View Full Version : water mister for humity

05-13-2012, 10:01 PM
I have wondered if anyone uses a mister for there room. I have 2 humitifiers but I cant seen to get it past 40%. I spray down each tub every day 2 or 3 times. I have tried most of the suggestions I have read on here, pouring water into tubs. As well as putting 2 10 gallon aquariums full of water. Do you guys think that a mister would work or be overkill?
Alot of spellling errors. Done with cell lol

05-14-2012, 12:58 AM
The humidity is kept in the tubs not in the room, even when our humidity is down to 30% in the snake room my tubs still stay around 60% without ever spraying them down.
Maybe your tubs are leaking too much?

Randy F
05-14-2012, 06:04 AM
I spray my tubs but every few days. It does not get humid along the coast so it helps a little. Sounds like you are doing a little much. Jerry is right, check the humidity level in the tubs.

05-14-2012, 06:48 AM
I think its the holes in the tubs. I have 4 holes on each of the 4 sides. Ill try and co er them up. I only ask cause I still have alot of dry sheds

B&C Ball Pythons
05-14-2012, 10:51 AM
I'm on the coast as well and we have low humidity which used to lead to some stuck shed. Easy fix for us is to just mist our animals once a day when close to shedding and they have a full shed every time :)