michael mastison out for revenge

Author Subject: michael mastison out for revenge
jim scharphorn Posted At 13:29:02 08/06/2001
this caricter, if you remember was the garbage bag killer of reptiles shipped regular mail. well he has started a black list for people that gave him cr-- about his shipping methods , and i am on this list myself because every time i see his name on here i email him to remind him of his killing practice and will continue to do so, he will not forget it and others are on his list as well. i hope that others realise what a jerk he is and does the same i cant believe that he has never appolligised for this and that he keeps posting on here like nothing happened . he needs to be reminded of this and everone needs to stay away from people like this. i emailed him this morning and said that what is this black list i am on and said that he was the garbage bag killer and that he should watch his back . and he emailed me back and said that i threatened him and was about to loose my internet provider for good because of my threat. i necver threatened him i just told him he had better watch his back and if i new how to cut and past i would post his message back along with mine. the hole point about this is beware on the garbage bag killer he is no good his email addy is kringless rescues i think it stands for kill more rescue less, if any of you have not herd about this story scroll down till you get to michael mastison ( kringless rescue ) very bad guy !! me and others are on his black list and we has herpers need to block him out of this and to always remind him and others of this this probably would not have gotten this far if he would have apologised but he has not , because everyone makes mistakes but he must not have any regret
SHAWN OLSON Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6862.html Posted At 13:59:41 08/06/2001


shawn olson
Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6863.html Posted At 14:15:51 08/06/2001

Where is this list? Gotta link?
B Oakley
Ritchie Luna Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6869.html Posted At 17:45:20 08/06/2001

Boy that was a really childish and unproffesional thing to do on a website. Here is the addy:


Just a question. Since he runs a "rescue"? Does he adopt the animals for free and sell them. Or does he legitimately find them homes. Hass anyone adopted from him? or is that a front to get animals for free?

Because if it is a front it needs to be reported. But if he truly cares and someone has actually adopted from him legitimately, then he will get my support.

Does anyone have any information on this? I don't want he said she said stuff. I want to know from someones experience please.

Michael Mastison Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6870.html Posted At 18:26:35 08/06/2001

Ritchie, yes I do run an honest reptile rescue and I have adopted out many free herps to loving homes all over the U.S. I place them in caring and permenant homes where I know they will be cared for. I know the list is a little childish. I will be the first one to admit that, but as it is stated in the fine print at the bottom of the page. That black list serves as more of a reminder to me than anything else. The only people that I care about are my customers and potential customers. Through these customers I am able to sell herps that I buy and breed at a wholesale price and make a profit to afford the Rescue new cages, supplies, and medicines. Kringles is both state and federaly recognized. This post is merely people that are upset because I stated my mind on my site, nothing more. Thanks,MM
jim scharphorn Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6874.html Posted At 19:05:44 08/06/2001

listen to that bull m m says that he only cares for his customers ect. ect. then people ask him why he would ship 100 lizards in a black plastic bag and ship then ground service witch took 6 days to get to the destination now does that sound like someone that cares ??? m m has also contacted my internet provider and has tried to get me thrown off the internet and has threatened a lawsuite against my internet provider if he does not comply with his demands and m m i think ritchie was calling you the childish one !!!
JERRY TRESSER Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6875.html Posted At 19:07:00 08/06/2001

At least I have the distinction of being on top of the list. Its a sad commentary that someone has to provide a personal BlackList on a website. I dont know who he is, but I guess I should be flattered. But to consider me Sheep, that hurts. A Wolf in Sheeps clothing, Maybe, but not Sheep. Anyhow, this is what you get when you deal with a childish mind. The best thing that should be done is to let him squander in his own sea of mediocraty. I will not forget his name, and if it ever comes up in conversation, it will be noted that he should be boycotted.
jim scharphorn Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6876.html Posted At 19:13:24 08/06/2001

hey fellow herpers go to this sight that is posted by michael and read it you will be amazed at how professinal he is boy what language he has wow !!
Devon Smith Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6886.html Posted At 20:53:47 08/06/2001

Hey Jim as a fellow "Black list inductee", it is just funny.
The guy has a bad rep and a crappy tripod.com website.
The people listed there are persons that were digusted with his ground shipment of animals and his diregard for their safety and the end result. His lack of care is obvious. How many people really even know this clown. Where is the list of adoptions and names/e-mail address's of these people who have adopted?
Isnt he banned from Kingsnake???
It doesnt bother me. People can usually see thru that kind of garbage. Its just as easy to start a MM site on tripod.com about his lack of care for animals presented by the "sheep".

