, obviously another of Mitch's alias. I did just as Mitch Triana (if that even is his real name) is known for doing, and came up with an alias and a plan to buy Apollo back. My plan involved using a friend's Paypal account (with their permission) and shipping address (also with their permission), so that Mayg (Mitch) would not know I was involved.

On this auction in the Q&A section, I asked if the seller took Paypal, because I read on the "Bad Guy Report" on Reptibid that Mitch was declared to be a fraud by Paypal, and was not allowed to have a Paypal account. Mayg replied back asking me to email them at for the confirmed Paypal account. I did just that. To my surprise, the confirmed Paypal account was (if I was paying by credit card) or (if I was paying Paypal to Paypal).

The reserve on this auction was $200. Knowing that I really didn't even have $200 to spend, I chose to wait until the last minute of the auction to place my bid. Because the bid amount is automatically filled in with the next bid available (which was $170), and I did not wait for the entire page to load before hitting the "Place Bid" button, I only bid $170. I tried to go back and up my bid to $200, but the auction was already closed.

I immediately emailed Mayg (Mitch) at the email address listed on the auction and explained what had happened, asking if I could pay the $200 reserve plus shipping. Because I got no reply, I emailed again asking how much to pay into Paypal. I received one reply stating that Mayg had decided to keep the dragon, that a mate had been purchased for him. I also received a second reply stating that the babies (I'm assuming this was referring to the babies that were also listed on Reptibid by Mayg) were $55, plus $45 shipping. I replied that I was interested in the big male (Apollo), not the babies, and asked if Mayg was sure she wouldn't sell him to me. I received another reply that yes, I could buy them both (Apollo and a baby) for $255, shipped. After a couple more small, unimportant communications between Mayg and I, I paid $255 to the account. I soon thereafter received an email from Paypal stating that Shannon Davis (the "S" of JnS Dragons) had denied my payment. Shortly after that, I received another email from Mayg stating that I had paid the wrong account, that my payment had been denied, and to please pay the account. I checked my Paypal account to make sure the money had been returned, and then paid $255 to the correct account.

I received yet another email from Mayg requesting that I confirm my shipping address, which I did...using, of course, my alias' address...not my true home of Tucson, Arizona. This morning, I checked my alias' email and found yet another email from Mayg stating that "her" girlfriend (I guess now Mitch has decided not to be heterosexual) had changed her mind about selling Apollo, and that "you know how us women are". The email further stated that my Paypal account had been refunded $200 (for Apollo). I'm assuming that Mayg thinks I still want the baby...who knows. Anyway, I emailed Mayg that I wasn't interested in the baby and asked why my Paypal account had not been refunded as stated. I have yet to receive a reply from Mayg. I did already file a complaint with Paypal, and they are investigating.

As it stands at this moment, Mitch has Apollo AND my $255.

I do have all the documentation to support my post. If anyone is interested in seeing individual documentation, please PM me.

Now, I say that I was quite surprised to find that the confirmed Paypal address was jnsdragons. What surprised me about that was the fact that Mitch has become so complacent with lying and scamming, that he thought noone would catch on. I guess that he forgot that during our conversation last Saturday, he informed me that he and JNS were "good friends" and that he had asked JNS to contact David Love to find out who it was that had information on the previous "Platinum Dragons" thread that was scared to speak out. David Love responded by giving JNS my name, not knowing that they may be involved. I DO NOT blame David Love, in any way, shape or form. He had absolutely NO way of knowing that JNS was in on the whole thing with Mitch.

Now, how do I know that Mitch isn't just using JNS' name? Because he wouldn't be telling people people to pay money into a Paypal account if he had no way of getting that money out.

Several other things have been discovered that connect Platinum Dragons and JNS. I personally feel each person who has any information or proof of the connection will be happy to come on Fauna and state what happened in their particular case.

