FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What method do you use to ship?
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Old 02-15-2004, 12:28 AM   #60
thomas davis

This is a copy of the message you sent to kingsnake.com Site Coordinator
hello i have noticed that you(PHWyvern)recently posted on faunaclassifieds.com's BOI('bout the porn links),i also understand that there is some differances in between ya'll two sites competition or something not really sure,but i do know its not allowed to metion or post about faunas BOI on any ks forums?,i would ask an exception to be made in one case on faunas BOI,there is a current thread/poll to get the shipping thing in our(herp)industry resolved once and for all the bigwigs from fedex,airboreex,ups are all reading it and need the feedback and numbers from breeders who ship, i would ask if i may or you post a link to that thread on the shipping forum of kingsnake.com forums,differances aside this matter is trully beneficial for the herp comunity as a whole please let me know if i may mention/post this on the shipping forum thanks for your time,,,,,,,,,thomas davis T&S reptile farm ETHSmember since '01,houston,tx,,,well i sent this and then relized it wasnt him that posted that here but someone copy/posted that from ks to here nonetheless, ifeel its impt. to get this message out and ks should at least allow mention of this on their shipping forum anyway hope it doesnt offend anyone sorry if it does,,,,,,,thomas davis T&S reptile farm,houstn tx,ETHS member since'01