FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - When did you start and why?
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:14 AM   #26
Two months ago my mother moved from NC to Tucson into a smaller house. In downsizing, she had to divvy up lots of family "heirlooms". I now have the baby book she kept (about me from birth until I started second grade) that, before now, I never knew even existed.

Here's a passage, "Laurie, at almost 5, loves to a fault all animals including bugs, bees, spiders and the works"

I do remember giving my dad a pocketful of earthworms one year for his birthday - he was probably less thrilled than I, lol.

By grade school, my idea of fun was traipsing the woods, creeks & fields outside our subdivision in search of wildlife and adventure. Poison ivy was my constant companion during the summer months