FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What method do you use to ship?
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Old 02-14-2004, 12:56 PM   #53
Ariborne accepts our packages and they know what is in them as we seal them right there at the counter and the staff always wants to see the baby lizards, but when I called the main office after hearing others say they had problems, the man there told me they will not ship them.

So I called UPS to set up an account, the first rep said they do not accept live animals, I called back later and talked to a supervisor, who put me through to one of the officers and he read the actual regulation to me, it states they do not ship venomous snakes or spiders, all other reptiles they will accept and he also stated they would make sure that information was corrected to the offices as there is a big misunderstanding on the part of their staff for this

So there is where it stands, I still use Airborne, I like the way the staff holds the animals and puts them on top for shipping and until they intercept one and not allow it, I will continue with that. But I have set up an account with UPS as a back up or shipping to southern states.