View Full Version : Scientific Specimens

01-06-2012, 12:44 AM

I realize that this might be odd for many of you, but:

I am looking for dead exotic animals for a research collection.

I am looking for samples of a variety of species for an osteological research collection. If you have anything that you would like to donate, please contact me.

The larger and older the animal, the better. Hatchlings, small amphibians and small snakes are typically too delicate to collect and mount, but truly exotic specimens are still welcome. Fully grown animals are preferred but anything that is at least considered a juvenile is worth mentioning.

I am also open to preserving, cleaning and or mounting animals for anyone who is interested. The process is fairly time consuming, but I do good work and am open to haggling. Please let me know if you have any questions or have anything to clean.

If nothing else, keep my email on file.

Thanks for looking,