? about Good Guy Certification Certificates - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 01-29-2006, 05:08 PM   #1
? about Good Guy Certification Certificates

OK, I'm in a quandary about what to do about this, so I thought I would ask you all what you think would be best to do.

I have another GGC member who has fallen from grace and is now red-lined on the listing. I have already issued a notice to him requesting that the certificate banner on his website be removed. But what do I do about the listing here? In the past I have removed some of them, some that were requested to be withdrawn, some from members who had been suspended or banned, and from at least one other who had become red lined as well.

Removing an entry is simple to do, but what are the ramifications? Does that mean that such person can NEVER climb back up into grace again? If I remove the certification, do I deny them from ever applying again? Suppose they do turn over a new leave, how would I know about it? Do I just assume they won't or assume that they will be making an honest effort to improve their status?

So far, the one possibility presenting itself is that I make a subforum alongside or below the current GGC section to hold all withdrawn certificates. That way they would not be on the current list, but would still be visible to people. In that manner, even though they don't have the certificate any longer (which also means I would need to retire the certificate number they originally had, just in case) people could still vote on the polls and perhaps over time this would show that they were again eligible to actively take part in the program.

Yes I do realize that some people may not want to EVER take part again in the program, but should I just assume that is the case for everyone who has fallen from grace in the past?

I guess I should have foreseen this before I ever started the program, but it looks like my blasted hoping for the best from people just got in the way again. I just didn't think that someone would actively participate in such a visible yardstick of their business practices and then throw it away. Live and learn..........
Old 01-29-2006, 06:41 PM   #2
Scott Ashton

I think you definitely should maintain a visible list of revoked/withdrawn/suspended certifications.

That said I think there needs to be a clear explanation of what each status means, for example:

Revoked - Action taken for cause.

Withdrawn - Requested by holder

Suspended - Administrative reasons (fees due, Fauna fines etc.).

The reason for the change of the certification could be boldly noted and in the case of revocation perhaps a link to the appropriate BOI thread.

As for reinstating certification, I think that would have to depend upon the circumstances and would require a thoughtfully crafted policy and procedure.
Old 01-29-2006, 07:11 PM   #3
I like the choice of labels you have chosen. Not sure I am up to the task for a "thoughtfully crafted policy and procedure", however........
Old 01-29-2006, 07:34 PM   #4
Revoked - Action taken for cause.

Withdrawn - Requested by holder

Suspended - Administrative reasons (fees due, Fauna fines etc.).

The reason for the change of the certification could be boldly noted and in the case of revocation perhaps a link to the appropriate BOI thread.
Excellent suggestion!
Not sure I am up to the task for a "thoughtfully crafted policy and procedure", however........
: Seriously, I think that reinstatement should be an option if it appears that criteria can be met. I would think that one of the criteria should be resolution of whichever situation(s) caused the revocation in the first place. That would keep the perpetual scammers that are constantly turning over a new leaf** (and starting a new business) away.

**Not to mention names, but a certain person with the initial S.T. comes to mind.
Old 01-29-2006, 07:38 PM   #5
Cheryl Marchek AKA JM
I vote with Scott and Terese.

Positive feedback for a change~
Old 01-29-2006, 11:46 PM   #6
Scott Ashton
Originally Posted by WebSlave
I like the choice of labels you have chosen. Not sure I am up to the task for a "thoughtfully crafted policy and procedure", however........
I hear ya Rich - I know you must be busy.

Hell, these days who isn't?

To that end I would volunteer to work with others in drafting a policy/procedure which you could tweak as you see fit.

Let me know, it would be a pleasure to give back to the site that got me started in herps.
Old 01-30-2006, 02:07 AM   #7
Originally Posted by shavemycoinpurse
I hear ya Rich - I know you must be busy.

Hell, these days who isn't?

To that end I would volunteer to work with others in drafting a policy/procedure which you could tweak as you see fit.

Let me know, it would be a pleasure to give back to the site that got me started in herps.
Sure, I can always use some help with stuff like this.

Old 01-30-2006, 02:50 AM   #8
I think those are good suggestions. Especially the notification of why the cert. is suspended/revoked etc.
To have the cert. info just dissappear leaves people in the dark as to why. Though, for many, if not most, the cert. being gone is enough info. Another downside of the cert. info just dissapearing; someone could become a very bad person, they take the cert. off their website and just pretend they never had one. With the information left up, someone could search here and see the votes and reason for the suspension/revocation. They will most likely see the threads that pertained to the "downfall" and/or suspension, but just seeing the cert. votes and reason, could be a quick snapshot.
Old 02-09-2006, 08:07 PM   #9
Well, I tried the method of setting up subforums for REVOKED, WITHDRAWN, and SUSPENDED to contain certificate holders who are no longer participating in the GGC program for one reason or another. I've gotten nasty grams from three of the people in the WITHDRAWN and SUSPENDED categories. So I will probably be removing those subforums rather then put up with their whining.
Old 02-09-2006, 08:55 PM   #10
is it just from the people with a shadowed past that dont want people to know why they fell from grace - if so "oh well" they shouldnt have gone to the "Dark Side", if its from people that have requested it be taken down then i can understand the complaints, they did no wrong and have the right to pull out of it. Usually on fauna and in life its the people that have something to hide that dont want thier names being shown anywhere for any reason.

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