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    Photo Thread.

    Feel free to post some pictures of your own in this thread. Photo #1&2: female Pastel Lesser. Photo #3: female Black Pastel. Photo #4: male Albino Black Pastel.
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    Hoarders: (20 Snakes.) Patrick lives with more than 20 snakes and reptiles, including three reticulated pythons that are over 12 feet long...
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    Ball Python prices, and the overall condition of the Market.

    Let's try to have a civil discussion about Ball Python prices, and the condition of the market in general. I don't think anybody is intentionally trying to crash the market of their hobby, which is more then likely a market that they themselves are invested in to some degree.
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    Christmas Python
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    Good Guy acorsi / Angelo Corsi / Corsi Morphs Reptiles

    I just completed a trade deal with Angelo, and would not hesitate to work with him in the future. I traded some BP's for a Motorcycle. At first, I was going to travel from FL to CT, and we were going to make the exchange in person. I hate shipping live animals to begin with, and do not ship...
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    (TSK) Axanthic BumbleBee Pics

    Here are some recent pictures of the male TSK Axanthic BumbleBee that we produced this season. He does not seem to be browning out much, and seems to get cleaner with every shed. His High White sides are also really beginning to show. I can't wait to get some other CoDoms into this...
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    Good Guy Rafael Mirabal / Ralph319

    I recently completed a sale to Rafael Mirabal / Ralph319 here on Fauna. He was very easy to work with, and sent prompt email and text responses that were direct and to the point. No hassle, no haggle. Ralph is local to me, so we arranged to met up in person in order to complete the...
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    Good Guy Brian Zakarewicz

    I just recently completed a trade deal with Brian Zakarewicz, aka... bznj here on Fauna. Brian was willing to ship first in our transaction, and let me hold off on shipping my animals to him since I was planning a trip up North, and was hoping to be able to personally deliver them. (I would...
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    Good Guy Nicholas Valery / Nickrows

    I just completed a transaction with Nick Valery, aka... Nickrows here on Fauna. The transaction was flawless from start to finish. Very good communication, fast payment, and he let me know that the animals had arrived safe and sound, immediately after unboxing them. Thanks Nick. :thumbsup:
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    Family Tree.

    I posted a picture of a pup over in the BP Discussion forum, and he stole the show. Since I am not sure where the "off topic" line would be drawn, I decided to start a thread here in the proper forum to answer a couple of the questions that were asked, and to have it open for discussion. I had...
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    Is this a Paradox Blue Eyed Lucy ?

    It has one Blue eye, and half of it's face appears to be Paradox. Not sure what it is, but it just doesn't look normal to me. I guess it's just a Dinker. :dgrin:
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    Info Hets from Rick Denmon / Ball Boutique.

    I purchased a 1.1 pair of Spider 100%het TSK Axanthics from Rick Denmon of Ball Boutique in '07 and the female proved to be a true het this season. She was paired with a Pastel het TSK Axanthic, and produced an Axanthic BumbleBee and an Axanthic Spider.
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    Clutch #7 Pastel Lesser X Cinnamon (2 of 2)

    This was a 7 egg clutch from our Pastel Lesser boy X a female Cinnamon. We missed the Triple in a 4 egg clutch from the Pastel Lesser X Cinny earlier this month. This time, we were fortunate enough to hit on the Triple, but missed the elusive Normal again. Results: Lesser Pewter Lesser Cinnamon...
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    Clutch #5: Pastel Lesser X Cinnamon (1 of 2)

    This was a four egg clutch from a Pastel Lesser X Cinnamon pairing. We missed the Triple, and then thought for sure the Cinnamon was a Lesser Cinnamon when it was still in the egg. I just can't seem to get it right until they exit the eggs, and am starting to wonder why I even bother cutting...
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    Bad News: Axanthic BumbleBee Project.

    We bred our Spider 100%het SK Axanthic X our largest female Pastel 66%het SK Ax.(#1 of 3,) and we were thrilled when she gave us a nice ten egg clutch. Unfourtunately, We did not hatch out any visual Axanthics in this clutch. With such a large clutch and 1/4 odds of hitting an Axanthic on each...
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    Good News: Axanthic BumbleBee project.

    We just proved out some het SK Axanthics, and are thrilled with the results. We bred our male Pastel 100%het SK Axanthic to our female Spider 100%het SK Axanthic and got eight eggs. There was an Axanthic Spider in the clutch, so both of the 100%hets proved out to be true hets. There was also...
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    " Is day 1 too soon to cut. "

    We had quite the suprise from this pairing last season, when our Genetic Stripe male proved out to be a Het Albino. We had no idea that there was even a chance for him to be a het, and we were pairing him with our HC Albino female in order to produce Double Het Albino / Genetic Stripes, and...
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    BP Wrap

    My local rodent farm just got their delivery van "wrapped," and I think it's pretty cool. The van has a Normal Ball Python coiled around it, and it looks like the snake is constricting it. There is some other things going on in the wrap, but the BP rocks. I will try and remember to get a color...
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    Another Python Hunter.

    Not one of the three amigo's from the fact based TV show. This is an article on one of the other seven snake hunters authorized by the State of Florida to catch Burms in the Everglades, and it is laced with misinformation and fear tactics.. Here is the link to the article...