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Thread: New JCP
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Old 10-04-2011, 09:27 AM   #6
Carpets can be nippy/aggressive when they are younger. They should grow out of it with age. I just got a coastal last week and he is aggressive as can be in the cage and out. When I take him out, he tries to strike at me and bite me and he is a little over a year old. Most grow out of it but a few don't and they will stay aggressive or nippy, whatever you want to call it. The more you hold them, the quicker they "should" calm down. I had a Coastal Jag that was almost two years old and very aggressive and then I had a Irian Jaya that was a few years old and never tried to bite and he was as nice as any snake out there.

As I speak, my coastal has been staring me down for at least 10 minutes in the strike position lol. He wants to tag me in my face!! Just be patient with your new carpet and see what happens.

Very nice snake btw.