Oh, and Mitch or whatever you are calling yourself today, at least feed Apollo. In the pictures you posted of him on Reptibid, he appeared skinny and miserable...not the fat and happy Apollo that I shipped to you. Once again, you are caught in another said you were going to give him a good home...that includes FEEDING him!
Old 04-30-2005, 04:17 PM   #2
hey tere

Alright, well there has been very many things that have connected these two. Either they are the same person, they are accomplices, or Mitch is just using JNS's name. Problem with that last one is that WHY would Mitch tell Tere to pay for the dragons on JNS's actual Paypal account? I know this because of this conversation I had with them:

dmlove582 (9:37:19 PM): heyy
JnSDragons (9:37:22 PM): hi
dmlove582 (9:37:22 PM): hows it goin
JnSDragons (9:37:26 PM): ok
JnSDragons (9:37:33 PM): trying to sell a high color male
dmlove582 (9:37:48 PM): ah what kind?
JnSDragons (9:37:58 PM): a lady we sold him to has to move and wanted to give him back
JnSDragons (9:38:09 PM): go to
JnSDragons (9:38:14 PM): hes the one on the banner
dmlove582 (9:38:37 PM): awesome
dmlove582 (9:38:41 PM): hwo much you want for him?
JnSDragons (9:39:03 PM): well he got 2 toes missing on each foot
JnSDragons (9:39:06 PM): and a nipped tail
JnSDragons (9:39:11 PM): 200
JnSDragons (9:39:15 PM): shipped
dmlove582 (9:39:17 PM): alright awesome
JnSDragons (9:39:18 PM): lol
JnSDragons (9:39:20 PM): proven
JnSDragons (9:39:24 PM): pretty
JnSDragons (9:39:25 PM): lol
dmlove582 (9:39:30 PM): lemme check my paypal account - whats your paypal email thing?
JnSDragons (9:39:31 PM): sorry
dmlove582 (9:39:34 PM): hope I have enough $$ on there
JnSDragons (9:39:54 PM): hes shedding part of his body though
dmlove582 (9:39:59 PM): thats cool
dmlove582 (9:40:03 PM): hes a beaut
JnSDragons (9:40:15 PM):
JnSDragons (9:40:33 PM): would you like Jimmy to take pics of him right now
dmlove582 (9:40:41 PM): yeah that would be great!
JnSDragons (9:40:51 PM): ok hang on a sec
Old 04-30-2005, 04:34 PM   #3
Rebel Dragons

This is totally unreal.

Has anyone called the police to report the theft?

For that matter does anyone even know the physical address that Apollo is at?

This all just screams of FRAUD.........
Old 04-30-2005, 04:42 PM   #4
Tere Salazar
Not Yet


I'm working on that...I'm not even sure I have his correct address, but I know it won't be hard to find. I figured I would get Paypal started with thier investigation first, then start contacting law enforcement. Gee, I wonder if they know they just ripped off someone who works in a very HIGH level security position for the government (the friend of mine that they were supposed to ship Apollo to).

This could really be interesting!

Old 04-30-2005, 05:06 PM   #5
Rebel Dragons
Somethings not adding up......

Mitch or whoever he/she/it is lives and runs his "business" out of Miami, Fl

JnS live and run their business out of the Dallas/FtWorth, Tx area.

Found this just by running a search for them here:

"Hello, we are Jimmy and Shannon. We are breeders of bearded dragons. We are fairly new to Fauna, but we do know it is a GREAT site. We are located in the DFW TX area."

1000 miles is a wide gap to cross if they were working together to commit fraud or whatever is going on here...........

Old 04-30-2005, 05:10 PM   #6

Thats why I was very skeptical, but how can you explain the exact same paypal address? Wouldnt Shannon think something was up if someone randomly tried to pay to their paypal account? Even so, she needs to be aware because Mitch is indeed still trying to either USE their name or actually accomplicing them.

Old 04-30-2005, 06:23 PM   #7
Angry Ok Here's MY experience with the two parties!

I found this add on Reptile Auction

and I did end up winning him. I was told by Mitch at Platinumdragons he was from Sundance and his name was "Thunder", he was 2 years old, Mitch had had him for one year. His father was a red phase salmon and the mother a salmon.

For the Record Mitch was VERY nice to me at that time and I was impressed enough to leave good feedback. Now I wish I had not!

I can tell it is the same dragon as in the picture, but I have seen him fired up now and he is not that red. I believe that picture was doctored! But he is pretty when fired up, so why did they think they had to change it to get him sold??? Anyways, I named him Rohan.

I have since contacted Sundance and they said they dont breed salmons let alone this dragon.

Tere contacted me thinking this could be Apollo, and we have since decided he is not.

