FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Gila Monster for Sale
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Old 03-04-2011, 07:38 PM   #1
Gila Monster for Sale

One Gila Monster for sale - it is a "pet", if you will, and I have no idea what the sex of the animal is. Buyer pick-up in southeast Louisiana, or alternately, legally shipped at your expense. Basically, I have no idea what the pre-requisite/protocol is for shipping a venomous animal, and for all I know it may not be something that is ever done (I doubt that, though, as surely there must be some shipping carrier that serves venomous deliveries - I would expect that an airline would like as not be the best resource to use. If it's to be shipped to you instead of being picked up locally, you would be responsible for shipping charges, fees, etc., and for any "specialty" packaging material/cages. Plus, you would need to advise me which carrier to use, how to assure legality, etc. Asking price for this animal is $895.00 plus all shipping costs/incidentals

PM/email me with any and all questions, comments, and/or details.