FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - ID of awesome Pit at expo
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Old 07-02-2011, 03:34 PM   #2
Its a normal upper midwest bullsnake-an especially nice one with clear yellow ground color and very saturated black markings, but it does not really have morph status. I have seen animals like that collected from IA, IL, WI, IN, MN. No reason you could not breed for those characteristics, but those of us from those states don't usually bother due to the regulations. I have seen hatchlings offered for sale for under $50 on the various reptile classifieds sites, but as hatchlings, you cannot be sure they will look exactly like this as adults. I have not seen many of this high contrast. There is a lot of variation. I have always thought that they were the most underappreciated colubrids in the hobby.
Not rare, but you may want to find out if you can legally own/breed/sell them if you live in any state that P. catenifer sayi is indigenous to. It does not look like you live within its range.