FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - R.I.P Chuck Kimmel (critical bill) :(
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Old 10-10-2011, 09:29 PM   #155
I am still shocked that everyone on here is saying i'm a bad person or abusing my authority for being in law enforcement. I did not work as a law officer back then, and even if I had, it is totally irrelevant. What DOES BOTHER ME, is everyone saying I didn't care about the animals. The point everyone is missing is the fact that chuck lied about animals having tong marks or whatever on them. I would have never accepted or sold an animal like that, and nobody ever can say they got an animal like that from me. I never "abused" my position or did anything dishonest. I never illegal threatened Chuck "Critical Bill", I did ask him many times to stop slandering me and did state I would show up at his place, I never threatened him with physical harm, just wanted to do a face to face and retrieve some box turtles he didn't want to pay for and would not return. I hope everyone on this site can stop bashing me when you don't know the facts. And if you want to talk bad about me when I'm dead, that's ok, especially if it is the truth, but unlike others ensure you speak the truth about someone by having first hand information, no hearsay or second hand information. There has yet ever been anyone ever talk bad about me, because I have never wronged anyone, and nobody has ever claimed as such. One final thought, we are all held accountable for what we did in life. I hope everyone can judge me from first hand experiences and not false information. What do I have to do on here to prove I am a decent person?