Then Tere found this and sent it to me

That is my dragon (Rohan,was "Thunder") and the same picture as in the auction! So did Mitch lie? Did he steal the pic from JNS??? What's going on?? The main reason I bought him was with the understanding that the hatchling in the auction was "Thunders" baby, I wanted a nice red in my bloodlines.

Then Tere found this:

That, in my opinion is definately Rohan aka Thunder. You can compare the spinal marking and it is very very close, to me, identical! Soooo, why are they auctioning off a dragon they dont even have?

AND here is JNS's website showing Thunder for sale

And here is a picture of Rohan I took, not fired up:

And one of him fired up:

So all I wanted was a nice male to make me some nice red babies. Before all this happened I tried breeing him with a blood cross I have and he is not interested at all. For two weeks now he has not been interested. So, that begs the question, why did they sell him in the first place? Not breeding anymore, hhmmmmm? He is a nice boy, very friendly, very pretty, eats very well.

I say stay away from both of them!!!!
Old 04-30-2005, 07:06 PM   #8
Rebel Dragons
I am speechless......... Everyone I have talked to thinks that all of those pictures are the same dragon. As do I.

What the heck is going on here?
Old 04-30-2005, 07:47 PM   #9
I chatted with Jimmy from JNS and......

here is the conversation in its entirety:

