FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Can't seem to reply in my own threads...
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Old 03-11-2011, 11:29 AM   #328
Clay Davenport
Originally Posted by a153fish View Post
This thread is quite long. I'm sure this question has already been answered but I don't have time to read this entire thing. I just posted an ad, but I am not a paid member. I had a question about shipping. I answered that question on the thread. Was this an infraction? I am not clear on the issue! I'm not trying to bump my ad, just answer a question.
No, it's perfectly fine to answer questions pertaining to the sale within the ad if that's how you choose to respond to them.
Negotiating the specifics of the sale with a potential customer is different than posting for the purpose of bringing the ad to the top of the section.