FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY DRAGON?!
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Old 08-17-2011, 04:33 AM   #2
Originally Posted by AtrociousOne View Post
Ok, so two days ago I noticed my dragons eye looking a bit goopy, so i took the sand out and put paper towels in, and hoping that was the issue. hot side is 100 degrees and cool side is about 75-80. UV, fresh salads daily and crickets once a week, and she's in a 90 gallon oceanic lizard lounge. It's starting to clear up but i wanna know if maybe it was something else, I've heard it could be a vitamin deficiency, but it's only the one eye. Please help!

this is her other eye, like i said, clear, it's just the one. could it have just been some sand stuck in her eye?

keep it clean. You can also get some eye ointment on. I found some on kingsnake. I was searching around, and ran into on the main page while I was looking for a store to get it from. Dont remember where I got it though. Keep the dragon off substrates and keep it away from stick. since there is something wrong with the eye the dragon may try rubbing it on something. only making it worse. If you can find the eye meds lemme know. I will try and hunt it down.