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  • i just posted about the sports that you put up. let me know if that's to negative for you. Sorry about the last message. I really thought i wasn't being mean. The 2nd to last post I wrote was more of a statement. Ill start thinking in my head before I talk with my hands if that makes any sense to you. Im really not here to be a dick. Ill try hard not to be a dick anymore.
    Hey Rich just a quick question. I saw that a thread i had posted on the BOI asking for some advice had been closed. May i ask why? I suppose it was not BOI worthy, but just was wondering as to where i should have posted it? I was inquiring on what i should possibly do as to a sale i had made. Just curious as i was not given a reason as to why it was closed, or possibly where is should have posted the question. If and when you have time please let me know. Thanks for your time,

    matthew watkins
    Nothing gets removed from the BOI if it is in compliance with the rules. It is completely up to the persons posting there to verify and be responsible for the accuracy and truthfullness of their own words.
    this poster joel has contacted you to remove this post http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128834 his money was in his paypal account the whole time!!! do you like the drama??? this was a mistake post, it should come down. you guys are so quick to let anyone say what they want. yet when something was admitttly put up here wrong you just let it stay..... joel says he asked you to take this down. why has it not been removed. Joel Adorno
    854 Anchor street
    Philadelphia pa 19124

    Mr. Webslave,
    Bill Lamoreaux here, I have served my 3 days and saw the complaint from
    gentelmen that was stating the same issue with Kingsnake.com posted in
    another thread. All I did was email him so he would be aware of the
    that seemed to fit his predicament similar my experience. He posted his
    on his original post on the other thread. Should I have sent him a private
    message via the message board to inform him of the information he
    solicited in the other thread? In the future do not want to break any
    rules and that is why I am asking for feedback as how to respond to
    posters in a private manner. I truely thought he would appreciate the
    information on how to reach Jeff Barringer that is posted on the Texas
    Better Business site showing his rating and contact information.
    Hey Rich, I reregistered as digiwalker because I couldn't remember this login info...well I found it. Is there any way to merge my digiwalker account to this one? I dont want to cause any identity confusion on your site.
    Just for the record, I do not reply to messages posted here that really need to be in the feedback forum.
    I have recently sold 2 snakes on here, but when the buyers have tried to give me a trader rating, they were being told they couldn't. Any reason why? I was able to give them one, and their rating has went up, but not mine. 3552thomas3552 was the most recent. I just want my number to reflect the amount of satidfied customers from the Fauna site. Thank you for the help.

    The one I rated was due to a trade, not a purchase. Thanks for the help.
    sorry to bother you but i thought i was sending a pm and accidently posted it in to thread is there anyways i can get my post deleted from that thread?
    Just curious about this. I just saw that Chris of TSE is posting. He is listed as Banned yet he is posting. How is this possible?
    John Quinones
    Dennis, I am a Fauna Classified virgin. I may want to post a cautionary tale, "Partnerships."
    I will do it in installments over a week or so. I do not plan to use any name but my own. I see it as a warning to others. Am I allowed to do so? In doing it, I believe I can abide by all rules. Before you answer me, you might want to check me out in google.

    I have a long history in herps going back to childhood in the fifties.
    Would really appreciate it if ya answered me at [email protected]

    I was wondering why I can't post a picture like everyone else is now? They can put a small picture by the title all I can do is use prefix's I paid to use Fauna :(
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