FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Please read: Pending Lawsuit from Venomous Snake Bite
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Old 03-21-2004, 12:08 PM   #7
Two things to keep in mind I think.

Letting the kid use his mom's card. Without written permission from her to make the purchase I don't think it's legal unless he is a signer on the account. I have no idea if this will have anyting to do with your problem but you should check either with your credit card company or gubitz.

If you made the sale of a venomous reptile to a minor and allowed him to pick it up that could also be a problem for you. You'll need to check out your state laws, county laws, and city laws to see what your liability might be.

It does sound like a set up to me and I would be asking for emergency room records and go talk to the treating Doctor yourself and see what the kid had to say while he was there. If he was trying to set you up he may have been asking about lawsuits and what he would need to start one. Talk to the nurses on duty as well.

I think instituting a policy of no sales of venomous reptiles to minors under any circumstances is now warranted.

Good Luck on this one,
Wes Pollock