Patrick Hughett @ North Texas Reptiles Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6910.html Posted At 00:51:52 08/07/2001


"NOTE: The opinions on expressed on this page are meerly that, opinions. They are in no way meant to slander, hurt, or accuse anyone of anything."

What would you call this? "With these two, it's like brother and sister married.LOL, I mean these are the kind of people who you see in films like deliverence." - Not meant to hurt or slander???

And what is this? "she backstabs me by trying to slander my good name." - I don't see that you have a good name. I don't think anyone can make you look worse than you are making yourself look.

That is just my two cents.

Patrick Hughett
North Texas Reptiles

Billy Fraser Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6911.html Posted At 00:53:05 08/07/2001

Yeah, what a classy guy! ha ha!!!! Sad to see that he spends more time trying to sell wild caught animals than captive bred animals. That speaks a lot for himself. Reptile rescue?.........If he had the free time to make that gay list up, why didn't he use his time more wisely to go take an animal out of its' natural habitat once more and make a profit? Michael, please do us and snakes a favor and vanish.
Tony Basica's Weirdsnakes Just
6917.html Posted At 09:28:00 08/07/2001

IF you have problems with him, just report it to the tripod homepage abuse center. They will take care of the problem.

Michael Tashman Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6918.html Posted At 09:33:43 08/07/2001

I like to check the inquiry board regularly,
(it pays to know about the people out there you might do business with),
and found the accusations about Michael
Mattison disturbing, and if half of it is true, people would be insane to do business with him. I did go and check out his blacklist link, and although Mr. Mattison tries to pass himself off on this board as some half-ass intellectual, he made some really disturbing remarks about Shawn Olson.
It makes makes Mr. Mattison sound like some homophobic, fantasizing child molester. You sound really twisted Mr. Mattison! Its fine to state whether or not to do business with someone, but get it together buddy, and seek some psychiatric help.
Since i have criticized you and your remarks maybe i will be added to your blacklist, but from what i can see, i would be in good company, Maybe you should change the name of your blacklist, and call it something like "People who are reputable and hate me because im conniving reptile murdering hypocrite"
Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6919.html Posted At 09:42:28 08/07/2001

Not to be rude or anything, but you really should learn a little grammar and how to spell. Your website "blacklist" is a joke. Not that I care who is on there, but let me quote your site for a minute. You were refering to a lady who has yet to pay you and you said.."This woman runs purchased a snake from me...". Just out of curiousity how does one "runs purchase"? I never claimed to know everything, but I would love to learn how one might do something like that. You should also pay more attention to your list. Bob Fisher, whom I have spoke with MANY times and even dealt with, was fortunate eneough to be on there twice. Does that mean he said something that really pissed you off or did you just look the other way for a minute while you were typing this "black list" and not know you had already put it up there. NOTE FOR EVERYONE ELSE: Bob Fisher is a VERY polite, friendly, calm and collected individual who anyone that does not ship in plastic bags would love to meet. I CANNOT BELIEVE you would stoop to a level as saying someone does what you say they do to their 13 year old son. That has got to be the most demented, sick, pathetic, childish, insecure thing I have EVER seen someone do or say. I would also like to know why you would make yourself look as foolish as you do to not only put that list up there that "serves as more of a reminder to me than anything else" but also to swear and say the silly things you do on there. As far as your animal rescue project, I have not the foggiest idea if it is ligit or not (I hope it is), but with the things I have learned about you and your tactics, don't you think the animals would have been better off where you found them rather than being in a plastic bag?

Now that I have said only a few things that I see wrong with this and really said nothing too bad about you, please do me the courtesy of emailing me when you finish putting me on your list. I love surprises and I do not want to be left out of the loop of things that people have to say about me. All I know is that I would NEVER post something IN A PUBLIC place saying someone does sexual things to their child. That is COMPLETELY wrong and unforgivable Michael. I really think you should remove that. You talk about slander in you site, what the hell are you doing with every example up there?

