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  • even ask tito (allaboutbeardeds) or edwin from (dragonfortress) theyve delt with me n theyve had not a single issue with me. your the problem sean
    wheres the tracking number? i have saved every message from you and me back, yes ive said some foul words but ill show everything to its fullest thanks for not getting back to me for a full 7 days putting me through the ringer thinking you stole my money. bud so show me the tracking number i havent seen anything arrive at my house. good guy to do business with (sean) extremedragonz. you can even check MY trader rating on other sites (zilvia.net) and if you even met me in person you would know im a straight up guy who doesnt bullS#!t people and always follows through on my deals and i even hook people up with anything im selling and you just messaged me your gonna refund me and i dont even want the dragon at this point so take care sean dont screw anyone else over.
    listen here your a crazy person i have sent your dragon. if you want your refund its too late for that the dragon has been shiped thanks
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