Search results

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    120gal tank

    I tried to find my last post but couldn't find it. I really need money so if you have a reasonable offer for a good size tank let me know. I'm sick of looking at it in my garage.
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    Sony PSP/ with all kind of stuff with it

    Sony psp with just about every thing you would need to get started: 2 cases one metal case and one kinda leather 2 cleaning clothes all the wires like data transfer car chager 2 pairs of head phones 2 memory cards one 512 mb one 1gig 2 games twisted metal and splinter cell essentials and some...
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    120 gal tank, 2 reptile tubs, and a snake shack

    I have a 1 120 gal. tank 2 VE-175 reptile tubs ( the big ones) and 1 snake shack from casey hulse 4 sale let me know if anyone is intrested THANKS BILL
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    wood cage heat?

    what are some good ways to heat a wood cage? if any one has some pics of the stuff they use that would be great.
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    For sale 120 gal. tank in ohio

    i have a 120 gallon tank for sale iam in norethfield iam willing to meet half way. i want 175 obo for it. the dieminsons are 60x18x26. thanks for looking.
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    Good Vets In Ohio?

    Anybody Know Any Good Vets In Ne Ohio I Need To Find Out If This Is Mouth Rott Soon As Possiable.
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    Help I Think My Dumeril Is Sick

    I Think My Dum Is Sick It Sounds Like A Hiss But Its Mostly When He Breaths Out What Can I Do I Need Help Fast? To Bad I Dont Know Much About This Snake Cause I Just Bought Him Of Help I Love This Guy Already And He Sounds Bad.
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    For sale or trade Esu reptile E-Z Ballast

    I have for sale or trade a ESU REPTILE E-Z Ballast system for 2 flouresent blubs of any size. I am looking for a thermostat.... thanks for looking BILL PS PIC IF NEEDED
  9. B good guys

    they are awesome good to wpork with and even droped the tubs off at my work! The best tubs out there if you ask me, huge when you see them in person.
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    would these be good to house large snakes in?

    i have 2 dumerils boas and need another cage are these good for large boas
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    Wanted 2 large snake cages in or around ohio

    I need 2 large snake cages tell what you have and how much.
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    Gmail invites

    Free Gmail Invites If You Say Please.
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    pro paintball gun and a King size waterbed matress

    paint ball gun:Eveything you need to hit the field and play.(except air in tanks) Aromtech WG-65 is one of the best markers on the market made for swat and milltary training. It looks and feels like a real M-16 or AR-15. All parts for a m16 will fit on this gun... go to
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    waterbed matress and paintball gun FS/T

    i have a king size waterbed matress bought a 1yr ago for 330.00 and an armotech (M-16,AR-15 replica)WG-65 one of the best paintball guns on the market used for miltary and swat training. every thing u need to get on the field and kick some butt. for sale or trade for cage or cages. email with...
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    Trade A Paintball Gun Or Waterbed Mattress For Cage(s)

    I Have A Painball Gun (armotech Wg-65) And A KING SIZE Water Bed Matress For A Med To Large Cages. HOPE No One Gets Mad For Me Posting This Here. Thanks Bill
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    quick question on housing a dumeril boa

    i have her in a 120 gal tank and iam getting redy to get another one for breeding. my ? is if i get rid of the tank how big should i build the cages any past plans or ways to build 2 stackable and heatable cages whould help. respond to this or email me at [email protected].
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    Wanted Proven Pair Of Dumerils Boas

    Wanted Proven Pair Or Proven Male Dumeril Boa IF ANY ONE KNOW WHERE I CAN GET OR HAVE ANY FOR SALE PLESE RESPOND TO THIS OR EMAIL AT [email protected] i recently found out that my dum is a female i would still like to find a pair but a breedable male will do fine.