Looking for chilabothrus fordii of any ages. I recently missed out on a pair of them on morph so now I’m more determined. lol. Please message if you have any you are interested in moving.
You can reach me at [email protected]
I’m not sure what all they work with, but E^2 (E squared) Exotics work with a lot of cobras. But I’ve seen them with some crotalus before too. You can find them on Facebook and message them. They respond pretty quick.
I have a 2022 female Louisiana Pine. Interested in getting a male with some size to it. Interested in possible breeding loans also and splitting offspring.
I have ≈ 2 year old 2 male Ctenasaura bakeri / Utila Island Spiny Tail Igauna for sale/trade. Both are pretty tame, will hand feed and crawl around on your shoulders and take food from you. They are handled daily and on exhibit at the Zoo I work at.
* I can provide photos for anyone...
Has anyone figured out a fix for the “This file is too large” whenever trying to post a photo with an ad? I’ve tried original photos, cropped photos, and screenshots. All still tell me my file is to large? I’m on mobile if that matters. Thanks for any help anyone may have.
I don’t disagree that the law makes it fair for everyone. But I also believe we are overtaxed. Taxed when you make money, taxed when you spend money, taxed when you sell something. Government has their hand in everything and the money doesn’t even stay in the US. 🤣
Hold it for up to 3 months or until you enter a business ID. You can pull it out whenever if you just let them take the 25%. After 3 months they just take the 25% and give you the rest if you don’t provide a business ID. If you give the ID it releases instantly. I believe once you enter your...
US law changes now require a 25% withholding for any goods&services transactions unless you enter a valid business ID. Some people probably just want to avoid taxes on transactions. I agree many people use other means to scam, but I personally did not realize the laws changes until I sold...
The “6000 people visit this site EVERY DAY” ad. I used desktop yesterday and it’s much smaller and does not prohibit you from using the rest of the webpage on desktop as it does on mobile. I tried to upload a photo of it on the screen, but the file was too large. But on mobile it takes up...
Is there anything that can be done to help with the new ad banner on the right hand side for mobile users? It pops up on every page, and nothing can be selected in the background without closing the ad on every single page that you click on. I understand the need for the ad, but it is a bit...
2.75” Carapace $110 each + shipping each.
4.5” Carapace $125 each + shipping each.
Can do discounts for multiples. All are siblings, but 2 different clutches.
Having trouble uploading photos. Files all say too large. Can send pictures to interested buyers.
Open to trades / partial trades for...
If you join the Turtle and Tortoise Preservation Group (TTPG) on Facebook and become a member there is a chance you could get given with one eventually. They can be donated or gifted across state lines without a CBW, just no commercial activity across state lines. The group will occasionally...
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