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  • i happen to be selling an adult bearded dragon female I got from her as a baby. Check my page or the forums for the 2 awesome breeding pair I'm selling.
    Hi Its Chasing again ...No I am selling Many Reptiles I breed Dragons I am asking what do u charge for slight nips on average I have about 7 just wanted to know what t ask for those
    Hey girl! My lil girl beardie I got from you is doing great! She loves her crickets lol and she's starting to shed again :)
    I sent you a Pm and I hope you get it. A friend wants the little trans male you got from Brye. I have the little nipper female and trust me, she seems to like tails as a diet. LOL She got my leatherback female too, but now they are the best of buddies. Go figure. Let me know and I will send you the payment asap and I dont know if she will want to ship for him or just go pick up. Well let me know the paypal info. so I can send you the money asap. Thanks, Andrea
    I saw that you were from Illinois. I thought it would be nice to be able to contact some fairly close Beardie breeders if needed. :)
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