jnsdragons: hello
firedrakeexotics: hi
jnsdragons: hey can we talk
firedrakeexotics: if everyone is nice
jnsdragons: hey i have no reason to be hate ful
firedrakeexotics: ok
jnsdragons: about this dragon thunder
firedrakeexotics: ok
jnsdragons: i sold him to this guy and i guess he sold him to you and you wre saying that the pics were doctored
jnsdragons: and that he is not interested in any females
firedrakeexotics: he isnt that red in "real life"
jnsdragons: hes a redphase hes not a blood
jnsdragons: hes a redphasexsalmon
jnsdragons: i got him from sunshinedragons
jnsdragons: and thats what he told me he was
jnsdragons: i bought him when he was 1yr old
jnsdragons: he is now a little over 2
firedrakeexotics: i know salmons arent red, but in the picture, that was more red than he is
firedrakeexotics: hey, I believe he's a salmon! And I do think he is very pretty
jnsdragons: what pic do you have cuase i have a bunch of him in the tub and out of the tub
firedrakeexotics: you saw my post on fuana, the I am refering to the Reptile Auction picture that is the same picture you posted on Fauna.
jnsdragons: iam just trying to clear my name cuase ive been breeding dragons for 7 plus yrs
firedrakeexotics: ok, fair enough
firedrakeexotics: how are you connected with Mitch?
jnsdragons: he bought 2 of my dragons
firedrakeexotics: why is he using your paypal account?
jnsdragons: and i was going to buy 2 of his snows cuase iam getting out of colors for awhail;
firedrakeexotics: why is he using your paypal account?
jnsdragons: ok told me that a friend of his was going to buy one of his dragons and that he would tell them to send the money to my paypal cor what he old me
firedrakeexotics: hmmm
jnsdragons: that way we can be squard on the dragons
firedrakeexotics: ok next question, why do you have an auction up that is obviously thunder, AFTER you sold him to mitch???
jnsdragons: hey i have no reason to lie i have alot of people that will back me up on my buisness and my dragons
jnsdragons: what auction
jnsdragons: i dont have an auction up
firedrakeexotics: those pics you have on that auction are thunder, three people have confirmed it
jnsdragons: none of my dragons are on there
firedrakeexotics: hold on I'm getting the link
jnsdragons: wich auction
jnsdragons: k
jnsdragons: hang on a sec let me look
jnsdragons: ok that auction has been close for along time
jnsdragons: y that is on there on do not know cuase i have not posted any dragons on there for atleast a week
firedrakeexotics: yeah I know, but here's the thing, you had the post up for him in march on fuana, and in april on Reptibid and then I bought him from Mitch, Mitch says he's had the drgon for a year,
firedrakeexotics: crap ok my mistake there,
firedrakeexotics: I bought the dragon after that auction
jnsdragons: i dont know anything about that what you and mitch said but i can get the people that i bought him from to tell you that we bought him when he was1yr old and we had him ever since mitch bought him so i do not know what is going on with that
firedrakeexotics: ok when did mitch buy him
jnsdragons: and also i do not doctor my pics at all dont need to go read my feed back it explains it all so i do not need to rip any one off
jnsdragons: lets see
firedrakeexotics: ok, maybe its bad lighting
jnsdragons: around a month ago
firedrakeexotics: i'll give you the benefit of the doubt
jnsdragons: if you give me your email address ill send you pics of him plus the one that you saw
firedrakeexotics: well I have seen lots of pics of him now. I dont doubt he came from you, I think the real thing is Mitch.
jnsdragons: and on that othere stuff about me and him teaming up its not happening i do not do that and i do not refuse anyone when they buy my dragons
firedrakeexotics: LIke I said in my post he must have lied about the babies Thunder was producing
firedrakeexotics: can I ask you another question then???
jnsdragons: wich was that red one
jnsdragons: that little red one
firedrakeexotics: in the original auction that mitch put up using your picture, there was a picture of a baby he said thunder produced
jnsdragons: and yeah sure ask away like i say iam trying to clear my name in this
firedrakeexotics: ok, why havent you refunded Tere's money?
jnsdragons: ok it was that red little girl
jnsdragons: we are but then iam out of 2 dragons
firedrakeexotics: why
jnsdragons: so i get the screwed up deal
firedrakeexotics: she paid money and got nothing,
jnsdragons: why cuase he has the dragons that came from that money
firedrakeexotics: so you had apollo then?
firedrakeexotics: i'm confused
jnsdragons: hey thats not my deal i didnt make the deal with her so that between them
jnsdragons: no i do not have him
jnsdragons: i do not want to be in this at all
firedrakeexotics: i know, but she sent money for apollo to mitch, thru your paypal, she didnt get apollo and wants her money back, I dont see how that screws you
jnsdragons: its not my dragon and i think i shouldnt been involed in this
firedrakeexotics: you are involved because you let Mitch use your paypal
jnsdragons: to give me my money for the dragons that he bought
jnsdragons: ill send her money back to her no big deal
firedrakeexotics: yeah, but did you take the $255 from Tere and give it to Mitch already? If it is still in your paypal account you should just be able to refund it with no problems
jnsdragons: but what about the 2 dragons i dont have now
firedrakeexotics: i dont understand how that has anything to do with tere
jnsdragons: ok
jnsdragons: here it is
jnsdragons: mitch emailed me and ask if i had some dragons to sell
jnsdragons: and i told him yes 2 of them iam trying to sell
jnsdragons: and he said how old are they and what do you want for them
firedrakeexotics: ok
jnsdragons: and i said they are 11 month and 2 yrs old
jnsdragons: and he said what morphs and i told him
jnsdragons: and he said how much and i said for the pair ill do 245 shiped he said ok
