Hi everyone, i am looking for adult/subadult striped neck musk turtles (Sternotherus m. peltifer).
Please email me pics and price
Shipping to Oklahoma.
Thank you
Hi i am from europe and i am looking for some animals to add to my breeding groups.
Ronnie Hare will help me to keep my animals and he will export to me.
So u guys just need to ship to him.
I am looking for:
Pseudemys gorzugi any size
Pseudemys Rubriventris male
Pseudemys texana any size...
hi, i am looking for the following species: if possible adults or subadults
sonora mud (kinosternon sonoriense)
arizona mud (kinosternon arizonense)
durango mud (kinosternon durangoense)
yellow mud (kinosternon flavescens)
kinosternon alamosae
kinosternon subrubrum steindachneri
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