Outside Tang pics

Manhattan Herps

PROUD Christian
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
well more like window-still, lol

it was a nice day yesterday and i figured what the hell..








and just for fun, i found this while cleaning the tokay tank yesterday, looks like my male did his job :) i found another egg about 3 hours after the pic was taken
nice pictures! I had a pair of tokays, and they would always lay eggs on the glass. We kept forgetting to tape a deli over it and once they hatched they ate the young. The circle of life ;)
i've never heard of a tokay eating its young, did you have more tham obe pair in the tank? mine always protect the babys
nope one pair, and everytime the young was eaten :| I've read to put a deli cup over it to stop that from happening, but seeing as we weren't planning on breeding tokays, we kept forgetting with the other herps. We later sold the pair to expand our collection :)
Id take that box of leos anyday, they are all really nice!

Congrats on the tokay eggs, I want to get back into them this spring.
Great group of tangerines you have there Dan! Nice tokay too…
sweet tangs. i love tokays. just never had an ambition to get them as i did with leos. plus the fact that feeding and cleaning could result in my own physical pain was enough for me to shy away. good job with the tokays.
I was wondering what those bulges are behind the front legs of the gecko in the 5th pic?
WindyO said:
I was wondering what those bulges are behind the front legs of the gecko in the 5th pic?
Those are fat budges or fat deposits. It just shows that the animal is healthy and well fed.
Are you positive on that? I took mine to the vet and she was saying they were water retention. She didn't have any bacteria and seemed healthy but something was causing her to retain water. I also talked to someone else who thinks it might be a calcium build up. I only question the fat reason because the animal who has it isn't that big of an eater. She eats only enough to fill her.