jnsdragons: he said ill have my friend paypal you the money cuase they were going to buy one of my dragons for 255 shiped and i said ok
jnsdragons: well the money got in there and i shiped him the dragons and now this crap
jnsdragons: so see iam out of 2 dragons and now i have to refund the money to her and iam screwed out of 2 dragons
jnsdragons: and no money
firedrakeexotics: he paid you?
firedrakeexotics: who paid you???
jnsdragons: no the person he said was his friend did
firedrakeexotics: ok so you got money for two dragon, and you sent the dragons?
jnsdragons: that bought one of his dragons
jnsdragons: yes
jnsdragons: he has the dragons i dont
firedrakeexotics: oh so he never sent you the dragon you bought from him???
jnsdragons: and i do not have apollo or what ever his name is
firedrakeexotics: i didnt think you had apollo, we know mitch does
jnsdragons: i havent bought any yet i was going to buy some snows
jnsdragons: he said he has
firedrakeexotics: sooo, excuse me for being thick, if you got the money, and sent the dragons, how again are you screwed?
firedrakeexotics: if you got money for two dragons, then you are not "out two dragons"
jnsdragons: cuase i do not have the dragons that i sent him and plus iam out of 245 that now i have to refund back to that women
jnsdragons: so basicualy i give him free dragons
jnsdragons: i do have her money but it doesnt matter i just want to clear my name i have 50 dragons whats 2 it just means less mouths i have to feed lol
firedrakeexotics: noooo, you got money for the two dragons, right? you just said you did, and you got an extra $245 for no reason apparently, so it should be easy to refund that, that $245 from tere for FOR mitch and if you did not send that $245 to Mitch then it is not out of your pocket to send it back
jnsdragons: no the money for the 2 dragons was comming from i gues that women
jnsdragons: he didnt pay me yet for the dragons
jnsdragons: see what iam saying
firedrakeexotics: No I dont
firedrakeexotics: you said you got money from mitch's friend
jnsdragons: ok that friend of his wich was that women ok
firedrakeexotics: Tere??
jnsdragons: bought one of his dragons wich was apollo
jnsdragons: she paid mitch 255 for him shiped
firedrakeexotics: yeah,
firedrakeexotics: but that money went to you right?
jnsdragons: instead of her sending the money to him she paypaled me the money for the 2 dragons that he got from me
firedrakeexotics: so he got apollo from you
firedrakeexotics: ?
jnsdragons: no he got apair of dragons one was orange and the other was yellow and orange
jnsdragons: i never had apollo
firedrakeexotics: argh
jnsdragons: he has him
firedrakeexotics: i know that
firedrakeexotics: ok, I dont think I have understood a thing you've said
jnsdragons: ok never mind
firedrakeexotics: Tere paypald you the money for you to give to Mitch, that money was not for two other dragons
jnsdragons: ill just refund her money
firedrakeexotics: ok
firedrakeexotics: hey
firedrakeexotics: I know you want to clear your name,
jnsdragons: and i just want my buisness name out of this whole stupid deal cuase i did nothing wrong at all
firedrakeexotics: but this dealing with mitch doesnt make you look good, you understand that right??
jnsdragons: yeah i do cuase i did buisness with him
jnsdragons: wich is kind of stupid
firedrakeexotics: hey we all make mistakes
jnsdragons: like i say i dont refuse any one that wants to buy one of my dragons
jnsdragons: yeah we are only human
firedrakeexotics: I think your beef is with Mitch not Tere, she is just trying to get her dragon back, she shouldnt be out the money, but neither should you.
jnsdragons: i understand i do think mitch should send him back
jnsdragons: so she can be happy and so this deal will die
firedrakeexotics: yeah
jnsdragons: so ill refund her money and i just want my name out
firedrakeexotics: when I was invited to chat here it was by Mitch, not you, why is that?
jnsdragons: and iam sorry he sold you a dragon that you didnt like but that red one that he showed you his offspring is his
jnsdragons: he was put with a blood female
firedrakeexotics: that really is his baby?
jnsdragons: cuase i saw him on the yahoo messenger and ask him what the hell is going on
firedrakeexotics: ok
jnsdragons: yes it is
jnsdragons: i aske him y is my name on fuanan
firedrakeexotics: ok fair enough, now, how do I get him to breed my blood cross female lol???
jnsdragons: and he said i need to talk to yopu
jnsdragons: and he said ill set it up and this screen poped up
jnsdragons: lol
firedrakeexotics: ok
jnsdragons: how long have you had him
firedrakeexotics: a couple weeks
jnsdragons: ill help you out any way i can
firedrakeexotics: ok. Like I said, I do like him! I just wish he'd breed my female lol
firedrakeexotics: and,
jnsdragons: he was brumated before i sold him but not long so he might need to go back down
jnsdragons: but is he head bobbing
firedrakeexotics: can I post this conversation on Fuana to clear up any problems?
jnsdragons: sure be my guess
jnsdragons: as long it clears me go for it
firedrakeexotics: ok, and you should go there and explain it too.
jnsdragons: iam going to try

So I was and sill am a little confused over the two dragons sent to mitch thing. But here it is anyways, Hopefully Jimmy will post here so we can hear the other side of the story.
Old 04-30-2005, 07:57 PM   #10
Rebel Dragons
What a zoo!!!! I'm sorry Shannon but you are the one that got screwed by Mitch in that deal. Tere is entiled legally to receive a refund. She purchased a good/service that was never provided. Mitch owes you money I understand but taking Tere's money to cover his debt to you for a good she never received is not good business. I would venture to say that if a refund was not made promtly it will reflect badly on YOUR business for quite a while. You made a bad business choice and got burned plain and simple.

Welcome to the "I got scammed by Mitch Club"

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