With zero regards,
Brian Oakley
Mike Combs Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6920.html Posted At 11:27:03 08/07/2001

I think you guys misread that post regarding shawn olson, the way i read it, it was shawn olson saying all that vulgar garbage. I dont know this cat from the man in the moon(michael mastison), i just looked at his blacklicst and seen what the above peeps wrote about mastison being a homophobe and all that, i thought it should be clear, it was shawn olson saying them things to michael. Or am i reading it wrong?
John Apple Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6921.html Posted At 11:38:02 08/07/2001

Having a hard time getting to
the site
hey Ritchie is it typed right or am I doing something wrong
I am now probably on the black-list [like a morons list will hurt me]
Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6922.html Posted At 11:38:44 08/07/2001

If I am wrong, then I recant that part only. I still do not feel it makes him look too good for putting that on his page. There are some things that just do not need to be in the view of everyone.'
Brian Oakley
Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6923.html Posted At 11:45:08 08/07/2001

I appologize for insinuating that you had said that about Shawn. I read it again and SLOWLY and it APPEARS that you were quoting him. I just hope for your sake that he did and you are not making it up.

I can see where you might be angry, but I too have a child and I would be OUTRAGED if someone had said that too me. I am not attacking you, it is easy to let emotions take over what we have to say. I think you should take that one back though.
Brian Oakley
Ritchie Luna Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6924.html Posted At 11:59:43 08/07/2001

Look what someone sent me through my e-mail
"no he gets animals for free and sells them to whoever wants them." makes yo wonder since there is no animals helped posted anywhere.

I have helped animals through my non federal and non state recognized adoption agency. I give the animals free and I also paid for the darn shipping.....which is dumb I know. But I love these animals...and from now on people will have to pay for shipping.

John..just copy and paste it. It works
Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6928.html Posted At 12:31:24 08/07/2001

Just out of curiousity, what state does Michael live in?
shawn olson Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6929.html Posted At 12:40:29 08/07/2001

Yes brian, i do take that back from his post he made. I was very pissed off from him putting me on his site. I hate that bastard, putting amphibians in a garbage bag, what a queer.

shawn olson
Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6931.html Posted At 12:46:03 08/07/2001

Good man Shawn! I agree with EVERYTHING else though!
JOEY SMITH Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6932.html Posted At 12:47:15 08/07/2001

j..s Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6935.html Posted At 13:03:06 08/07/2001

I guarantee live arrival of all reptiles that are shipped via forementioned routes. If you have a d.o.a. or the animal dies within 48 hours of arrival I will replace the animal or refund your credit towards another reptile.
(copy and paste from kringles website)

so micheal, what happened to sending this guy some live animals?the one you sent a garbage bag full of goo to. i think his name was jim
Michael Tashman Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6937.html Posted At 13:17:36 08/07/2001

It appears i may have mis-read
what Mr. Mattison had on his old blacklist
(thanks to Mr. Combs better proof reading abilities),
since its now been revised, lol.
But it appears that Mr. Olson has the Homophobic issues.
So i stand corrected, and apologize to Mr. Mattison for only what i said in regards to that paticular statement.
jim scharphorn Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6938.html Posted At 13:31:16 08/07/2001

i think his state is north decota ND it is on his web sight and people if you do not believe this story about him sending 100 tiger salamanders in a black plastic bag then ask your self why has he not denied it on here he has spoken on here he wont even appoligize for doing it thats what gets me the most like i said before everone makes mistakes but hopefully not big mistakes like this one please anyone else posting on this matter lets leave the swear words at home thanks lets keep it clean for all to read
Mickey Cook Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6939.html Posted At 13:39:28 08/07/2001

Just checking in as a fellow "blacklister". He called me " a customer that is impossible to please". I'm not going to go into the story, lets just say. My snake was not only a week and a half late it was a couple of years younger than I paid for. At least it was alive. It upsets me that even after people and I posted on the board of inquiry page how he ripped us off, he just continued business as usual. He just dosn't care. On top of that if you go down a read some other post he bad mouths other "bad guys" and leaves his insites on a few topics. Almost as if the man thinks he has done nothing wrong. NO REMORSE! NO SHAME!

Just some extra info: At the time he ripped me off he distributed an internet rag called the Happy Herper Harold or somthing like that. He puts up a nice front. Gotta give him that.

Oh, Mike if I was a little off on the name of your rag please forgive me. Looks like maybe you finally went too far. Just want to say I will enjoy watching you be shut down. Now or Later, with your practices it will happen.

Dennis Gulla Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6945.html Posted At 14:31:44 08/07/2001

Regardless of your opinions on this subject, I think we can do without the PROFANITY!! This isn't some adult only chat site and I'm sure that there are children on here as well. Not that they haven't heard it before, but it would be nice if we could post with a little class and be cival. I'm gonna miss this site when te webslave shuts it down.

