FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Inbreeding taking a toll on albinos?
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Old 05-09-2004, 08:33 PM   #91
I saw that ad the other day and was bothered by the fact that they were being sold as a 1.1 pair giving the impression that the buyer could breed them in the future and possibly continue this trait/deformity with clutches where BOTH parents are missing eyes.
I do not personally belive that the one eyed albinos and hets should be bred at all because of the possibility of continuing this trait (if it could be passed).
Maybe sell them at a serious discount seperatly as pets but not a pair of them with the impression that they should be bred to eachother.

Does anyone else think that they should not be bred at all?
Do you think that if they are bred to unrelated snakes, the deformity will go away?