FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Breeding size of adult female boas
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:31 AM   #18
I see where you are coming from... Some babies, is better than no babies at all...

Personally, I would not risk breeding a small female... I would try to get some size on YOUR until the breeding season, and if she is not at 10 lbs. I would NOT breed her...

Let me ask you... What is her feeding regimen? How often and how much?

This is one of my smaller breeder females Salmon Hypo, Het Sunglow... She is now at 6-1/2 ft long...

She was breed to a Sunglow Male... This is what she produced this year...

8 Possible Super Sunglows
1 Albino
8 Possible Super Salmon Hypos, Het Sunglows
4 Normals, Het Albino
3 Slugs
2 Still Borns

Sometimes waiting an extra year is better for the female and you get more babies too...

Regards, Luis

PS I still prefer quality, over quantity...