Brittney Latil Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6949.html Posted At 15:12:55 08/07/2001

OH, MICHAEL...remember i told you i read your "fine print", and it doesn't mean anything. that fine print was not there before. when i started showing people that they were on that list a while back. you took some of them off of the list. at first i only told the people i knew because i knew they did not deserve it. Now, since i have sex with my brother and all like you say, i have let everyone on it know, because i know they are probably all people that do good business, unlike you. here is a message you sent someone i know. this will show everyone a little about your shipping methods, and how STUPID you assume all your potential customers are.

Hello Scott. For one red-sided garter and shipping the total will be
$17.00. The only reason why it's so high is due to the heat, i am forced to
use express delivery which costs more, but it does ensure that you get your
herp alive. The address is listed below with my phone number. Let me know if
I can be of further assistance. Thanks, Michael

ok, "i am forced to use express delivery" shouldn't you always use express? And who ships express for $12? the snake was supposed to be $5, and the rest of the $17 was for shipping... so i know usps is the cheapest and it is $16 at the least for the lightest possible package to be sent overnight. so my guess is that he wasn't even really gonna ship this guy the snake overnight. and it's illegal to ship snakes through usps, but that is beside the point. the point is that this guy is a liar, a cheat, and a loser. oh, and a disgrace to herpers everywhere. he needs to be stopped. The only thing i ever did with him was last february he was supposed to buy some WC reptiles from me, but he never sent me the boxes or deli cups or shipping $, so it never happened. He told me "I don't care if they eat or not, I will buy them." and as we all know he would have resold them. i say if a wc animal will not eat in captivity it should be released. (it's hard to do that with imports i know, it sucks, but i am talking about lacal animals i caught). does anyone want to buy animals froma guy who doesn't care if they eat? Maybe he is just really confident in himself and thinks he can get them to eat, but I DOUBT IT!!! he needs to be stopped. this is ridiculous. he brought this all on himself. when i saw i was on his list, i asked him why, and he said he had a list of people that he wanted to do business and a list of people who were bad, and said that his "girlfriend" (he doesn't even have one!) had mixed them up and made that list. hahaha. well since then, i saw a bad post he made about me that was a lie. he said that he "had tried to do business with me before but i kept changing my story so he didn't". whatever! what story?! then he wrote that me and joey are brother and sister on his board and that we were straight out of 'deliverance'. whatever. this dude really sucks. and he's a coward. most of the people on that board just replied to other posts about him. he is a dork.

Brian Oakley Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6953.html Posted At 15:35:29 08/07/2001

I would like to compliment you on your decision to change your wording and whatnot on your "blacklist". I still think that there are some phrases on there that need not be said, but like you, that is MY opinion. I do believe there are issues here that you need to resolve, but only you can do that. IF you have a policy of live arrival and IF you indeed shipped lizards in a plastic bag for 5 days (or however long) you should make good on them. Again, only you can do what is right and only you will gain respect or lose more.
No, I am not kissing ass. I could care less, but I hate to see people do absolutely foolish things especially when the animals are the ones that really pay the price. my life and herping will go on being as sucessfull (if not more) as it has been. I just try and try and try to understand why people do and say some of the things they do. Yes, you are one of those people I do not understand.
B Oakley
Neil Gubitz - The Snake Pit Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6956.html Posted At 15:57:10 08/07/2001

Michael....You've got SOME NERVE saying that you are a rescue operation when you can send an animal out GROUND?? Are you out of your mind?? And the absolute gall to send a CUSTOMER their animals via ground service, in a plastic bag, just because they didn't send you the extra COUPLE of dollars for OVERNIGHT? So, I'll show them type of attitude??? By the way, do you have ANY CLUE what OVERNIGHT MEANS??? And this time, when I use CAPS...I AM YELLING!!! I would just LOVE to take you behind a barn somewhere and give you the "spanking" (it's the LEAST harsh word I could come up with) you so richly DESERVE! Maybe someone will do us ALL a favor and put YOU in a plastic bag and leave YOU in the back seat of their car while THEY get something to eat, hopefully, a nice long dinner and a movie! I am so DISGUSTED with you, and I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU (thanks for small favors)!! Michael, I just want to ask you ONE FAVOR?? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR BLACKLIST?? At least there, I'll be in some GOOD company! And, just for the record, if I EVER hear from you about something I'm selling that you might want??? I WOULDN'T SELL YOU A DAMN THING!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS PROFESSION AND ONE OF THESE DAYS....what goes around, comes around!! I just hope it's SOONER rather than later! You're just damn lucky you don't live near me!
jim scharphorn Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6968.html Posted At 18:41:17 08/07/2001

be warned that i think mike goes with other identities 1 email addy would be rubberboaman@yahoo.com
Bob Fisher @ Hanover Herps Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6978.html Posted At 00:49:07 08/08/2001

