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  • Webslave I would like to say thank you for all you do for us and this hobby. Keepin the garbage in check and the scammers out of here . . Woo hoo good work. I posted a coment on boi yesterday and forgot my full name . . . .yet again, which earned me a second infraction on that slip of memory. hhmore let me know that I could ask you to put my full name in my account so that me and my feeble mind do not have to remember to add it to the bottom of my boi posts?? If you could do that for me when you get back from hiatus that would be great!! I feel bad when you moderators have to waste time giving me infractions for something that I forget to do. Again sorry for the extra work. thank you for your time and a great place to do business.

    Brian Hettinger
    Aka 480 Pythons
    Mr. Sanders - I strongly suggest that you ask your attorney to become intimately familiar with the Communications Decency Act. I am pretty familiar with my own TOS here, but it sounds like neither yourself nor your attorney have actually read it.
    Hello, I have recently visited a lawyer here in PA about business stuff. One thing that came up were the postings about myself and dragonfortress.com through your BOI forum. It appears that there are some legalities that come along with the false comments that were made against me through your site. Not only are these statements false, but your TOS clearly states that there are several violations during the posts from other users. I have been informed that I do have legal rights in this situation. I am kindly asking that you remove the posts which contain false information and where there are several violations of your TOS from other users. If they are not removed appropriately, I will be forced to seek other means to have the slanderous information removed against me. These threads are contained in the BOI, and I am sure that if you read them, along with other completely unrelated posts, you will see they violate your TOS, but they remain on the board? Please let me know your intentions. Thanks

    Edwin Sanders
    Hi, 'Slave.' I know you're busy...sorry. This is 'Mayor Newton/Randolph James Linburg' and I'd like to know if it's 'kosher' that this 'Mick' (Fireside3) yesterday, as soon as he got off 'suspension,' edited his last post on this thread.(http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136668&highlight=Mick to add even more insults towards me? He writes:
    Basically, this accuser throws a hissy fit because I refuse to do business with him.

    He is NOT complaining that I took his money and he did not get a product.

    He is NOT complaining that he received a substandard product from me.

    He IS complaining that on the same day he placed his order ( after being rude and unreasonably demanding ) he received a full PayPal refund within hours of his payment, and I then asked him to do business somewhere else. My prerogative. Suck on it.

    Last edited by Fireside3; 07-11-2009 at 11:46 PM.

    One would think he would have understood to not post 'BOI-type' stuff on a 'regular' thread, after having been smacked for it once. Thanks for looking into it...I apologize, as I know you're busy. Mayor (Rj)
    I was banned for not having my name in my profile and posted on the BOI. Please add it for me so I dont get banned again.

    Jay Hayden

    Hi I was wondering if you could pm me about how or why im not
    receiving emails when someone replies to my adds thanks Keith
    I tried too leave positive feedback for someone and it would not let me? Was it suspended from before? Will I get it back? how do i get it back?

    Hi, how can I change my initials to my full name in my "about me" page so i can post on the board of inquiry? or am I still not able to do this? I have purchased some boas and would like to give credit to the outstanding ppl I dealt with, thank you
    Great site. I have found animals that I wanted, new friends and good information. Plus lately on the BOI I have had some comic relief. It sometimes seems like a daily soap with a lot of drama. Anyway keep up the great work with the site. And hopefully I stay out of trouble on here. Have a great evening.
    Based on the PM you sent me offroad, you are not making a very big effort to go in that direction. The next ban will be permanent instead of 1 week.
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