FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Stephen Carnicom (scarnicom) stole my milk money! (and killed my milk snake)
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Old 08-17-2010, 12:54 AM   #9
Terribly sorry about your snake. The poor thing must have been struggling to get out the whole trip. There is no excuse for what this guy did to you, and the snake (and I don't count ignorance as an excuse.) Maybe, he had no idea how to properly ship a snake, but I'm fairly sure he knows better than to ship a live snake 2-day insted of overnight, even if it was perfect weather conditions. He should have known he needed styrofoam insulation and a cool pack for this trip. He knew he shod have contacted you prior to shipping, to set up your preferred shipping methods, and a day that you would be available to recieve. Putting the wrong address could have been an honest mistake, but with everything else he did wrong, I highly doubt there is anything honest about this guy. I'm thinking that he wanted to be certain that this snake would not survive the trip. What a dirtbag.
Again, so sorry this happened - I can sympathize with you, I know how upsetting it is to open a box and find a the animal you've been waiting on dead. I really hope you get your money back too, and thanks for bringing this to our attention.