Crook, scammer, and BAD GUY Mel Kruger.
The deal that happened that only benefited one party. The trade from hell.
So I traded a nice ivory ghost het moonglow for a rifle. The deal took a bit but went well. I then offered to trade a lot of snakes (worth over 2K) for two other firearms. I offered to trade knowing it was a loss for me, due to space limitation and other factors in my life (relocation). I figured I can use the firearms for recreation and collection and still maintain a decent boa collection. So I shipped the lot (minus one boa) to Mel. I accidently forgot to include one of the 12 boas. I was packing to move and I forgot one boa. It was a mistake. This was explained. The shipment was delayed by SYR but upon arrival to Mel’s residence, he called me saying the boas arrived fine and praised how great they looked. The next day, he told me that that that he was not happy with one male. He claimed it had a bump which means he was sick. I informed him that that was how he is and how I purchased him years ago. I never really noticed it since I attributed to his structural make-up. I explained to him was that since he has been with me for over two years, he ate, sheds, and bred perfectly. I asked him to feed him to see if he would eat. He ate with no problem. As I explained and expected.
Since he had eleven (11) boas and I had NOTHING of his, I told him to start the paperwork for the gun transfers since I know it takes a bit form dealer to dealer. He stalled and then refused. He wanted me to replace the male. I told him that the male was fine and he noticed he ate and he even commented on how pretty he was. After going back and forth with this man who never wants to talk like men over the phone, instead complain over texts, I decided to take a loss and told him that he can keep all of the 11 snakes if he sends just one of the firearms. Of course he agreed to this. All of sudden the missing boa and the proclaimed “sick” boa are no longer an issue for him. Realizing that he is trying to get one over on me and this “trade” I let it slide. I wanted to have something for my loss.
So it turns out that the gun cannot be shipped to me because of the NY laws. So now he says he wants me to PAY for shipping for the remaining boas of mine. REMAINING boas of mine – because he had sold some already. INCREDIBLE. He sold my boas already. I told him that I have shipped boas to him which was costly already and received nothing from him. There were babies, yearlings, and adults in the lot – over 30 lbs shipment across the U.S. Why would I pay to have a portion of them shipped back? What would I get out of that trade other than a huge financial loss, unneeded stress, and less of my stock of boas?
I asked him if he had anything else. He mentioned a glock 19. We then settled to have him send a glock instead. He said he would trade if his pending a deal that has not happened falls through – a deal he has been waiting on for three months. I wondered why that deal never happened! I can imagine why….Regardless of that, imagine my surprise when I log on today and see that the glock is posted for trade. So naturally, I sent him a message saying that he agreed to send that to me to make this trade right. He said no…because he thinks his glock is worth more than the boas. UNBELEIVABLE. The glock was listed for less than the other guns, but now it’s too much. Even after he said he would.
This man is a crook. He has now a total of 12 of my boas and I have NOTHING.
He has:
5.1 Ghosts het moonglow ‘15
1.1 Hypo Het Moonglow ‘15
1.1 Trip Het Snowglows ‘14
1.0 Hypo Het Anery ‘10
0. 1 Pastel Het Anery ‘08
I have:
Empty pockets and fewer boas and NO firearm
Regardless of shipping issues, gun laws…that fact remains that he has my goods and I have NOTHING.
I will be posted the conversation soon…beginning from August 26th
Buyers/traders beware.