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Thejollygreengiant's BOI CHECK
This page will initiate a search for Thejollygreengiant in FaunaClassifieds' Board of Inquiry forums.

Please note that the search will ONLY include BOI forums threads and try to match member's faunaclassified username ("Thejollygreengiant") and profile name ("John schwarz") in our database (if exists).

The search is EXACT and it will not match results with incorrect spelling or even slight differences. Eg. if searched member's name is "Andrew Doyle", it will only return posts with this exact title in it, but NOT posts which have "Andy Doyle" or "Andrew C.Doyle" in the title.

It should also be noted that search will only return results from the BOI forums if the search criteria is in the TOPIC line of threads within the BOI forums. The context of the threads themselves are not searched for matches.

For more flexible searching options and custom search parameters you can use forum search page here

To start BOI search for Thejollygreengiant, please click the button below: