FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Grrrr, sensationalist newspaper articles
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:02 PM   #2
Darin Chappell
Hardly surprising that The Sun would be sensationalizing anything, but it is a shame that they used that cobra picture. I would be interested what specieis of spiders he actually kept. Although he apparently died from envomation from a black widow, the one "expert" cited said that the deceased had spiders that no home should have. Since, at least in the U.S., millions of homes have black widows in them, I wonder what types of spiders might be referrenced there.

Here in the Ozark Mts., something along the lines of 95% of all homes are estimated to have the Brown Recluse living in them. It's just a way of life for most of us to shake out our shoes/boots before putting them on in the morning.

I wonder if this guy had trapdoor spiders of some variety? The meanest animal I EVER saw was a trapdoor spider a friend of mine had. That crazy thing would jump out and try to stab you through the glass of its tank with BIG fangs, just dripping venom!

Any further ideas on that story?