FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - 2 ball python hybrid questions.
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:37 PM   #18
Originally Posted by ThomasHicks View Post
Morphs and hybrids really aren't terribly different in concept. I never understood why all of these morph owners would always come out of the woodwork to complain about new hybrids being created while new morphs are cropping up all over the place.

One could just as easily argue that morphs are also created out of "selfishness" to generate profits, they're pointless, unnatural, ugly and just made "to look cool."

I'd be able to understand if you were opposed to morphs as well as hybrids, but this post is so ridiculous I can't help but chuckle.

You must not understand where I am coming from..... let me break it down for you..... I don't like hybrids because it can't happen in the wild. A Burmese python could never mate with a ball python IN THE WILD. A Green Tree Python could never mate with a ball python IN THE WILD. A Blood could never mate with a ball python IN THE WILD. Also, last time I checked, a few morphs can occur in the wild so there goes that concept. I don't have any objections to breeding a fire ball to a fire to create a lucy. It is just a morph, not a whole different animal such as a burm to a ball. You don't know how hybrids could affect the animals health in the long run.

Also, morphs being "ugly" is your opinion. When it comes to ball pythons, morphs are way cooler than a normal ball, but when it comes to carpet pythons, I still think the wild types are beautiful snakes, I just happen to like morphs as well. As for the profit for morphs, yeah, I think it is selfish to price any snake for $30,000 plus dollars but guess what??? People buy them so oh well. I would never price a snake that much because I didn't get into reptiles for the money, I started keeping snakes when I was 6 and I do it because I love snakes and they are my passion in life. Like I said, last time I checked, some morphs of certain snakes do occur IN THE WILD, but I have never heard of a ball python mating with a burmese python or Green Tree python, or blood python, or a retic IN THE WILD. Huh? Imagine that. I think I can recall a Albino gator being found IN THE WILD. I think I can recall a Leucistic rat snake being found IN THE WILD. Thanks for your opinions though. They also make me chuckle.