FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - I am SO upset right now!
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Old 08-20-2011, 12:55 AM   #3
If it's any consolation, Steve, I was on top of the odds.....3 eggs, cut, showing 2 lesser enchis and 1 that looked to be either a lesser or queen bee; 7eggs, slit by babies, with 4 awesome enchis; and 7 eggs that were 2 weeks from hatching that showed, by candling - 2 killer bees, 1 bee, 2 super pastels and two I couldn't really tell.....all of which died within a 36 hr period, before any of them made it out of the egg.
No idea what happened. There was no crazy temp spike, and no obvious reason for those babies to have died. I had two other, non BP clutches, in the incubator - they weren't as far along, but I'm thinking that those are probably dead, too.
My egg season went from awesome to absolute crap, basically overnight, without explanation.