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bpc 10-15-2003 01:08 PM

Get involved folks.
I just finished a letter to the commissioners. I was sure to include the facts that I am a public school teacher in FL, and a member of the board of directors for the Central FL Herpetological Society. We need to make sure we let these people know that any such ban, will effect thousands of their constituents not just a few "weirdos" who don't vote anyway.

If you do decide to become involved DO NOT berate these people. Educate, involve, and interest them. Nothing hurts our cause more than emails full of curse words telling them how stupid they are. Let your leaders know that your right to keep reptiles is just as important you, as someone elses right to keep a dog or cat.

Bci Joe 10-15-2003 01:45 PM

Great start Brian - where can we send correspondence? thanks, Joe Rollo

'soon i'll have to register and license and vaccinate and warn the whole neighborhood about my goldfish!'

brucestephenson 10-15-2003 07:43 PM

Here is the URL for the article: http://www.baynews9.com/site/NewsSto...?storyid=26132

John, Thank you for your interest. Bruce Stephenson

brucestephenson 10-15-2003 08:31 PM

A friend who is a very long time, nationally known reptile dealer and breeder spoke to the Hillsborough County Attorney by phone today 10/15/03. The County Attorney said that while the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission had constitutional authority over wildlife that this is a limitation on all the Counties in Florida's abilities to impose Countywide bans on exotic pets.
Therefore the Hillsborough County Attorney was going to start contacting all the other County Attorneys in Florida to find a method of removing the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's Authority over the regulation of exotic pets.
After seizing this authority by a statewide vote to change the Constitution, or some other legal manuever, all the counties and cities in Florida could then ban all exotic pets and issue their own permits, licenses, and regulations.
I have doubly questioned my friend and he has assured me that this interview took place and is truthful. I leave it for everyone to decide for themselves, as he did not wish his name to be published at this time.

brucestephenson 10-16-2003 09:54 AM

As soon as I hear of an outcome of the Hillsborough County Commission meeting to ban reptiles and exotic pets, I will put it here on the BOI.
It is extremely interesting to note that on that day 10/15/03, The television stations began contacting various reptile breeders and dealers to get TV interviews on what they thought of the upcoming ban. Most, like myself, were stuck at work because of the lack of notice about the ban. However, I promise to gather in-depth information and provide it to everyone here.
Thank You ALL for your help and interest, Bruce Stephenson

brucestephenson 10-16-2003 07:21 PM

Here is the URL for an article on the Hillsborough County Commission meeting to Ban Exotic Pets of 10/15/03.
Thanks! Bruce.

brucestephenson 10-16-2003 07:32 PM

And here is the URL for the previous article so you can keep a clearer and closer reference as to what is going on. Bruce.

brucestephenson 10-16-2003 09:33 PM

Here is the sick and sad story of Russ Anderson who lived in a mobile home with his wife, four children, and at least 26 venomous snakes, when he was bitten 6 times by his ten foot black mamba:



Ken Harbart 10-16-2003 10:39 PM

I might be jumping the gun since we don't know the full story about the mamba envenomation, but I have to respectfully disagree with both the assertion that this will result in both the banning of herps in FL and the insinuation that Mr Anderson is grossly irresponsible.

1) What would lead you to think that this event will result in the banning of herps? This isn't exactly the first time that a person has been envenomated by a captive snake. Is there something special about this case that makes it different from all the rest?

2) From the article, it appears that Mr Anderson has a Venomous Reptile License. To obtain this license, he had to show 1,000 hours of hands-on experience with venomous reptiles, have at least two references, and be inspected by Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. From this, it could be a reasonable assumption that his enclosures and snake room met, at the very least, the state requirements.

3) If the state requirements for housing venomous reptiles were met, then there was no danger to his wife and children. Also, having children doesn't necessarily preclude one from responsibly keeping hots.

brucestephenson 10-16-2003 10:59 PM

Ken, I acknowledge the points you've made.
However, I have some reasoning behind my statement. I have some disturbing news. Mr. Anderson has claimed to a friend of mine and his that he has filmed two documenteries recently.
They are reenactments filmed by National Geographic, and one for Animal Planet.
My friend claims that Mr. Anderson stated that he swallowed some powerful prescription drugs for the documenteries to duplicate the medication he was on at the time of the mamba feeding.
What treatment will these shows give to their narrations?
Will there be a state or national backlash?
We can only hope for the best. And I hope that you are the one who is right. And I hope that my friend is completely mistaken.

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