Search results

  1. jason longboard

    Wanted Russian Rat Snakes

    Will anyone be having babies soon? Any for sale in the USA at all?
  2. jason longboard

    Looking to breed something again

    Thinking of breeding something again but not large scale, something that I like for personal pets, but may help pay a bill here and there.........I’ve got a male Xmas Mountai Bull/Gopher so kinda think about finding a female, I may do a pair of Black Pines, or Trans Pecos Rats.............I’ve...
  3. jason longboard

    Paypal info

    is it fairly safe to use paypal linked to your bank,,,its the only way I can do it right now.
  4. jason longboard

    youtube issue

    Does it take everyone for ever to load a vid onto youtube??????????????? Just a 40 second video.
  5. jason longboard

    Prehensile tail loss

    I have this thread going in a few forums, some good discussions so far and I would link to them but you need to be a member on the sites. So lets see what anyone here can add. Well, autotomy, when a tail is detached whether from predation or poor handling and so forth, most lizards regenerate...
  6. jason longboard

    Good Guy lagartixa

    She got my money order, sent me the 2 crested geckos the first available shipping day, got them overnight and so far so good. Nice packing. Clean little animals and she stayed in touch with me the entire time. :)