To BRIAN OAKLEY---- THANKS for the good words!
To MICHEAL MASTISON??? Who are you, and what dealings have you had with me? I don't even ever recall meeting or talking to you. Brian mentioned in his post that I was on this
so-called blacklist???
Give me a shout @ hanoverherps@earthlink.net, I would love to know when I appeared in one of your dreams, or if I was just in your imagination. I am a nice person as anyone who has dealt with me would surely tell you, but don't smear my name!
If for some reason my name isn't on your list, my apologies!

Jamey Fisher Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6980.html Posted At 01:37:50 08/08/2001

First off, the Turtle thing is really dumb. You should always ship either express, or Airbore. Second on the kingsnake thing, did it cross your mind that kings eat snakes? Maybe it devoured the other king? Who ships kings in the same bag anyays? Thats like shipping a retic, burm or boa with a rat or rabbit.
Mickey Cook Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6982.html Posted At 01:48:01 08/08/2001

Just wondering if you had anything to say for yourself?

Michael Mastison Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6983.html Posted At 03:17:07 08/08/2001

O.k. let me do this one last time. This is for my sake and my sake only. Many of you have wondered why i ahven't tried to "defend" myself. Well, to be hort about it. I have nothing to defend myself or my business for. This entire incident occured becasue of a bad shipment to James Parks. I offered him my apolgies at the time and James, if you are reading this, I would still be more than happy to send you 100 salamanders, but not larval salamanders. I have talked with both Bob Fisher and Dennis Gulla since the "forum" started on this, and I have tried to explain a little of what has happened. This, as far as I'm concerned is all that needs to be done. I have many happy customers, and many happy adoptee's. The rest of you seem to me to be more worried about slandering other people than you do about the good and the great deals that this forum brings us. It's like a bunch of town gossips at a knitting bee. I have made mistakes, as have all of you. However, you do not see me crawling in the mud like so many of you, trying to bring harm to a business that is only trying to bring good. You gentlemen, and I use that word lightly, can have you inquiry. I like the sales, and the wanted's. So sit around, correct my grammar, spell check me for all I care. I have herps that I love and need to care for, and as I stated on my site, and will again, I have a life to lead, unlike so many of you gentlemen. Good night, adn may you have huge and healthy clutches. Michael Mastison. Owner/Herpetocutlurist of Kringles Reptile Rescue & Adoption Agency
JERRY TRESSER Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6984.html Posted At 05:39:37 08/08/2001

MICHAEL, whatever problems were caused, were caused by you. Either you are hurting very badly or you are looking for alot of attention with your website, but in both cases these are self inflicted wounds. The difficulty lies with the fact that you are a louse. You punished the salamanders by putting them in a plastic bag and shipped them ground which guaranteed their death. Not a pleasant one , I might add. Its a lack of consideration, very poor business ethics, and a total disregard for living things. To make matters worse, these were probably wild caught. Their is such a thing as honour, and rather than do the honorable thing, you chose to punish the reciepient by killing the Amphibians. You knew exactly what you were doing and did it with malace. That is a crime. Its something that I may want to consider persuing. The purposeful killing of animals is a serious problem, and it abhors me to think that someone who claims to care for the animals, takes this kind of a route with the intent to " get even, or ill fix him " kind of an attitude. Its regrettabel, that you drifted to the Herp field. The answer for me is simple. I will try my best to avoid people like you, weed them out where I can, and in your particular case, notify the authorities about how you collected the animals, and out of revenge, killed them, without a consience. Amazingly enough, you went to the trouble , and time in making sure that whoever complained on this forum ended up on the Kringles BlackList. Your energies would have been better spent in trying to resolve the matter, not in complaining about how other people reacted to your stupidity.
jim scharphorn Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6985.html Posted At 05:43:46 08/08/2001

michael you dont get the picture you sent animals in a bag ground service and had no remorse for it and did not want to give the guy any credit to whom you sent them you are saying that if he contacts you you will send hi more well im sure he has contacted you when this happened but you would not give him credit then but now that your name is mud your willing to make good why dont you contact him why does he have to contact you ? are you hopeing he is not reading this so you dont have to make good ?? and you do owe everyone else a appologie for being so stupid and killing what we call herps and you call money you are not wanted on this sight so leave your opions in the futore to your self and find your own corner of the world you are a herp killer and and you have no remorce for it i will not forget it and everytime i see your name i will email you and remind you of it you will not forget and think all is good
Dawn Zielinski Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6988.html Posted At 11:12:10 08/08/2001

