View Full Version : picky eater question

02-17-2006, 12:37 AM
hey all,
i have a leo whos a picky eater. when i got him they told me that he would only eat the small mealworms so that is what i feed him. i have tried larger mealworms but he acts interested, licks them, and then walks away. he normally eats one at feeding time. i was just wondering if i should be worried or not. i have never tried crickets so i dont think its pinworms plus would he even eat if it was?
any advise would be greatly appreciated

02-17-2006, 01:02 PM
generally the more varied the diet the better off you are, you can try small king mealworms they re a little more beneficial or roaches esp tiny Blaptica dubia, Silkworms minimealworms are supposedly better and it seems the new Phoenix worm is popular
phoenix/ king meal worms= wormman.com(also your local pet store should carry king mealworms)
Silkworms= silkwormfarms.com(seems to be down) Mulberryfarms.com
mini mealworms=minimealworms.com
crickets are not one of the better feeders since there is not much nutritional value to them and pinworms like you said, I don't recommend wax worms either because they're supposedly easy to get hooked on. Butter worms are supposedly good but ive never tried them because of their price and lack of information on breeding them. I Personally use Roaches, Silkworms, and king mealworms as staples and mealworms from time to time.

02-17-2006, 02:05 PM
Aren't the kingmealworms the ones fed chemicals to keep them from pupating? Wasn't there a discussion about what those chemicals could do to the Leo since it is ingesting the same thing? I'm just wondering. I stay away from those. I feed raoches, supers, mealies, waxies, and pinkies.
Is your Leo only eating one mealie per meal?

02-17-2006, 02:14 PM
yeah he is but he doesnt really seem to be losing much weight so maybe hes eating them later but when i clean out his cage there is usually quite a few still in there

02-17-2006, 03:37 PM
Butter worms are supposedly good but ive never tried them because of their price and lack of information on breeding them.
From what I've learned, you actually cannot breed butters. They are all imported from Chile I believe, and the condition on them being allowed to be exported is that they are all sterilized by some form of radiation. Thus, any that you buy will pupate and form moths, but those moths will be sterile.

02-17-2006, 05:43 PM
I'm pretty sure the pupating chemical thing is a myth because if you follow the advice on the arachnoboards they pupate fine and mate.

02-17-2006, 05:51 PM

02-17-2006, 09:29 PM
I'm pretty sure the pupating chemical thing is a myth because if you follow the advice on the arachnoboards they pupate fine and mate.I think you misunderstood, the link you gave in your other post, they are talking about breeding Superworms, not Butterworms. HerpAddict is correct about Butterworms being "zapped" before being shipped. This kills all the bacteria they might carry and also sterilizes them so they can't breed. I have some Leos that really like Butterworms & some that won't try them.
Aren't the kingmealworms the ones fed chemicals to keep them from pupating? In most cases Kingworms are just another name for Superworms. But, I have seen Giant Mealworms (the ones to avoid) being sold as Kingworms. You just need to make sure the Kingworms are Zophobas Morios.

02-18-2006, 05:15 AM
I think you misunderstood my post I was responding to the kingworm/superworm post as I really know nothing about butterworms except for what ive heard and really couldnt respond one way or the other.

02-18-2006, 08:05 PM
wow, nothing like getting completely off topic...thanks fo all your help guys