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02-05-2011, 02:47 PM
Highlights From The Week In Weird News

Hey, Is That a Cockroach in Your Pants or Do You Have a Severe Hygiene Problem?

People are busted daily trying to smuggle coveted items to make an extra buck. From fine Cuban cigars to drugs to cultural artifacts, smugglers assume the risk for the potential profits that can be made feeding the lure of illicit goods.

But sometimes the risk doesn't seem to match the reward. One man in Orlando, Fla., is finding this out the hard way after being arrested and facing two felony charges and a first-degree misdemeanor charge for allegedly smuggling something few of us would ever want.

He was busted on suspicion of smuggling cockroaches.

Besides the obvious first question -- Who the hell smuggles cockroaches? -- there's a second -- Who the hell smuggles cockroaches into Florida?

After all, the Sunshine State is already well-established as a mecca for the repulsive little crawlers, and it boasts one of the most diverse populations of cockroaches in the United States.

The reason remains a mystery, although it's suspected that he was importing them as food for pet lizards, since this particular type of cockroach is higher in protein than crickets and other bugs. Still, it's difficult to explain to your new cell mate that you're in the joint for a reptile dysfunction.

Wanted: Pet Dog. Must Be Friendly, Housebroken and Maintain a Complementary Color Palette

Some people just aren't dog people, and no matter what you try to say to convince them, they see our canine companions as little more than barking, slobbering, scratching nuisances that spend more time licking themselves than being useful. Like members of Congress, but with the saving grace of loyalty.

One of the most difficult animal-related jobs out there is working at a pound, where stray animals are collected and workers face the frustrating reality of too many unwanted animals and not enough people to adopt the abandoned. Finding a good home for a pet must feel like a real personal victory when the only other option is putting the animal down.

So it's pretty understandable that pound workers were dumbfounded when one woman returned her dog because it didn't match her curtains. Go ahead and read that one more time. She adopted -- and then returned a dog -- for the heinous crime of the dog's coat not quite being consistent with the color scheme in her house.

Shelter workers say they've had animals returned to them for other questionable reasons, such as the dogs not being cuddly enough or refusing to bark, but this case was shocking and infuriating to the workers. It's hoped the woman won't try to find another dog in a more appropriate shade, but if she does, we can all hope that the new pooch gets to discolor her carpet in a most unsavory way.