"This entire incident occured becasue of a bad shipment to James Parks. I offered him my apolgies at the time and James, if you are reading this, I would still be more than happy to send you 100 salamanders, but not larval salamanders"

Wow. No "I'm sorry my insane pathetic nature MURDERED 100 LIVING creatures." No "Gee, I'm really sorry my mistake cost the lives of living, breathing animals."
What gives me the creeps the most is NOT that he had this silly little blacklist (big deal, guys. Consider the source and move on), but that he has absolutly NO REMORSE for the killings of innocent lives due to his negligence. For this ALONE he should be shut down for good. I can't believe someone could do that. That's just disguisting. Someone please put him in a plastic bag and ground ship him to me. If he lives, maybe I'll infest him with mites and leave him outside til he croaks from the heat.
Neil Gubitz - The Snake Pit - Tampa Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6990.html Posted At 11:47:03 08/08/2001

Sorry Dawn...That WASN'T Negligence! IT WAS PURELY ON PURPOSE WITH MALICIOUS INTENT!! Michael knew EXACTLY what he was doing! He KNEW damn well those efts would die and he couldn't give a sh**!! To even THINK that ANYONE would forgive him is a CROCK!! And to have the audacity to come on here, all apologetic, just makes my stomach turn!! TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!!!
Whomever he sent those dead animals to, SHOULD TAKE HIM TO COURT!! Don't just SAY you will....DO IT!! You will do the ENTIRE Herping community a great thing! Take him for all he's worth! But, by the looks of it, I don't think he can afford to PAY ATTENTION!!
Did you put me on your Blacklist, yet???
Dawn Zielinski Re: michael mastison out for revenge
6992.html Posted At 12:05:13 08/08/2001

Hrm... On purpose? Forget the ground shipping to me. Throw him in a large and hungry Burm cage, lock the door, and throw around the scent of rabbits. That's the most horrific thing I've ever seen. He did this on PURPOSE?
Do not forget- he never appologised for murdering. Just that he made some guy upset. People like that make me want to take up violence has a hobby.
Ryan Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7005.html Posted At 16:39:22 08/08/2001

I have the hungry burm to supply also. lol. She is huge and needs to eat. Well, doubt he will apologize for killing 10 slamanders. I agree it was with intent. Anyone knows that a live animal will die min plastic.
Michael Mastison Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7007.html Posted At 18:15:56 08/08/2001

jim scharphorn . I am kindly asking you on a public forum to refrain from publicly slandering my name any further. You do not know the story and you are just making it up as you go along. Please refrain from telling any more of your salnderous stories. I have asked you and this goes to any of those of you who plan to do the same. I am asking you not to, politely I might add. You do not know the entire story, so just leave me alone. Michael Mastison
Neil Gubitz - The Snake Pit - Tampa Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7009.html Posted At 18:27:43 08/08/2001

Michael....It would be VERY EASY for us to leave you alone.....GET OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF SELLING HERPS! That'll do it!
Billy Fraser Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7010.html Posted At 18:32:46 08/08/2001

I hope he doesn't treat his kid/kids like he does the salamanders.
shawn olson Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7011.html Posted At 18:41:18 08/08/2001

You get 'Um NEIL! Damn right we need to SHUT him down.

Shawn Olson
shawn olson Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7012.html Posted At 18:44:13 08/08/2001

HEY MICHAEL, just to lett you know Where is all your "HAPPY COSTOMERS". I dont see ONE on here!!!!!

Robert Chan Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7025.html Posted At 21:37:13 08/08/2001

Hey Shawn, hey Billy! Wadddup?? Hey Joey! Shout out to ya! So what, this the guy ya'll don't like? Waddup wit dat? Yo dawg. My boyz say you doin them wrong. You bess be leavin them alone. I don't care what you run. De's boys ain't gonna do nothing but tag ya till you down dawg. So might as well bail. Peace, I'm out. The S, the B, The J. I see ya all around the way.
Billy Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7031.html Posted At 23:47:40 08/08/2001

Who let Vanilla Ice in on this forum?
WebSlave Re: michael mastison out for revenge
7032.html Posted At 00:10:33 08/09/2001

That's about enough for this thread. No new information has been added since about the third message and all I see noise with no signal.

Closing down the thread......

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